
Chapter 1038 Little Beauty, Don't Run!

Yuanba Shengzi looked at Luqi lying on the ground, and fell into deep thought.

He, Li Yuanba, was used to being wild and rampant. When had he come into close contact with these delicate female cultivators?

If he just ignored her and let her fend for herself, he couldn't bear it.

But thinking about the scene of Lu Qi following behind him in the future, he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling, and blurted out: "What a burden!"

Lu Qi just woke up from a coma, and what caught her ears was the exclamation blurted out by Shengzi Yuanba, she couldn't help curling her lips in grievance, tears were about to fall.

Shengzi Yuanba lowered his head when he heard the voice, and what caught his eyes was her aggrieved appearance, tears on the verge of tears.

He couldn't help but took a step back, touched the goosebumps on his arms, and said viciously: "If you cry again, I will throw you away, and my son will not care about you anymore."

Startled, Luqi hurriedly put away her tears, and shook her head obediently.

"I promise, I will never cry again."

After finishing speaking, she rubbed her eyes carelessly with her sleeve, and then got up quickly.

Shengzi Yuanba rolled his eyes and shook his head helplessly: "Let's go, go over there and have a look."

After that, he stepped forward with his long legs and walked in the direction of Ao Qianmiao.

However, it is said that Jin Ling and the others also encountered beauty tricks, but their reactions were different.

Among them, Jin Ling moved the fastest.

He was searching for the whereabouts of the mirage beads, but suddenly heard a soft call from behind: "Fellow Daoist, are you looking for a concubine?"

Jin Ling paused and turned around slowly.

As soon as I saw it, I saw a woman wearing a tulle with half of her fragrant shoulders approaching, she smiled lightly, her eyes were charming and seductive.

When a normal man sees this scene, even if he is not moved, at least he will swallow his saliva, and maybe there will be a little emotion.

Unfortunately, Jin Ling is not an ordinary person.

After a glance, his hand had already landed on Jinghong Sword.

Seeing that Jin Ling didn't open her mouth to scold her, the corner of the woman's mouth curled up, as if she had seen Jin Ling prostrating under her skirt.


The woman just yelled out a sentence, and what responded to her was a golden sword light piercing the sky.

The sword light was like a tide, instantly enveloping the woman.

In an instant, the woman screamed, her body turned into a blood mist and dissipated, her soul disappeared, and only a storage ring fell out.

All this happened very quickly. After the woman's body had completely dissipated, the surroundings had returned to calm. Only the storage ring showed that someone had been here before.

With a flick of the Golden Spirit Sword, he picked up the ring and put it into the cave.

Afterwards, he raised his head and glanced coldly at the void, and walked in another direction again.

But Ao Qianmiao's situation is completely different from his.

As one of the only female cultivators who joined the battle, Ao Qianmiao was naturally warmly received by these female cultivators.

She carried Qingping on her back, and held the Purple Lightning Blue Frost in her hand, holding the sun and moon beads on her back, carefully looking for the whereabouts of the mirage beads in the illusion.

Unexpectedly, a charming smile came from behind: "Oh, where did this little beauty come from? She looks so handsome. My heart, my sister, beats every time I see you."

Hearing this, Ao Qianmiao couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and slowly turned her head.

But he saw an enchanting woman with a hot body, a gorgeous appearance, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin standing behind him, as if she wanted to plot against him.

She squinted her phoenix eyes, and glanced at the woman indifferently.

Unexpectedly, at this glance, the woman immediately twisted her waist, the fiery red dress fluttered in the wind, revealing her snow-white jade legs.

She rubbed her jade legs, covered her cheeks shyly, and panted delicately: "Ah, it's so seductive, my sister's soul is going to be taken away by you!"

With a twist of her body, like a butterfly wearing flowers, she came to Ao Qianmiao's side in an instant, stretched out her snow-white jade hand, and touched Ao Qianmiao's face.

Ao Qianmiao frowned, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Her figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

I have to say, I don't know how many yuanhuis I have lived in the past and present, but this is the first time a woman wants to get her attention.

This experience is also a bit strange.

Therefore, she did not act immediately.

The woman rushed to nothing, but she was not discouraged, she said coquettishly: "Little beauty, don't run away, she is so beautiful, why are you willing to hurt her, come and let my slave comfort me."

As soon as she finished speaking, her figure was like a phantom, chasing after Ao Qianmiao's figure.

Seeing that she was sticking to her like a brown candy, Ao Qianmiao frowned slightly, her dragon power loomed, and her movement was a little faster than before.

"Huh? It's actually a dragon? No wonder you're so arrogant!"

Although she said so on her lips, she was secretly happy in her heart.

As a dragon, this little beauty must have a huge dragon essence. If she is sucked dry, it will definitely help her advance.

Thinking of this, the female cultivator in red became more excited, and her speed increased a lot.

"Little beauty, don't run away, stop quickly, my sister is very gentle," she giggled coquettishly, "Don't worry, I will take care of you comfortably, and I will never let you suffer."

The corners of Ao Qianmiao's mouth twitched, and she cursed a bitch inwardly, but her speed didn't slow down at all.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you"

The female nun in red persistently entangles Ao Qianmiao, which annoys her very much.


The Zidian Qingshuang sword suddenly came out of its sheath, the tip of the sword flashed a purple-blue sword light, and slashed towards the female cultivator in red.

Where did the red-clothed female cultivator think that Ao Qianmiao would do it without saying a word, and she was startled.

However, her cultivation base is not weak, and she hastily dodged the sword with a quick body dodge.

"What a powerful sword light."

Shock appeared on the face of the shaving woman in red, and then greed appeared in her eyes.

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