
Chapter 1010


The sound of Qingyue's sword resounded through the void, and a blue light burst out suddenly, illuminating half of the sky, directing the punishment of heaven!


The next moment, the creatures in the entire Qingwei Great World seemed to hear a cry, and a wave of grief and indignation spread between the heaven and the earth.

All the creatures raised their heads in a daze, looking at the emptiness in bewilderment.

"Brother Dao, should I stop it?"

In a cave with scattered clouds and light, Daoist Cangling sat on it with his eyes slightly downcast, while Daoist Lei Ze frowned slightly and asked worriedly.

Hearing this, Daoist Cangling raised his eyelids and looked at him quietly, then shook his head slightly: "The way of heaven is too much!"

"Brother Dao, what do you say?"

Daoist Lei Ze opened his eyes wide in an instant, and asked in surprise.


Daoist Cangling sighed inwardly, thinking that although Lei Ze's mind is not very bright and all his cleverness has been used in his practice, he still calls him brothers and sisters anyway, and he doesn't want him to be evil if he doesn't understand. Abandoning the leader of the Tongtian sect, he provoked a great enemy for nothing.

"Day 49, Tianwei [-], the one that escapes is the only chance of survival."

Daoist Lei Ze nodded again and again, expressing his understanding.

"The elm tree survived the punishment of heaven once before. It is reasonable to say that the catastrophe has passed, and it has a good fortune. However, the law of heaven is selfish and does not want her to become enlightened. That's why this second punishment of heaven came about."

At this point, Daoist Cangling's brows turned cold, and he continued: "But, although this fleeing one cannot be seen, it has not disappeared. The foundation of establishing a religion is to intercept that ray of life, which is the ultimate way of life." Public, but the way of heaven is private. It should be written like this!"

These remarks were so shocking that Daozun Lei Ze was a little dumbfounded.

After a long time, his chaotic mind found a glimmer of inspiration, and murmured: "The way of heaven is selfish, why not, why not cut off its selfishness and make up for the way of heaven!"


Daoist Cangling's complexion changed, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Don't mess around!"

Daoist Lei Ze didn't say a word, he just stared at the Heaven's Punishment that had not receded, not knowing what he was planning.


The Heavenly Dao wailed, the thunder struck, and the Qingping sword flew out.


The woman in green couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, which splashed on the Qingping sword again.

There was a gap in the sky, and blood rained down.

However, this matter is not over!

"Cut again!"

The woman in green shouted angrily, and the Qingping sword flew out again, slashing fiercely at the opening, tearing it even bigger.


There was a violent humming sound from the sky and the earth, the endless sea of ​​thunder surged, and the mourning sound resounded through the sky and the earth.

Seeing that the last catastrophe was still to come, and there was only a trace of her connection with the heaven, the woman in green's face gradually became ferocious, her eyes were red, and she was full of murderous aura.

"Cut! Chop! Chop!"

She roared again and again, urging Qingping sword desperately.


A huge thunder came, bringing destructive sky fire towards the woman in green, swallowing her instantly.

At the same time, the Qingping sword flew towards him, slashing fiercely at that gap!


There was a cracking sound that resounded through the soul, and the gap couldn't withstand the violent attack of Qingping Sword after all, and it exploded.


The blood rained down all over the sky, and the Heavenly Dao wailed endlessly.

That gap has not been closed for a long time.


The thunder exploded, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, a terrifying air wave swept towards the surroundings, annihilating the surrounding mountains, rocks and land instantly, and the continuous peaks disappeared in place in an instant.


A violent flame rose up, drowning the woman in green and the elm tree, vowing to burn her to ashes!

"Will she be burned?"

Ao Qianmiao bit her lips tightly, her expression was full of panic, the previous resentment had long since disappeared.

"Shouldn't it? This has already cut off the connection of the heavenly way. As long as you survive this last catastrophe, you will be considered accomplished. If you fall at this time, wouldn't you die in peace?"

Yuechen touched his nose, and said somewhat uncertainly.

Hearing this, Ao Lin rolled her eyes at him, and comforted her daughter, "Don't worry, my son, it's not the first time that Yushu has experienced the punishment of God. If we have some experience, we won't be able to intervene. We can only wait and see how it changes."

What she said was logically correct, but the sky punishment experienced by the woman in green was relatively mild last time, and no sky fire fell.

But this time, not only was the power of Heaven's Punishment even stronger than before, but the last Heaven's Punishment was actually Heavenly Fire Tribulation.

As we all know, wood can defeat fire, no matter how long the spirit wood has been practiced, it is afraid of flames, let alone sky fire.

Even though she had rebelled against her innate nature and became an innate spiritual root, she was still restrained in the face of Tianhuo.


The sky fire raged, wrapped the woman in green and the elm tree together, and burned inch by inch.


The woman in green kept screaming, and her whole body was burned to the point of pain, so she could only continue to radiate the breath of generation to repair her body.

However, as soon as the breath of life came out, although it could repair the wounds on her body, it also fueled the fire. The woman in green was miserable and could only support herself desperately.

Beside her, the elm tree was also on fire.Soon, it burned to ashes.

Without her body, the woman in green is even more difficult to support.

In the flames, she rolled, her limbs were scorched, and there was no good flesh in her body.

But she still glared at the sky and screamed bitterly: "The way of heaven is inhumane, it takes away my good fortune, don't even think that I will give in!"


As if responding to her unyielding, the Qingping sword that had already been released suddenly shook, and blossoming green lotuses emerged, bursting into green light, and rushed into the body of the woman in green one after another.

In an instant, the green-clothed woman seemed to have eaten a great tonic, the blue light in her body soared, and her aura surged!

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