Twin martial arts

Chapter 2591 Qizhou Rebellion

"Lin Fan, are you going to rebel!" Ni Yu's eyes changed drastically!

This is too terrifying, with just one halberd, he actually crucified a master, leaving no bones left, and completely exploded to death.

"Rebellion?" Lin Fan sneered, "Is this sentence worthy of your family?"

He flew up, and the third body appeared, blocking the front of the Tianhuman army, and looked at Kuangbatian: "Uncle Kuangshi and I will fight together."

Kuang Batian laughed loudly, jumped up, and roared: "You sons of the Kuang family, for countless years, our clan has been submissive, suffering and humiliating, but what have we gained?

In the end, we were just slaughtered like pigs and dogs. Today, at this moment, we will raise the butcher knife of resistance and make an earth-shattering event together with Lin Fan. If someone doesn't want to, they can leave. Your big sword, cut to the heart of the enemy! "


"Kill the fuck!"

"Kill, a man lives in the world, so be vigorous!"


The entire mad clan roared angrily.

They have had enough; they have been oppressed by this group more than once, but they always submit to it and ask for perfection, but what do they get in the end?

"What about you? What are you waiting for? This bloody clan rules the world, and anyone who disobeys the slightest will die. Every clan, every power will just become history like that. Are you going to follow in their footsteps?" Lin Fan Roaring, he fixed his eyes on those Qizhou onlookers!

Lin Fan's eyes were too sharp, like knives like swords, all the heroes dodged and did not dare to touch him.

"Comrades! Are you still silent? Do you think this clan will treat you kindly? Impossible, my crazy family is a proof, so many evildoers died innocently, so many elders of the saint and emperor realm were imprisoned in the sanctuary by this clan, we You can only become a pig and dog!" Kuang Batian continued to speak, and his words made the faces of people in Qizhou change.

"Hahaha, a man should live magnificently and die vigorously! My mad family—reverse!" Kuang Batian yelled again, and was the first to catch the big sword, and the hundred-foot-long sword slammed into the army of the celestial beings, Immediately, the crowd rolled and blood was splashed.

The bloody killing started, with Lin Fan as the arrow, Kuangjia followed behind, crashing into the army of the Celestial Human Race.

It's a massacre!

It has to be said that the millions of legions brought out by Ni Yu are really strong, and there are three masters, but they are useless. They all died tragically under Lin Fan's hands, and there is no one-stroke enemy. It is powerless to fight back.

"How dare you!" Ni Yu was furious!

The situation has changed drastically, beyond his imagination.

How could this Lin Fan be so strong?

The invincible army he brought out is really like paper. You know, Lin Fan's side only has a mere ten thousand people, but after killing seven people in and seven out, his invincible army is like a pig, and can only be passive. waiting to be slaughtered.

"What are you doing? Don't you want to help?"

Ni Yu scolded angrily, he stared at those heroes who were still watching, and said with a grinning grin: "If the onlookers don't help me to kill the criminals today, they won't be able to escape afterwards, and they must be cleaned up one by one, and they will all be killed." thorough!"

Lin Fan killed at least a thousand people with one halberd, and he almost laughed wildly when he heard this sentence!

This Ni Yu is too stupid.

How dare you speak like this when people are so restless.

His making such a sound is more effective than killing 1 people.


When Ni Yu said this, the faces of the onlookers all changed, and their eyes became sharp and gloomy!

"Father, let's kill the world with them! Didn't you hear his words? If we don't help, our ethnic group will be liquidated afterwards."

A young man in the Holy Realm spoke, and he looked at his father beside him: "But, can we swing the butcher knife and slash at Lin Fan? Dare? Or, we want to use the sharp knife in our hand to slash at Lin Fan who is facing us in Qizhou." A madman with a caretaker?"

His father turned to look at his son and grinned: "Son; your father and I were also full of ambitions."

The young man smiled: "Then kill it!"


His father and son rushed into the army formation, followed by people from their own clan!

With the first, there will naturally be the second!


"Kill the shit, what kind of hero is afraid of death!"

"Kill, not all of this family are immortal. When a white knife goes in, it will turn into a red knife!"

"Kill it!"

The heroes rose up, ignored all of them, screamed, waved their weapons, and all rushed into the army formation.

Swords and swords, when their blades hacked down each of the Celestial and Human soldiers, there was a strange excitement in their hearts, and they were trembling with excitement!

"Do you all want to die!" Ni Yu trembled all over, roaring and dancing!

Has the world changed?

Even his family can't deter the world?

"Dead? You died!"

Lin Fan jumped up, stomping on the heads of many celestial beings and charged towards Niyu. With every step he took, at least three or five heads exploded!

"Lin Fan! You can't kill me!" Ni Yu yelled mournfully.

When he saw Lin Fan charging towards him, he felt cold all over and his hair stood on end.

"Can't kill you?" Lin Fan's heavy halberd rested on his neck, and his eyes were extremely strange.

"Yes! You can't kill me, I am the nephew of the god, if you kill me" Ni Yu shouted.

"Idiot." Lin Fan cut lightly with his heavy halberd, and the sharp halberd cut off Ni Yu's head: "Under Lao Tzu's order, I have already killed more than 2000 million Celestials, so you are missing one of them?"

Ni Yu is dead!

This army was also destroyed.

There are many heroes in Qizhou.

This is not just talk, the people in this state are very chivalrous, when the prestige Kuang family in Qizhou became the first bird, the whole state was boiling, and many cultivators flocked to this place.

The million people brought by Ni Yu are indeed very strong, but so what?

Could it be that he can still defeat the people of a state?

"Nephew Lin, from now on, we will be grasshoppers on the same rope."

In Kuangzu's mansion, Kuangbatian stared at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan nodded, and said: "Shibo don't need to think too much, I, Lin Fan, don't want to fight for the world, and I'm not the kind of person who would betray his comrades."

Kuang Batian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "I believe in my nephew's character, and Brother Feng, I also believe in it."

Lin Fan smiled slightly: "There are so many heroes in Qizhou, today I really learned a lot."

"Senior Lin has a great reputation."

An extremely old emperor got up and clasped his fists at Lin Fan.

He is much older than Lin Fan, but in the world of cultivators, age doesn't matter, what matters is strength, so he called him senior.

Lin Fan quickly returned the gift.

The emperor said: "I am in Qizhou to follow the senior, what is the arrangement of the senior?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: "How dare I discuss the matter of Qizhou? Let Uncle Kuang take the lead."

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