However, even if Yan Yunxiao had the inspiration to create the soul skill of sword technique, it could not be completed in a short period of time, so after sensing the mental warning, he ended the mimicry training.

But also because he was too engrossed in the practice just now, Yan Yunxiao ignored the passage of time, so he didn't know how long he had been in it.

"Two and a half hours, Brother Xiao, you have trained for a total of two and a half hours." Yu Hui replied.

Shui Yueer was the first to come out and only trained for an hour and a half. Yuhui stopped the training fifteen minutes after she came out, so Yuhui persisted for an hour and 45 minutes.

This is not necessarily the limit of the two, but it is the time they feel is most suitable for them.

Shui Yue'er remembered what Shui Bing'er said to her last night, and knew that Yan Yunxiao's limit time was about two hours.

Originally, he thought that Yan Yunxiao would come out soon, but he didn't expect Yan Yunxiao to train for two and a half hours.

In fact, Shui Yue'er originally planned that if Yan Yunxiao didn't come out after a while, she would go out to find the administrator.

But at this time, since Yan Yunxiao had walked out unharmed, he naturally gave up.

"Brother Yunxiao, can you pay attention to your body, even if you don't care about it yourself, we are still worried!" Shui Yue'er said in a slightly complaining tone after seeing Yan Yunxiao's pale face.

"It's my problem this time, but don't worry, I won't make fun of my body. Two and a half hours is just close to my limit, far from unbearable." Yan Yunxiao smiled and rubbed Shui Yue'er's head, and then patted Yu Hui's shoulder.

Shui Yue'er and Yu Hui were indeed worried about him, and Yan Yunxiao was not a ignorant person, so he comforted them naturally.

"Brother Yunxiao is so amazing!" Shui Yue'er said with her eyes lit up, and Yuhui also looked at Yan Yunxiao with a little admiration, that look seemed to say that she deserved to be Brother Xiao.

"Okay, let's go home first, Yuhui, you can come with us too." Yan Yunxiao suggested.

This was already agreed upon, so Yuhui didn't refuse any more.

The three walked out of the training tower h-5 along the way they came. After registering at the villa on the second floor, they walked out of Tianshui Senior Academy.

Because it was not far from Yan's house, Yan Yunxiao did not hire a carriage, but chose to walk back.

Along the way, the three of them also exchanged their experience in using their mimicry training grounds. Yuhui and Shui Yue'er were amazed by Yan Yunxiao's various suggestions.

It was an exclamation of 'it can still be used like this'.

Walking and chatting like this, the three of them soon arrived at Yan Mansion, and then Yu Hui maintained a state of surprise.

Whether it's the various buildings of the Yan family, or Yan Yunxiao's parents, or even several guards who are no less powerful than his father.

But Yuhui was not that kind of superficial child after all, so his emotions quickly eased down.

Then Yan Yunxiao took Yuhui to the Yan family's training ground, and briefly introduced the various facilities.

It's not that Yan Yunxiao is showing off, but that the facilities in their home are more abundant than those in the junior college, and there are many Yuhui have never seen before, so Yan Yunxiao will explain it when Yuhui is interested.

Due to Yan Yunxiao's kind invitation and Shui Yueer's support, Yuhui finally agreed to come to Yan's house for training during the holidays.

. . . . . .

At night, after dinner, Yan Yunxiao sat down with Yan Li and Lan Yurou and chatted.

Before taking her seat, Lan Yurou poured Yan Yunxiao a cup of tea with a smile.

"Try it, it was just delivered from Esther Hotel today." Yan Li signaled.

Naturally, this tea is not an ordinary tea, but one of the specialties of Esther Hotel, 'Qing Xin Tea'.Not to mention its excellent taste, but the effect of making people's mind clearer is enough to make it one of the rare teas.

Due to the limited production, every batch of 'Qingxin Tea' in Esther Hotel will attract soul masters.

But no matter how limited the production is, if Yan Li wants to drink, the hotel manager will send good tea over.

As a feature of Esther Hotel, Qingxin tea is naturally not bad. Even if I have tasted many delicious Yan Yunxiao in my previous life, I can't fault it.

"This is new this year!" After taking a sip, Yan Yunxiao asked, although it is doubtful, it can be used as an affirmative sentence.

"It's indeed new tea, but it's not a batch. It's just that a few tea trees germinated ahead of time, so the manager brought some people to make some." Yan Li explained, and then Yan Li told Yan Yunxiao about the situation of the tea garden.

"Dad, isn't it too early for you to tell me these things first?" Yan Yunxiao complained.

"It's not for you to take over now, but to understand in advance." Yan Li said not very concerned.

Back then, Yan Yunxiao's grandfather also gradually handed over the family business to Yan Li after Yan Li awakened his martial soul.

"Your situation back then was different from Xiao'er's." Lan Yurou gently pushed Yan Li's shoulder.

Back then, Yan Yunxiao's grandfather was injured by a spirit beast in the core circle of the extreme north, and his physical condition has been deteriorating. Since he didn't know how many years he could live, he would naturally arrange for Yan Li to contact the family business as soon as possible.

But Yan Yunxiao is different, his old man Yan Li is now in good health and eating well, so naturally he doesn't need to 'arrange funeral affairs'.

"Okay, let me just say this." After Yan Li muttered, he stopped talking about the industry.

"By the way, Xiao'er, that kid named Yuhui is really good." Lan Yurou said as if remembering something.

Having been a teacher for so many years, Lan Yurou can still see through most of the children's personalities.

Not to mention 100%, but Lan Yurou is 70.00% sure that the child named Yuhui is related to the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

But Lan Yurou didn't want to investigate anything, just like what Yan Yunxiao said before, the friendship between him and Yuhui wasn't because of Yuhui's origin, family background, or background.

The few of them can get together because of their compatible personalities.

"Hehe, I just told you that although Yuhui is young, he is not playful like ordinary children. In fact, Yuhui is more mature than Shuiyue'er." Yan Yunxiao laughed.

"It is said that he is a child, but you are only seven years old." Yan Li complained.

'How can I be young, my real age is seven, my false age is eight, Huang Nine, Mao Ten, and my heart is almost thirty, how can I be young. 'Yan Yunxiao thought in his heart.

Of course he would not say these words, Yan Yunxiao is not stupid.

"By the way, Dad, during my year-end assessment, I thought of a method that can train the refined operation of soul power. Can you help me with my staff?" Yan Yunxiao said.

What Yan Yunxiao wanted to talk about was of course climbing trees and treading water. This was the main purpose of his chat with Yan Li and Lan Yurou today. The matter of Yuhui had already been reported to them, so there was no need to talk about it.

Lan Yurou is a teacher with rich experience in training students, and Yan Li, as the head of the Yan family, naturally knows a lot of secret methods, so he can definitely ask for advice from the two of them, so the feasibility will naturally be much greater.

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