"Hehe, if I enter that portal, I will sweep away all the weirdness and purify that world. Who am I afraid of in this life?"

Lin Fan sneered.

"It's true that you are not afraid of anyone, but your relatives are all dead and extinct. The only concern in the world is the weak Wuji." Mo Wo sneered.

"They're not dead!"

The endless killing intent suddenly rose from Lin Fan's body, lingering and agitated.

"Aren't they dead?" Mo Wo smiled: "Then, where are they?"

Lin Fan cut off the connection with the demon self.

Then cough up blood.

This is not an injury.

But for so long, he has been suppressing his sorrow and longing.

Even at the expense of beheading himself one after another.

Seems forgotten, but never was.

Whenever someone mentions it a little bit, they will be covered in bruises.

This is why he appeared in the Three Thousand Worlds many times, but none of them were the fundamental reason for the deity to come.

Perhaps, he is escaping.

"Where are you?" Lin Fan was crying.

This is a hero who is invincible in the world.

But this time crying like a child.

All relatives are gone.

He is the only one who crosses the sky beyond this world; where does the vast starry universe return to.

"Is there really reincarnation in this world?"

"Will I still be able to find the traces you left behind, even if it's just a few strands?"

"Can you wait until I become a god and send you into that reincarnation, in Bo Yi?"

"I'm going to become a god!"

Lin Fan spoke suddenly, making up his mind.

He doesn't know whether he can really become a god if he walks on the road of becoming a god, and he doesn't know when the last and only true road will open, but now, he can't wait any longer, and he has to use his own strength to ring the only true road. road.

The road to becoming a god is vast and boundless, vast and boundless.

They are all fighting for the crossing.

In the first level.

Several imposing cultivators are sitting on the clouds, all of them are very strong.

Anyone who chooses one at will may be able to go to the three thousand realms of chaos to win the star master position.

"This road, I feel, can accommodate at most three or five people who will take that opportunity."

The Daxiu sitting in the east spoke with cold eyes and even colder words.

In fact, from the fact that he can sit upright in the east, it means that he must be the best among this group of people.

"There are countless nodes, spreading all over time and space. Who knows how many Xeons will eventually step into the road of becoming a god?" Zhengxi's Daxiu said with a sneer: "From now on, you want to eradicate dissidents and cultivate yourself. Is it a part of God's team?"

"Yun Dong, you are too conceited."

Daxiu from Zhengbei also said, "They have escaped the world for millions of years on this road to becoming a god, and they are all people who have escaped the reckoning of the world. Who can be worse than whom?"

The one sitting in the east is named Yundong.

With a sneer, Yun Dong said: "Where did you come from to eradicate dissidents? Where did you have the thought of cultivating a team of gods? I have been on this road for millions of years. Of course I know how many opportunities there are in this branch road. I just think that this road The four of us are enough for the road."


The cultivator in Zhengxi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "I never say anything against my will when I come to the west with a sword. The opportunity of this branch road can be shared by the four of us at most, but if outsiders come here, I am afraid it will be successful." The foundation and heritage of God will be affected."

"Then form an alliance and exclude foreigners?" Daxiu from Zhengbei smiled lightly: "I don't care, but if you decide, of course I will obey."

Yun Dong chuckled, looked at Zhengnan's cultivator, and said, "Gu Bei agrees, what about you?"

"Brother Gu Bei, Brother Yundong, and Brother Xilai all agree, why don't you agree?" Huangfu smiled: "Then let's make this decision. From now on, all the resources and opportunities of this branch road will be shared by the four of us. But if there is a Xeon coming, the four of us should punish him together, and walk into the main road together."

They discussed it, and the four of them advanced and retreated together.

And, as it was said, there is no distinction between strong and weak on this side road, but after reaching the main road, we will fight to the fullest and kill a Xeon.

"Hehe, it's interesting. As soon as we agreed to form an alliance, someone came to test whether our alliance is united."

The corners of Yun Dong's eyebrows raised slightly, and he looked sideways at Lin Fan who tore apart the space and destroyed the big formation guarding the branch road.

"It's very strong. If I make a move, I can't easily tear this space apart and destroy this great formation." Huangfu's face darkened, and he glanced at Yundong and others: "It's not that I'm underestimating myself, but it's true that I'm not this person's opponent. , is a raptor crossing the river with its head."

Gu Bei narrowed his eyes, but did not speak.

This temporary alliance was initiated by Yundong, and Yundong was also vaguely respected.

Naturally, we must listen to him.

"Fellow Daoist, this road is blocked, please take another road."

Yun Dong made a sound, his eyes narrowed, and strands of cold light bloomed, looking at Lin Fan who had just stepped here.

Lin Fan was stunned, then looked up at Yundong, clasped his fists and said, "Dare to ask you, but this branch road is disconnected? The main road is not connected? You can't walk into the main road even at the end?"

He knew very little about the ancient road to becoming a god, and he was sincerely asking for advice at this time.

A trace of contempt appeared in Yun Dong's eyes.

Having this question naturally proves that this person did not come from some mighty starry sky.

It is even more unlikely that there are seniors in the clan or power who have stepped into the road of becoming a god early, otherwise such a simple question will not be spoken.

It must be known that the ancient road to becoming a god has a long history, and even if the era is destroyed or the world is overturned, it cannot be damaged.

Every branch road must lead into the main road.

"Go back, the four of us want this road."

Yijian Xilai also clearly saw that Lin Fan's origin and background were nothing special, and there was no predecessor to take care of him along the way.

Lin Fan smiled.

He really doesn't know the way to become a god.

But at least know a little bit.

This road, whether it is the main road or the branch road, does not belong to anyone.

The most powerful sweeps everything and steps into the only true path.

"What are you laughing at?" Yun Dong grinned grimly: "It's not easy for you to cultivate, let you choose the other side roads and maybe have a chance to see the elegance of the main road, don't be ignorant."

This is the branch road of Chengshen Ancient Road.Of course it's not just these four people.


The ancient road to becoming a god came from ancient times and has existed for a long time.

There are practitioners who were not as good as the road to becoming a god at first, but in the end they knew that there was no hope of becoming a god. They stopped here and multiplied, so the population is very large.

Strictly speaking, it is no different from the Great Realm outside.

At this time, everyone was staring at Lin Fan who had rushed into this place rashly.

"Go away, latecomer, this road does not belong to you."

Even Huangfu opened his mouth, and he pointed to the other side.

It was a head frame: "If you don't leave, you will become a member of it."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank sharply!

How cruel!

There were at least hundreds of people in that head frame, all of them were Xeons.

They should all come to the overhaul of the road to becoming a god with great ambitions.

But they were all beheaded!

The lowest head has already withered and withered, probably died tens of thousands of years ago.

But on top of it, there are still drops of bright red blood dripping.

Obviously just died.

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