Frost Dragon Douluo

Chapter 4 Shui Binger

As the sun was rising, Yan Yunxiao got up as usual, got dressed, and after a simple wash, he came to the restaurant.

It has been a year since the awakening of the main consciousness, and now Yan Yunxiao is already a four-year-old 'big' child.

"Xiao'er is up, come over and have breakfast." Yan Li, who was already sitting at the dining table, said.

"Where's mom? Did you go to the academy so early?" Yan Yunxiao asked after sitting comfortably in his seat.

"Well, your Aunt Shui has something to discuss with your mother, it seems to be about your sister Bing'er." Yan Li said.

The Aunt Shui mentioned by Yan Li is Shui Qingwu, the dean of Tianshui College, and Sister Binger is naturally Shui Qingwu's disciple - Shui Binger!

Because Lan Yurou is a senior teacher of Tianshui College, Yan Yunxiao can often visit Tianshui College.

And because Lan Yurou and Shui Qingwu are best friends, Yan Yunxiao naturally knew Shui Qingwu early.In Shui Qingwu's words, it is, 'I hugged you when you were just born'.

Because of this, Yan Yunxiao naturally has a good relationship with Shui Binger.

Although the current Shui Binger is only a seven-year-old girl, in terms of dealing with others, she has already shown signs of the gentleness described in the original book.

It may also be influenced by his mother, Lan Yurou. After all, Lan Yurou has a gentle temperament, and her gestures show the elegance of everyone.

Even in Tianshui College where there are many beauties, Lan Yurou is also the most popular teacher among the students. In terms of popularity, even Dean Shui Qingwu is at most equal to Lan Yurou, and this is because of Shui Qingwu's strength bonus.

It's not that Shui Qingwu isn't pretty, as the dean of Tianshui College, his looks are naturally not bad.

It's just that the dean's character is a bit hard to describe... If he hadn't seen the dean's martial soul with his own eyes, it was indeed a snowy owl, Yan Yunxiao would have even thought she was a fire attribute soul master.

Turning back to Shui Bing'er, although she is Shui Qingwu's direct disciple, but because of her age and strength, she can only study at Tianshui Junior Soul Master Academy.

However, similar to Yan Yunxiao, Shui Bing'er can also enter and leave Tianshui College at will, and even Shui Qingwu's dean's office.

It may be that like attracts like, Lan Yurou has a good impression of Shui Binger the first time she sees this little girl, and Shui Binger also likes Lan Yurou's elder who is different from her teacher.

Aiwujiwu, Shui Binger had a certain liking for Lan Yurou's lovely son, Yan Yunxiao, even before they met each other.

And Yan Yunxiao is not a real child after all, he is much more mature than Shui Binger in dealing with people.

So when the two of them met for the first time, Shui Binger's affection was always in a state of expansion.

What made Yan Yunxiao speechless was that because Shui Binger was three years older than Yan Yunxiao, they naturally thought that Shui Binger was the older sister and Yan Yunxiao was the younger brother.

This made an "adult" with a mental age of 27 or [-] feel so embarrassing, so Yan Yunxiao never called Shui Bing'er a sister.

And because of the "mature" Yan Yunxiao showed when the two met, Shui Bing'er never felt strange.

. . . . . .

"What's wrong with Bing'er?" Yan Yunxiao asked after taking a sip of porridge beautifully.

"It seems that something happened to her father." Yan Li replied.

Yan Li couldn't be sure what was going on, after all, Lan Yurou left in a hurry in the morning, but when she came back, it would naturally become clear.


After responding to Yan Li, Yan Yunxiao no longer cared about this matter. After all, he was only four years old, so it was impossible for him to intervene. When Lan Yurou came back, it would be the end.

The breakfast time was spent peacefully like this. After walking for food, Yan Yunxiao came to the training ground.

At this time, Yan Li had already practiced in it, and he was holding two medium-sized knives in his hands, dancing vigorously, chopping, chopping, stabbing, chopping... All kinds of moves are seamlessly connected, silky and smooth , Pleasing to the eye, but also very powerful.

