Twin martial arts

Chapter 2597 Fire Star Lord

Everyone continued to drink and chat.

But it would not bring the topic to what Lin Fan was doing at this time, even if Phoenix Lord and Wu Qingcheng repeatedly tried to change the topic, it would be useless.

Because everyone was sure that the matter would not be successful. If Lin Fan's combat power was not too terrifying, it is estimated that these people would be picked up by the Phoenix Lord, otherwise Lin Fan would be in danger of life and death.

At this time, Lin Fan had traveled the world for the nth time, and he was still looking for that space node.

Finally, he stopped in a very prosperous big city, he looked up at the sky, and suddenly smiled wryly: "It's dark under the lights."

It was indeed dark under the lights.

He has passed by this city countless times, but he has never searched carefully and carefully.

This is a blind spot.

He always thought that this kind of space node should be in a dangerous place, at least in an extremely remote place, it is impossible to be in a crowded place, let alone in a heavy city.

He showed his true form and stood in mid-air, causing a sensation in the entire city!

At this time, Lin Fan was so famous that even if he had never seen his real body, someone would always have seen his portrait, so when he appeared, everyone recognized him.

Afterwards, the city lord of this city came out to pay a visit. He was very cautious and respectful, and asked Lin Fan if he could help with anything. He also bluntly said that if there was any need, he would do his best. Of course, he did not forget to remind secretly that their patriarch, Has been invited by the Phoenix Master to join the Phoenix Clan.

This was a kind of show of goodwill. I was afraid that there would be some juniors in the clan who didn't know what to do and who would provoke Lin Fan recklessly. At this time, Lin Fan was here to settle the case.

"I really need your help." Lin Fan smiled.

The city lord hurriedly bowed: "Senior, please speak frankly."

"Temporarily disperse the people in this city, I have important things to do here." Lin Fan said.

The mayor frowned.

Lin Fan then explained that he had found the space node of the sanctuary, which was just above the city, if he forcibly broke through it, it might cause the sky to collapse or bloody battles would happen here.

"What? I found the space node of the sanctuary, is the senior planning to break the cage?"

The mayor was shocked!

He is the grandson of Lie Yu, and also a strong man at the Emperor Realm level, but he was shocked.

His voice was so loud that it shook the city. Countless crowds all looked at Lin Fan in mid-air, all showing expressions of disbelief.

is it possible?

Space nodes that have never been found before are found.

This is to set a precedent, this is pioneering work!

If it really succeeds, no matter which big clan will owe Lin Fan a favor invisibly.

Lin Fan nodded, as an admission.

He will not hide this matter at all, this is excellent publicity, blasting this cage in front of thousands of people.

"Okay, this junior will do it right away." The emperor said, and at the same time sent his people to disperse everyone. Of course, everyone just stayed away from the center of the city, but they were still watching from a distance.

Lin Fan concentrated and calmed down, his eyes serious.

He stared at the empty sky, his 'heartbeat' was like thunder, in fact, it was him trying to stimulate the heart of time and space—"Boom! Boom!"

The sound was so loud that everyone could hear it, making their faces pale, sweating, and humming involuntarily, feeling that the rhythm of their own heartbeats had to go along with Lin Fan's rhythm.

This made them startled, and they stayed away from Wanzhang again.

At this time, in addition to the huge heartbeat, Lin Fan's eyes were shining brightly, and a magical rune flew out, and a coordinate was drawn in the void, the magical rune flickered, and infinite light bloomed.


Lin Fan made a move; a halberd nailed towards the void.


The halberd shines like a big sun, and when the halberd is nailed out, the whole world rumbles.

In that void, a vague portal appears!

"It was actually found by him!"

"My God! He's pioneering again!"

Everyone shouted and roared, and everyone was shocked.

"Who dares to disturb this paradise? Who awakened the sleeping master?"

A roar came from the portal, and a fiery red figure was projected on the sky, and the sky was crowded with a single face.

"This is"

Suddenly, the pupils of the descendants of Lie Yu shrank, and exclaimed: "This is the Huolingxing Lord of the Celestial Race!"

"Mr. Huolingxing? Hasn't he been dead for 5000 years?"

"He didn't die, he didn't die! God, how strong will he be after 5000 years?"

Everyone roared in shock, all of them were inconceivable.

In the battle 5000 years ago, it was said that Lord Huolingxing had died. At that time, the Celestials and Humans mourned together, but it was just a cover.

He was invited to guard the sanctuary.

It's no wonder that for thousands of years, there has never been a strong person who can escape from the sanctuary!

If he sits in town, who can escape from prison?

It should be noted that 5000 years ago, he was already the ruler and swept away everyone in his generation, so how strong will he be 5000 years later?

Lin Fan stood proudly on the sky, he looked at the Huolingxing Lord who was crowded into the sky, and pointed his halberd at Gao Tian: "Come, kill you!"

"How dare you dare to disrespect this work, and I will give you the death penalty."

Lord Huolingxing went crazy, the huge face that filled the sky, and the body that extended to cover seven or eight states, all twisted and turned into a huge sword!

"The Fire Spirit Sword is manifesting in the world" someone whispered tremblingly, he is a surviving emperor, he has been hiding in Tibet for so many years, afraid of being captured by that clan and throwing him into the sanctuary, but now, he is terrified, afraid, already Make a good plan and ask to enter the cage later on, fearing that you will be killed by the fire spirit sword.

The sword shines in the sky and the sky is clear, and the light of the sword is three hundred states!

This sword is too terrifying, the tip of the sword has been cut to the front of Lin Fan, but the hilt is still invisible, nine days away!

Keng Keng.

The sky was torn apart, the heavy city below was crushed to powder by the sword intent, and all the buildings were turned into ashes. This heavy city, which accommodated at least tens of millions of people, has since disappeared and become history. From the accumulated dust, Find the cross where it used to be.


With a loud roar, Lin Fan retracted his halberd, and then raised his arms and punched.

With a bang, the Fire Spirit Sword was blasted into light and shadows that filled the sky, and Lin Fan rushed forward quickly, making fist marks with both hands, and slammed hard on the door, with loud and dull sounds like the sky was falling.

"You are Lin Fan?"

The phantom of Lord Huolingxing reappeared, showing shock: "You actually found this node? You are very good."

"Go away, or I'll blow you to pieces again." Lin Fan stared coldly at the phantom standing between him and the door.

Mr. Huolingxing tsk tsk smirked: "Anyone who dares to talk to me like that is dead."

"Noisy." Lin Fan snorted coldly, and struck forward with his halberd, but Huolingxingjun's phantom disappeared. At this time, the door was wide open. On the way, he raised his head slightly, looked at Lin Fan with a grin, and said, "You will die here."

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