
Chapter 1018 Dojo

The army came under pressure and came to the foot of Yujiao Mountain again.

Just about to cross the mountain, but didn't want to, Fairy Qinglian raised her plain hand lightly, stopping everyone's progress.

Zhang Wenyuan's eyes froze, not knowing what kind of medicine this Qinglian Fairy was selling in her gourd.

When Fairy Qinglian crossed the catastrophe, although he was not in front of her, he watched from afar, so he naturally knew that she was a friend rather than an enemy.

It's just that, now that the army is fighting, he only obeys the eldest prince's orders, and no one can go beyond the eldest prince's orders to him.

Zhang Wenyuan paused, then turned to look at Yuechen.

Seeing this, Yuechen shook his head slightly, signaling him not to act rashly.

"How about Mr. Yuan?"

He was also a little curious.

Fairy Qinglian looked up at Yujiao Mountain with a heavy look in her eyes.

"This mountain has been implicated by me. For hundreds of millions of years, not a single blade of grass has grown, and all life has died. If I want to leave, I will naturally take it with me. It will be my dojo in the future!"

She sighed and said slowly.


Hearing this, Yuechen raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Are you going to build a dojo on this mountain?"


Fairy Qinglian nodded and continued: "I was born and grew up on this mountain, and I don't want to change the mountain."

After finishing speaking, she waved her bare hand, and the entire Yujiao Mountain rose from the ground. With the flash of yellow light, it turned into a small mountain peak and stood in the void.

Fairy Qinglian's body is rooted in the mountain peak, exuding bursts of divine brilliance.

At the place where Yujiao Mountain originally stood, a huge sinkhole had appeared at this time.

In an instant, the turbid ground water surged out, quickly filling up the huge pit, and a boundless lake appeared on the spot.


Rays of rays of light bloomed from the mountain, and the infinite Dao Yun appeared, enveloping the entire mountain.

In the end, the entire Yujiao Mountain turned into a palm-sized mountain, suspended in front of Fairy Qinglian.

Finally, she plucked a black silk from her temples, strung up the mountain, and hung it between her skirts.

And this scene stunned everyone.

At this moment, no matter the enemy or us, they all stared blankly at the sudden appearance of the big lake in front of them, somewhat unable to recover.

All this happened so fast, Taoist Hexuan had just led the reinforcements to the other side of Yujiao Mountain, when such a change happened, he was so scared that he thought that the other party had appeared again, and almost ran away.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Shen Gongbao secretly grabbed him, and he was able to stabilize himself. At least he didn't lose face.

He glanced at Shen Gongbao gratefully, took a deep breath, and then turned his head to look behind him.

Behind him, there are dozens of beautiful, charming and enchanting young girls in colorful pink clothes and intoxicating fragrance of flowers.

It's just that these girls no longer have the domineering and superior appearance they had before.

They also looked at the big lake that suddenly appeared in front of them in amazement, and finally, they set their eyes on Yuechen and the others in the distance.

At this time, a female cultivator in red who was at the front of these girls suddenly said, "Is that person Yuechen, the eldest prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

There seemed to be a stickiness in her voice, the blood of the male cultivators in Gou's team was throbbing, their bones were itching, and they wished they could pounce on her and hug her to bite her.

Hearing this, Taoist Hexuan and Shen Gongbao looked at each other with complicated and unspeakable emotions.

Not for anything else, just because these beautiful female cultivators are all the direct disciples of the elders of the Hehuan Sect, and they all have extraordinary identities.

Especially the leading female cultivator in red, who turned out to be the disciple of Empress Yumei, the head teacher of the Hehuan Sect, the next successor of the head teacher of the Hehuan Sect, the Holy Maiden of Love!

These female cultivators just came here, and they shouted and drank four times, and they simply didn't pay attention to these male cultivators.

Even Taoist Hexuan failed to get a good look from them.

The reason is that Taoist Hexuan suffered a defeat, which made them want to come out to trick the enemy.

In normal times, it would be easy to use this beauty trick, nothing could be easier.

However, now that the two armies are confronting each other, they are playing tricks on the local commander. If they succeed, let it go. If they don't, they will probably be sacrificed to the flag.

However, the teacher's order cannot be violated. For the next position of head teacher, they can only show [-] points of their skills and risk their lives!

Next to him, Shen Gongbao watched the play calmly.

He was a little conflicted, he wanted to watch a play, but he was also afraid that Yuechen had really fallen into a beauty trick and lost the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At that time, he will not be hated to death by the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

Therefore, he hesitated for a moment, and secretly decided to pass on the news when the time came.

But at this time, Taoist Hexuan heard the words, looked in the direction she pointed, and nodded slightly: "Yes, it is him!"

The Holy Maiden of Love covered her lips and smiled, her voice was extremely charming: "No wonder, I have seen this person on the battlefield outside the territory. He fought against demons, but he is very heroic."

She tilted her head slightly, and smiled coquettishly at the girls behind her: "You sisters are blessed, if anyone can take him down, if nothing else, the joy of fish and water will not be in vain for you all."

Hearing this, all the girls secretly rolled their eyes to hide the disdain in their eyes.

The story of the Saintess of Huanqing coveting life and fearing death on the battlefield outside the territory, and being extremely despised by others has spread all over the Qingwei Great World, and I still look at them and don't know.

It deserved that even that reckless Son Lei Mie looked down on her, it was a total embarrassment to the Hehuan Sect.

I don't know what the empress thinks, but she still protects her in every possible way.

Really hateful!

After thinking about it, they still complimented her: "Sister Huanqing said that this prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty is indeed a talented man with a high level of cultivation. If you sisters spend a good night with him, you will definitely gain a lot!"

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Hurry up!"

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