After finishing this set, Yan Li turned his head to look at Yan Yunxiao.

Without Yan Li saying much, Yan Yunxiao picked up two wooden short knives from the weapon rack next to him, stepped out five meters in front of Yan Li, and then made an offensive gesture.

And Yan Li also replaced the double knives in his hands with wooden ones, and posed in a posture that was the same as that of Yan Yunxiao, ready to go.

Naturally, Yan Yunxiao was the first to attack. Holding a knife in his right hand, he rushed forward and went straight to Yan Li's lower abdomen.

Because the body has not yet opened, Yan Yunxiao can only reach this position.

However, being short naturally also has the advantage of being short. In the previous pair trainings, Yan Yunxiao almost broke through Yan Li's defense from a tricky angle.

Facing Yan Yunxiao's full-strength thrust, Yan Li simply swung the slash to block Yan Yunxiao's attack.

And Yan Yunxiao turned around as if he had expected it a long time ago, and the wooden knife held in his left hand stabbed towards Yan Li's waist.

Yan Li still unhurriedly waved his knife to block, and then the two of them attacked and defended like this, and the moves went back and forth. Although the knife was 'deadly', the movements of the two were very pleasing to the eye.

In the end, Yan Yunxiao jumped up, pushed aside Yan Li's defense with one knife, and went straight to Yan Li's face with the other knife.

However, Yan Li's combat experience is so rich, he leaped back and kicked the wooden knife in Yan Yunxiao's hand away, and when he was still standing still, he dodged to catch the falling Yan Yunxiao.

"Not bad son, I only taught you this round dance sword technique two months ago, and now I have already started. This talent is higher than your father and I." Holding Yan Yunxiao in his arms, Yan Li He smiled as he walked out of the training ground.

"Compared to you, Dad, you are still far behind, hehe, after all, I haven't even attacked you once." Yan Yunxiao didn't struggle, after all, it's useless to struggle, he was hugged by Yan Li with peace of mind, hehe said with a smile .

"Your father, I am a soul emperor. Even if it's just a basic swordsmanship, my physical fitness and experience are far superior to yours. If you can break through the defense, it will be a joke." Yan Li said .

"Xiao'er, you don't have to be discouraged. With the talent you have shown, you will definitely surpass me in the future." Thinking of Yan Yunxiao's performance this year, Yan Li said proudly.

However, Yan Yunxiao knew in his heart that the reason why he was able to learn the round dance sword technique in just two months was because of his previous life experience.

As the former champion of the World Wushu Championships-Shuangdao group, even if the moves he learned were not lethal because of the harmonious society, he still has a certain foundation.

Yanli or the Yan family, because of the Wuhun double ice blade, has been passed down from generation to generation, and this saber technique can be said to be everything from entry to entry.

It took Yan Yunxiao two months to get used to the advanced sword skills and weapons that were somewhat different from the previous life.

These naturally cannot be explained to Yan Li, but Yan Yunxiao does not think that Yan Li's evaluation of him is because of the filter of his parents.

In the past year of practicing [Bing Xin's thoughts], Yan Yunxiao has completely transformed all the innate soul power in his body into Bing Xin's soul power.

In the beginning, it was naturally difficult, because the martial soul had not yet been awakened, so the innate soul power in Yan Yunxiao's body was very secret.You must first enter the ethereal state before you can capture it, and then you can transform it one by one.

Naturally, the whole process would not be pleasant. Fortunately, Yan Yunxiao can now be regarded as keeping the clouds open and the moon shining.

After completing the transformation of soul power, even if Yan Yunxiao has not yet awakened his martial soul, he can mobilize part of it. This is the second reason why he can quickly learn the sword technique taught by Yan Li.

Because of the inevitable loss of soul power during the transformation process, the soul power in Yan Yunxiao's body is roughly equivalent to the seventh level.

But compared to ordinary soul power, the quality of Bing Xin's soul power is undoubtedly higher.

There are still two years before the awakening of the martial soul, enough for Yan Yunxiao to push the first level of [Bing Xinming's thoughts] to perfection.

At that time, he was naturally full of soul power worthy of the name!

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