
Chapter 1052

Great Desolate World, Heavenly Court.

On this day, outside the Nantian Gate, the purple air came thirty thousand miles east, the rays of the sun were everywhere, and the auspicious beasts were screaming together.

Nine golden dragons whizzed over, and the sage of the upper qing dynasty sat on the agarwood chariot of the nine dragons, his power shaking the sky.

At this time, both the heavenly court and the great supernatural powers from all sides were shocked, and they all looked up at the sky, with extremely complicated emotions.

"that is not"

"Sage of the Supreme Purity!"

"Why did the sage of the Qing Dynasty come to our heaven?"

"Could it be that you are here to trouble His Majesty?"

"It's also possible that he came to see his apprentice?"

"Hush carefully"


At the same time, in the Bajing Palace of Taiqing Realm, Yuxu Palace of Yuqing Realm, and Wahuang Palace, several saints cast their eyes one after another, not knowing what the saints of Shangqing wanted to do.

Inside the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor stood on a high platform, looking at the sky with a solemn expression.

Not long after, the Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot on which the sage of the Shangqing was riding had already stopped outside the Nantian Gate.

The sage of Shangqing in a black Taoist robe stepped out of the Chenxiang chariot with his hands behind his back, his sleeves waving lightly.

In an instant, the sky filled with immortal energy, turning into auspicious clouds and floating.

Nine golden dragons raised their heads and roared, baring their teeth and claws, guarding the sage of Shangqing and slowly entered the Nantian Gate.

The four heavenly kings stationed at the Nantian Gate stiffened, not daring to stop them at all, they could only respectfully bow and salute: "Meet the sage of the Supreme Purity!"

"Flat body."

An indifferent voice spewed out from the mouth of Shangqing Sheng, and then he walked towards the heavenly court.

But at this time, the Heavenly Court was already in chaos, for fear that the sages of the Qing Dynasty would come to make troubles in the Heavenly Court and trouble the Jade Emperor.

Unexpectedly, the saint walked slowly, directly into the Tiangong group, and stopped in front of a small palace.

"That's the residence of Empress Sanxiao!"

Someone whispered something.

The rest of the people were all puzzled, what did the sage of the Shangqing come to find Empress Sanxiao?

"Hey! What Miss Sanxiao, she sounds nice, but it's just a fairy girl who is in charge of the world, who manages the toilet and gives birth to children. Compared with the stars, she is far behind!"

A human immortal recruited by the Heavenly Court who was newly ascended rolled his eyes and said disapprovingly.

Although they have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, they are newcomers to the fairy world after all, and have never seen Sanxiao.

How did they know that San Xiao, as a saint disciple, had a lofty status, which they could never slander.

Only those immortals who have experienced the calamity of conferring gods and practiced in the Great Desolate World for many years can deeply understand the horror of Sanxiao.

Although it is well known that Kong Xuan in the past, and now King Peacock Daming is known as the No. 1 sage.

But very few people know that Empress Yunxiao, one of the three heavens, is the one who has the most hope of becoming a saint.

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense!"

An old fairy scolded angrily.

The newly ascended human immortal was quite unconvinced, and was about to argue a few more words, when suddenly, the Shangqing sage, who was about to step into the palace, paused and looked back slightly.

In an instant, like ten thousand swords piercing through the heart, the newcomer felt cold all over his body, as if his whole body was in an ice cellar, extremely cold.

"Who were you talking about just now?"

An indifferent voice came, like a thunderclap.

After the words fell, an indescribably vast sense of oppression enveloped everyone's hearts.

That feeling is like facing a towering and majestic mountain descending. It seems that only a little force is enough to crush yourself and disappear forever.

"Holy saint!"

The new renxian was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, his legs became weak, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop, trembling all over.

And the many immortals beside him also changed their colors one after another.

Especially those immortals who had recently ascended, they were even more horrified and trembling.

"Master Sage is merciful. These newcomers don't know the rules and offended Mistress Sanxiao. You, my lord, have a lot of them. Please spare them."

The old immortal who had scolded the new immortal before, stepped out bravely and said, interceding for the new immortal.

The sage of Shangqing glanced at the old fairy lightly, and then looked at the new fairy who was prostrate on the ground, trembling, with a look of disgust between his brows.


He only heard a cold snort, and in an instant, the novice immortal trembled violently, followed by bleeding from seven orifices, and his body collapsed.

Just a look of disdain, actually stared at a human immortal to death!


In an instant, everyone in the heavenly court gasped, and they all fell silent.

The sage of Shangqing really had a violent temper, and he killed a human immortal with just one look, which is really terrifying.

"Saint calm down!"

The old immortal who scolded the new immortal was also sweating profusely at this moment.

"That's it."

When the indifferent voice came, the old god was relieved.

"I cut off teaching disciples, even if they enter the Heavenly Court, they are still disciples of this seat!"

The sage of Shangqing slammed the ground, looked around, and his eyes paused for a moment on the Lingxiao Palace.

When he came to the Heavenly Court this time, he was telling the immortals that the disciples of Jiejiao should not be humiliated!

"Yes, follow the decree of the saint!"

Those newly promoted immortals all nodded in agreement at this time, expressing their understanding.

The sage of Shangqing glanced at everyone indifferently, then flicked his sleeves and stepped into the palace in front of him.

After he left for a long time, there was gradually a human voice in the heavenly court.

"Mistress Sanxiao"

"How do they exist? Why do they let the saint come in person?"

Many immortals who had just ascended were puzzled, but with endless envy, they looked at the small palace.

"Miss Sanxiao is a disciple of a sage of the Qing Dynasty, and her status is honorable. You must be cautious in your words and deeds in the future, and remember that disaster comes from your mouth!"

A golden fairy spoke up, kindly admonishing him.

"Hey, it's a great luck for us Loose Immortals to be able to join the Heavenly Court after ascending."

An old fairy sighed with regret on his face.

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