my 27 year old female president

Chapter 397 Star Branch

By the artificial lake of Langchao Villa, after Li Shaoyang yelled, the surrounding environmental protection workers looked towards us in amazement, and even the security guards came towards us.

I turned around and waved to them, indicating that there is no problem, don't worry about it, and they left in a tacit understanding. After all, the staff may not know Li Shaoyang, but they must recognize me as the owner of Langchao Villa.

After being silent for a long time, I picked up the bottle of wine and took another big sip, lit a cigarette, raised my head to look at Li Shaoyang, and comforted him: "Shaoyang, although I haven't experienced the experiences you mentioned. , but God will not always be unfair, so I believe that life will gradually get better, don't give up confidence in yourself..."

"Oh!" Li Shaoyang sat paralyzed on the ground. He picked up the wine bottle and touched the bottle in my hand. He took a big sip first, and then said: "The lives of relatives are gone. No matter how good the life is, no matter how much you have What's the point of wealth? I can't buy a healthy life and the past time, forever become an unhealed wound, and spend the rest of my life with shame. This is my future life... I can see the end at a glance day!"

I took a puff of cigarette, and in order to make Li Shaoyang come to his senses, I could only say some cruel words: "If you think so, then tell me about your parents' painstaking efforts for so many years, and the last love for you." How can you be worthy of a little expectation? You have already failed in the past so many years, do you still want to continue falling like this?"

When I said this, I saw that the expression on Li Shaoyang's face gradually became blank, so I simply sat up straight, grabbed his collar, and looked directly at him.

"A company can develop to the present, it is the step that your parents have worked so hard to achieve, think about those competitors in your jewelry store, and those who used to look down on you, do you want to go on like this for the rest of your life? Shaoyang, put away your cowardice, put on your domineering arrogance, no one will help you when you fall, and the jokes you make are all your friends who used to spend your heart and soul! That you are a playboy, spending money to go to entertainment places to live The days of luxury and luxury should have ended long ago!"

Li Shaoyang's eyes gradually began to "twinkle", and he murmured softly: "I wish I had understood what you said earlier... When Rosa and I were at Fanxing, I threw that engagement ring away. When I got into the wine glass, when I got home, my father said similar words to you, and I have already started to take over the business at home, but I didn’t expect... The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn’t stop, and the child wants to support And I don’t wait for you!”

I slowly loosened his collar, and said to him in a more relaxed tone: "It's too late, it's not too late to make up for it. The Li Shaoyang I know is not like this."

Li Shaoyang sat on the ground, took a big puff of cigarette, and when he puffed it out, he seemed to let himself relax.

After a long silence, Li Shaoyang looked at me holding the wine bottle, finally squeezed a smile on his face, and said: "Dong Li, thank you for being able to accompany me today to be crazy, and if you can come and listen to me talk about this, I will I already feel very satisfied…”

"No one can maintain a stable mood forever, that's not a 'human', and sometimes these ways to vent and relax are quite good."

"I heard, Rosa... her Fanxing is going to open a branch store soon, and she is looking for a place to open a branch store. She must have looked for you, right? After all, there is a commercial street here in Langchao Villa, and our jewelry store will be closed. After going out, it happened that this position was given to her to be the branch of Fanxing, which was just right."

I was a little surprised, and asked in a surprised tone: "How do you know this?"

"Is it difficult to find an employee of Fanxing to get to know her a little bit? I have been learning about her. Whenever I see Rosa by her side, I feel more at ease when I have a group of friends like you. , but also envious."

"You can too."

Li Shaoyang smiled softly, then picked up the half bottle of wine and half a pack of cigarettes on the ground, stood up and said: "If you are destined not to be a person from the 'world', then don't force yourself into it, Dong Li, thank you, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Li Shaoyang left me a back view, and just walked back in the direction of the jewelry store.Looking at his figure under the sunset and dusk, I have a lot of things to say to him, but I don't know what to say.

Maybe those words are tacitly understood by everyone, and silence speaks louder at this time.I hope... Li Shaoyang, who went abroad for further studies, can usher in a new life, and I also hope that his mother can survive this critical illness!


The two days of the weekend have passed in a blink of an eye, and this week is the last day of work this year, and the annual leave will begin after this week.A year goes by pretty quickly if you don't stare and think about it carefully.

On Monday, Rosa Fanxing's branches also started to go through the process, but I have temporarily handed over these matters to my assistant Li Ruoling.

Until today, Rosa came to Langchao Villa, ready to sign a contract and take over the shop.

Li Ruoling brought Rosa into my office, and then went out.As soon as Rosa came into the office, she looked around and sat down to the sofa after a while.

"You look around, what are you looking at?" I smiled and walked to the seat opposite her sofa and sat down.

"Isn't this the first time I've come to a place to make money, so I just took a few more glances." Rosa glanced at me, stroked her hair, and then said seriously: "Hurry up and take out the contract, After signing, I have to contact the decorator to come over and start the work right away."

"Are you in such a hurry? It's almost time for us to go on annual vacation, and it's only a week away." While talking, I poured a glass of boiled water for Rosa and put it on her desk.

"I'm different from you guys. Frank and I celebrated the New Year in City A this year, so it doesn't affect me if we don't have annual leave or anything."

"Okay, since you have said so, then I will sign the contract for you, and I will waive your rent for three months. Is it enough to be a friend?" I smiled and put the prepared contract in front of her.

Rosa smiled slightly, and said with a slightly satisfied expression: "It's fine!"

When Rosa lowered her head to sign the contract, I thought about Li Shaoyang's matter in my heart, and hesitated whether to tell her. After all, Rosa is already married now. You know, it's not that necessary, is it?

She finished signing all the parts of the contract that needed to be signed, then raised her head, and asked me in doubt: "By the way, I heard before that the commercial street on your Langchao Villa is not fully rented? Why? Will there be people who will withdraw the lease at the end of the year near the Spring Festival? And the two shops are obviously connected, and the location is still in front of the entrance of the commercial street, which is a very good location!"

Rosa's question made me hesitate again. After a short while, I asked back: "Then... Guess who owned the last merchant in this shop?"

Rosa frowned. While covering the signature pen in her hand, she looked at me suspiciously and asked, "Is it someone we know? So, whose?"

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