Twin martial arts

Chapter 2600 Visiting Xiling Mountain

Everyone expressed their gratitude to the Phoenix Clan and saluted Wu Qingcheng at the same time, and then they all left in a hurry!

It has been too long since they have seen their close relatives, and they can't wait to meet each other after the reunion, and they want to talk to each other.

"Excuse me, old matriarch; where's your husband?" Wu Qingcheng got up and kowtowed to the old matriarch.

The old matriarch's eyes flashed sharply, but then he sighed, and said: "That kid is good at everything, but he is too carefree. I am very dissatisfied with this."

Wu Qingcheng smiled slightly: "He deserves it."

The old matriarch rolled his eyes: "Of course he deserves it, just because that boy from the Xi family disrespected you, so he killed himself on Xiling Mountain with one spear."

"What?" Wu Qingcheng was startled: "Xiling Mountain is extremely extraordinary, it's not safe for my husband to go there alone!"

She rushed and looked at Fengzhu: "I want to send troops!"

Phoenix Lord also nodded.

"Don't worry, if it wasn't to ensure the safety of my good grandson, why would I return alone?" The old lady smiled and said, "Someone has gone with him."

"Who?" Wu Qingcheng asked.

"His son and apprentice."

The old lady was a little dissatisfied when she said this: "You have to let Lin Fan have the same rain and dew. How come there are so many women, but only two heirs? This is very wrong, and my good granddaughter is also very disappointing. So After so many years, I still haven't given birth to a son or daughter. What is there to fight for in this world? Why don't you want to let the old man hug his great-grandson more?"

Wu Qingcheng's pretty face flushed, and she murmured: "Children need fate, if there is no fate, it's useless to force it."

"Hmph, what fate? If you don't work hard, where did that child come from?" the old lady scolded.

This kind of words made Wu Qingcheng blush directly, and also made Fengzhu leave directly. It is extremely inappropriate for him to stay here.

"Nizi, let me tell you, this man, if you don't report him at home, he likes to mess around outside." The old lady said more and more blatantly.

This made Wu Qingcheng yelled that he couldn't take it anymore, and quickly sent a message to ask Le Yao to wait for a few girls to come over.

It is much better to think of a group of people being taught than one person.

But soon, the faces of the girls were all red, and they were all too ashamed to find Bei.

Of course, they are very concerned about the way of controlling husbands taught by the old lady, even if some concepts and principles that are not suitable for children are mixed in it, but the girls nodded frequently, thinking that it was too reasonable.

What I think makes the most sense is that even if you give him dragon meat, even if you give him dragon meat, he won't eat it.

The girls looked at each other, and they all nodded in unison in secret. From now on, the girls will always squeeze Lin Fan severely.

At this time, Xiling Mountain has been besieged by the army!

Xiao Wu's hell army, Xiao Nuo's reincarnation army, and the Qingzhou army horses sent by Li Guang totaled hundreds of thousands, sealing up the entire Xiling Mountain.

They were all murderous.

This has never happened in the history of Xiling Mountain.

It should be noted that this Xiling Mountain has a long heritage. It is said that this is an extinct Buddhist relic. It contains various Buddhist supernatural powers. It was successfully cultivated by the Xi family and has great lethality. When the supernatural power reaches the highest level, it can fight immortal gods.

This clan is extremely strong, that's why King Xi was so confident and said the words to accompany the wine.

In Xiling Mountain.

"Nizi, what evil did you do? How could Lin Fan be so enraged that he would not hesitate to besiege my West Lingshan with an army at such a moment!"

Xiwang's father, Ximenfo, the head of the Xi family, was cold and cold. He stared at his only son in front of him with hatred.

I have known for a long time that my son is misbehaving, romantic and dissolute by nature, and has always been used to looking down on others from above, and I often admonish him for this, but it is always useless.

However, because of the Xeon of the Xi family, no one really dared to come to surround the mountain even if his son really made a big mistake.

"I didn't do anything." Xi Wang retorted with disbelief in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that just a word of companionship would cause such a big disaster!

How dare this Lin Fan do this?

How can you be so disregarding the overall situation?

It must be known that he, Xilingshan, is also planning to turn against that clan, and he is one of the most powerful clans following Lin Fan.

"Didn't do anything? You bastard! If you didn't do anything, why should they do that?" Ximen Buddha was furious: "

If you are not telling the truth, don't blame your father for being ruthless. "

Xi Wang anxiously retorted: "Father, I really didn't do anything, I just wanted Lin Fan's wife to drink with me."


The slap was so loud that Xi Wang's teeth were knocked out.

"Bastard!" Ximen Buddha was furious: "Bastard!"

He scolded the bastard again and again, but he was angry in his heart.

He shouted: "Do you think that everyone is the trash you once bullied? Who is Lin Fan? He is a hero who dares to show off his chariots and horses in a decisive battle with the Celestials and Humans. He is the most dazzling star in this era. How can such a character Will tolerate your bastard words?"

"Father!" Xi Wang yelled: "My fair lady is a gentleman, besides, I just want Wu Qingcheng to drink with me; what's wrong? Why did you hit me! I'm not wrong."

"You!" Simon Buddha looked up.

He knew that it was no longer possible to reason with his own child.

I also blame myself for not teaching me a lesson on weekdays.

He looked at his son and sighed, "You have hurt me. I wanted to wait and see. That clan should indeed be destroyed, but I always want to see if there is hope. I won't be this cannon fodder, and I won't take this risk." It is extremely dangerous, even if at a critical moment, our Xi family can wait for the price, no matter whether we fall to the side of the Celestial Human Race or Lin Fan, we can get a good price, but because of this matter, all back roads are cut off."

Xi Wang stared at his father in disbelief!

So it turns out that my father planned so deeply?

He has thought so far, and it is nothing but foolishness, and he didn't really want to completely turn against the Celestials. The cryptic statement at this time is just for the future price?

"Father, why are you worried? I don't believe that Lin Fan really dared to do anything!"

Xi Wang sneered: "I, Xiling Mountain, monopolize the west. Although it is only a small corner, but the three regions under my command is a powerful force. Does Lin Fan really dare to kill me? Does he really dare to attack and kill me? family?"

Ximen Buddha's eyes brightened slightly.

"Indeed, some strength, let Lin Fan know about it." Ximen Fo said.

At this time, Lin Fan had already arrived in the tent, feeling cold.

"Father, I pushed this family directly without saying anything." Xiao Nuo said murderously.

Xiao Wu didn't say a word, but kept rubbing the heavy halberd with his hand, unexpectedly there was a flame jumping out from his palm.

"If it's possible, just punish the chief villain." Lin Fan got up, "Let Ximen Buddha hand over the Western King, and the matter will be canceled."

"Father!" Xiao Nuo said in a low voice, "it's not my father's fault, Xiwang's bastard is like this, and Ximen Buddha is such a good thing, why not kill him completely!"

Lin Fan frowned: "Is this how I educated you? How did I ever teach you about implicating others? Only punish the culprits, if this family doesn't know what to do, let's talk about it."

"Master, I'm going to talk to Ximen Buddha, but if he doesn't appreciate it, don't blame disciples." Xiao Wu stood up, said something briefly, and directly stepped over the army and broke into Xiling Mountain.

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