Tong Tian stared at Lord Feng, with a smile like charity, he said: "Lord Phoenix, I haven't seen you for a long time; I miss you very much."

Lord Feng's eyes were gloomy, and he said sarcastically: "Your Highness's thoughts will be heart-wrenching, and I don't dare to worry about it."

"Phoenix Lord was joking." Tongtian smiled, completely indifferent to the cynicism and murderous intent in Fengzhu's words, he stood proudly in front of thousands of troops with a golden helmet and golden armor, the army was silent, there was no sound, only Xiao Xiao Killing, thunder in the silence, but it has become a foil to the sky.

"Are you joking?" Lord Phoenix glanced lightly.

"It's a pity that the Phoenix family has lasted for hundreds of millions of years, but now it will be wiped out overnight. It's pitiful and pathetic."

Tong Tian was still speaking, his words were compassionate and compassionate, but in fact, his eyes were full of cruelty and viciousness.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of troops behind him roared in unison—"Kill!"

The word "kill" shook the heavens and the earth, shaking the mountains, shaking the earth, and invisibly boosting the supreme power of the sky.

"If you want to fight, you can fight. Where did so much nonsense come from?"

Lin Fan opened his mouth in a gloomy manner, as soon as the strange soldier reached the predetermined position, he would wave the command flag and fight back.

So now, he is stalling for time, willing to confront this Tongtian here with words.

"War? At this time, this place, this situation, this situation, are you worthy of talking like this?" Tong Tian laughed grimly, and suddenly turned his head, staring straight at Phoenix Lord, and said: "Feng Lord, after all, you There is no conflict or hatred between the Phoenix Clan and this seat, as long as you agree to some conditions of this seat, you will bypass your Phoenix Clan today, so that your Clan can continue to survive in this great world."

Lord Phoenix narrowed his eyes: "Let's talk about it."

"Jie Jie is worthy of being the Phoenix Lord, she really knows the current affairs."

Tong Tian sneered and laughed strangely, this sentence was clearly a compliment and a derogation, he raised a finger and shouted: "I have great courage in my heart; I have long wanted to form the True Phoenix Army, if you promise from now on, the Er clan will become my clan The mount can keep the family fortune for at least 8 years."

"Are you joking?"

The phoenix master was out of anger, his face was as gloomy as water, and the feathers and feathers behind him were like sharp knives pointing directly at Tongtian above the sky!

Is this Tongtian out of his mind?

How proud he is of the Phoenix family, how can he become a lowly mount?

That's not even as good as a war servant, it's the same as a beast!

"Are you joking? I am not joking." Tong Tian smiled cruelly and said, "This is only the first condition."

"Hey, it's only the first condition that you want to turn my family into livestock?" Phoenix Master's murderous intent was agitated, and traces of real fire burst out from the pores of his body.

"Don't talk too much, if you interrupt me by talking too much, if you interrupt my momentary kindness, the Er family will really be over." Tongtian threatened fiercely.

At this time, he stretched out his second finger, stared at Lin Fan viciously, and said: "The second condition is that you personally capture Lin Fan, and the princess of the Er clan personally kills him! On one condition, this seat will allow your Phoenix Clan to continue to live, or die!"

Lin Fan felt a chill in his heart!

How cruel is this Tongtian.

I want Lord Feng to capture him personally, and I want Le Yao to behead him personally.

He got it!

This Tongtian is eating him to death, and he wants to watch him feel the so-called betrayal before he dies!

So cruel!

So poisonous!

"Phoenix Lord, what are you thinking about? The survival of the ethnic group is a matter of great concern, but it is only a mere son-in-law, so what if you kill it?"

The ruler of the Heavenly Human race yelled, there are eight of them in total, they form the power of the stars and the moon, and firmly protect Tongtian among them.

"Jie Jie is nothing more than a son-in-law. If you behead her now, even though Princess Phoenix has been a married woman for many years, her charm has not diminished. I have suffered this loss and become your son-in-law and Lin Fan's brother-in-law. how?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed wildly, leaning back and forth from laughter, stumbling around!


Lin Fan was furious, tens of thousands of feet of dragon-shaped blood sprang out of the Tianling Cap, it was frighteningly red!

He started.

Even if I should be patient at this time, waiting for all the arrangements and planning to be in place, I really can't bear it.

This foul-mouthed master must die.

"What a dog!" Tong Tian's eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "Let's go, and capture him, I want to see his relatives and loved ones die tragically in front of him, and I want him to die at the hands of his so-called brothers!"


Tong Tian sneered coldly, but the deity was retreating. He sent Lin Fan at least one hundred and eight thousand miles, like Yinghuo and Haoyue. How could he dare to resist Lin Fan's wrath head-on?

He retreated into the army formation, and the layer upon layer of the army tightly protected him. He was really afraid of death.

"Lin Fan? I've wanted to learn for a long time."

A master sneered, his name is Tianyu, he is very strong, he has a very high status among the Celestials and Humans, he is admired by thousands of people, he has not been born for many years, he is one of the heritage of the Celestials and Humans.

"Tsk tsk, you are still lost on the road of reincarnation when we are all over the world."

The master also spoke sarcastically, and they were careless, looking at Lin Fan who charged like light from above the palace, their eyes were full of cold killing intent.

"Stop it, it would be a disgrace to let you get close!"

Tianyu sneered, he stretched out a big hand, dusty, but when he flipped his palm, a thousand-foot mountain fell from his fingers, lifelike, with jagged rocks and deep vegetation on it, but if you look carefully, you will see Whether it's strange rocks, or vegetation, etc., they are all transformed by Dao pattern symbols!

It was so terrifying. With the flip of the palm, a mountain of ten thousand feet fell out and hit the ground below, causing earthquakes in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, magma gushing out, vegetation flying, and all spirits howling.

On it, the apes jumping between the cliffs, the worms walking through the grass, and the vegetation growing on the cliffs, etc., are all Dao marks, which are the tangible manifestation of Tianyu's understanding of Dao. .


A stalk of grass was blown by the wind, but in the end, it shot out a sword intent that blasted a big star outside the domain!


An ape roared, and as a result, hundreds of mountains exploded, and then exploded.

A whole mountain is just one skill!

Only such a person dared to speak wildly. It would be a shame for him to let Lin Fan get close.

"Hey, I can't bear a single blow. To me, this famous Lin Fan is just as weak as a child." Tianyu sighed, and continued to press down with his hand, and unexpectedly five majestic peaks appeared, covering an entire area. Hundred miles around!

"Heaven and Man Five Fingers!"

Someone was terrified, shouting somewhere, trembling all over, trembling all over!

This is the most brutal and domineering kill of the Celestial Clan. There have been Celestial Clan lunatics who used this move to kill tens of thousands of creatures with one blow!

"Wrong! It should be the Six Fingers of Heaven and Man. Don't forget, at the beginning, Your Majesty has already pressed down a mountain." The emperor of the Heaven and Human race had a hot face, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Hehe, he has made great strides forward, taking this skill to the next level." Tong Tian pushed aside the crowd at this time, and he walked out with a smile: "Unfortunately, I only wanted to capture him, but at this moment it seems , I am afraid that he has already become a fan."

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