Twin martial arts

Chapter 2585 Tongtian vomiting blood

Lin Fan really had such an extravagant wish.

In the entire celestial race, the only thing worth worrying about is the gods.

It would be too beautiful and wondrous if it could really make him go mad and die immediately.

Of course, this is just wishful thinking, and it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

But, he just said that.

Tong Tian's face was green and pale, and then he was furious. He soared up, snatched the command flag from the herald, and waved it down fiercely: "Kill! Trample everything in front of me!"




The Celestial-Human army roared in unison, but no one noticed that this kind of shouting and killing was at least half less than the initial one!

And that half of the people are the army of the Dragon Clan and the Thief State!

"The waves have swept away all the romantic figures through the ages." Someone sighed and looked at Lin Fan with great regret.

He appreciates this Lin Fan very much, but he will be wiped out by the Celestial Race in the end.

"Times have changed, history has ups and downs, only this family is Yongchang, and anyone who dares to offend the majesty of this family will be destroyed, without exception."

"Yes, the era is ups and downs, and the mulberry sea has become a mulberry field. How many heroes and heroes have great ambitions and want to overthrow this clan, but who can, who can?"

"Let's go. From now on, the Phoenix family will be ashes. From then on, there will be no real Phoenixes and real Phoenixes in the world. The future generations can only see the true faces of this family in certain albums."

"It's sad and deplorable. It's not that no one thinks, it's not that no one resists, but they are all dead."

Everyone was discussing, all very pessimistic, smiling wryly.

The Celestials and Humans are domineering and cruel, bloody suppression of the current world, but anyone who dares to disobey the prestige of this clan will die. I don't know how many evils have been done, and how many ethnic groups have been wiped out because of it.

There are many people who want to rebel, but no one dares, and those who dare die, and now some people are about to die.

The army moved out and swarmed, rushing towards the palace from all directions, trying to flatten everything in front of them.

But to everyone's surprise, even at this point, the Phoenix Clan's clan protection formation still hasn't been opened, and none of the legendary elders have ever appeared. After leaving, only Lin Fan and Phoenix Lord still stood proudly on the palace, overlooking the rushing army.

"Lin Fan! This is the result of offending me, thousands of troops and horses stepping on the monster clan!" Tongtian roared, he was riding on the Wanli Yanyun Beast, surrounded by two invincible legions, his voice alone was suppressed for a short time Over thousands of troops.

"You really want to kill? Then kill!"

Lunar calendar in Lin Fan's eyes!

Yes, it's time, it's the perfect time.

When the whole world ordered the charge, the morale was the strongest and the murderous intent was the strongest. If he gave the order at that time, even if he could kill many celestial and human armies, he must kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

So, he waited until this time, when the soldiers rushing to the front were less than a thousand meters away from the palace group!

At this time, the minds of all the fighters are locked in the palace group, in order to guard against various possible killing moves, such as arrow rain or the clan protection array, etc., and will not focus on the comrades who follow their charge body!

Just wait for this moment!


Lin Fan yelled violently, like a thunderous bell, like a spring thunder, shaking the charging army and horses!


Knife, sword, sword, and spear!

In an instant, at least half of the densely charged troops were reduced!

This is sharply visually impactful.

Because, among the densely packed and crowded charging queue, half of them suddenly fell down in a pool of blood, and Nuo Da's position was suddenly vacated, which was very scary.

"What's going on?" Tong Tian yelled.

Until now, he has not reacted, he looked at Lin Long who dripped the last drop of blood from the tip of the sword, and screamed: "Ao Qin, what are you doing?"

Lin Long looked back and said mockingly: "I forgot to tell you, my real name is not Ao Qin, but Lin Long."

"Lin Long?" Tong Tian was startled, and then suddenly screamed, "Are you Lin Fan's hidden body?"

"It's this seat." Lin Long suddenly nailed the Dragon King Sword backwards, and nailed an attacking emperor in the void.

Tong Tian spattered out a mouthful of blood!

This Lin Long turned out to be Lin Fan's hidden body?

So what did he do?

It doesn't count that he personally stepped forward to secure the position of Dragon King for Lin Long, and married his own sister.

Even, for a long time, he had always hoped that Lin Long would be able to fight against Lin Fan, and finally, with his support, Lin Long's strength increased dramatically, thus beheading Lin Fan to death!

Now it seems that I am a complete joke.

"Dragon King! Aren't you afraid that your dragon clan will be wiped out because of this!" He was furious, staring murderously at the burly man standing behind Lin Long like a shadow.

This is the previous Dragon King.

"Although he is Lin Long, he is also my son. It's enough to endure your celestial beings for so many years, and it's enough to act." The Dragon King said coldly.

"Rogue Emperor! Why did you betray!" Tongtian stared at Robber Emperor again.

The Thief Emperor shrugged his shoulders: "I have committed millions of robbers, but are they really guilty? They were just forced. You know who the culprit is."

"Your Highness, how do you feel now?" Lin Fan smiled, he was still standing proudly on the palace complex.

The sudden change made the battlefield strangely silent.

Of course, with such a change, it is impossible to wipe out all the legions of the Celestials who came here in one fell swoop, but at least half of them were killed, and the remaining army horses successfully gathered again under the cover of the masters of the Celestials and the undead legions.

It has to be said that the Celestial Human Race's legion is really well-trained, even after such a sudden change, it still formed an army again in the shortest time, even though its face was pale, but its murderous aura was still strong.

"Lin Fan! I admit that I lost this time, but so what?" Tongtian was bleeding in his heart, but his face pretended to be indifferent: "I still have millions of legions under my command, and there are two soldiers, the Immortal and the Emperor. Jun, even if you have a large number of people, so what? Just wait, this deity will definitely make a comeback, and when the time comes, none of you will be able to escape."

"Your Highness, it's better to retreat. There is really no need to talk about these scenes, and things will change later. You must know that this is on the territory of the monster clan." Chen Xuandong looked at the lunar calendar at this time, and he stared at Lin Long and Pirate Emperor viciously. , Angrily said: "Your Highness is not mean to you, and you are so ungrateful, are you not as good as pigs and dogs?"

At this moment, Tongtian actually felt warm, smiled wryly, and whispered: "Brother Chen, I'm in such a mess right now, do you have a plan?"

Chen Xuandong sighed: "At this moment, the only way to break out from the west is to use immortality or the emperor as the vanguard."

Tong Tian's pupils shrank: "Then this millionaire boy"

"If you don't want to give up a million sons, how can you get out of this predicament easily?" Chen Xuandong's eyes were cold: "Only by letting them cut off the back and stop Lin Fan's army, we can keep things simple and rely on the invincible power of the two legions. May return to the Celestial Race."

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