Twin martial arts

Chapter 2577 The seemingly inconspicuous dispute

Lin Fan wouldn't be shy, he sat on the chair carelessly, making the girls blush with shame and spat lightly one after another.

"What are you doing? Old couples, what haven't you seen? Why are you so shy?" Lin Fan jumped on the table, and the girls quickly lowered their heads, their faces turning even redder.

"People who are one or two hundred years old, know whether to be ashamed, know whether to be ashamed." Although Le Yao blushed.

"What's wrong with being one or two hundred years old? In the world of cultivators, it's the prime of life." Lin Fan was blunt. He made jokes and made jokes here. The main reason was that he wanted to be slept with.

In the end, he succeeded, successfully dragged all the girls into the water, and used small tricks to break down the close female alliances one by one, starting from when Le Yao blushed and was brutally taken off the little red bellyband by Lin Fan, It was out of control.

The first to be stripped was Nightmare, then Le Yao, and then Qingcheng

By the time the girls came to their senses and knew what Lin Fan was up to, it was already too late. Lin Fan took all the girls' clothes into his own world, and this night, his wish came true.

It was three poles high in the sun, and Lin Fan slowly opened the door of the room. The sun was shining, and the house was full of spring scenery, which was too beautiful to behold.

In the martial arts arena.

The other legion brought by Lin Fan from the Seventh Realm all gathered here; a Kui Niu stood beside them; Xiao Nuo stood at the highest point, as if giving a lecture.

Lin Fan arrived and looked with satisfaction. These were the two legions he had placed high hopes on. Lin Fan had the confidence to fight against the Heavenly God Army. Any large army.

"Father." Xiao Nuo said.

Lin Fan nodded slightly, and asked with a smile, "Has it ever been named?"

Xiao Nuo nodded: "This legion is called Samsara, Samsara Army, send all enemies to Samsara."

Lin Fan's heart tightened slightly, he sighed, but forced a smile and said, "It's so bold."

Looking back, he looked at the little princess; he smiled and said, "Are you still used to coming here?"

The little princess shyly said: "I'm used to reporting back to my father-in-law, but I miss my father and mother occasionally."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Don't worry, they will show up one day. My in-laws are also the ones who are unwilling to be lonely."

"Father, when will the war officially start?" Xiao Nuo sent the little princess away with eyes full of doting.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes: "From today on."

"Today?" Xiao Nuo's pupils shrank.

Lin Fan nodded: "Aren't thousands of Heavenly Divine Army permanently stationed in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters? It's right at the border with the Phoenix Clan."

"Father wants to slaughter the tens of thousands of heavenly gods first?" Xiao Nuo's pupils shrank.

This is a great handwriting. If tens of thousands of heavenly gods are slaughtered in one fell swoop, even the heavenly and human race will be hurt.

"Small friction." Lin Fan's eyes were cold: "That's the army of thousands of gods. It may be as simple as killing it. We don't need to hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred."

"Understood." Xiao Nuo nodded.

That night, when Xiao Nuo's Samsara Army was patrolling the border of the Phoenix Clan, there was a little friction with the Heavenly God Army stationed in the Dragon Clan.

That night, more than [-] people were killed or injured by the Celestial Army, and four hundred were seriously injured by the Samsara Army.

Of course, this is not because the combat power of the Samsara Army is really so much stronger than that of the God Army, but because Xiao Nuo has well-planned plans.

On the second day, Lin Long reported the news to the general of the Heavenly God Army stationed in the Dragon Clan, and the other party was naturally murderous, and Chen Bing was on the border, watching him like a tiger!

The reaction of the Phoenix Clan was extremely strong, and the Nirvana Army also set out to guard the frontier and confront the Celestial Army.

Only kill the chief evil!

This is the slogan of the Celestial Army, bluntly speaking, if the Phoenix Clan does not hand over the soldiers who committed bloody debts last night, they will go out with a large army and crush the Phoenix Clan.

The Nirvana Army did not say a word, but dispatched troops more urgently. Both sides stationed tens of millions of troops on the Longfeng border. The war was about to break out, and the atmosphere was too tense.

The whole world is attracted by the frontier confrontation between the dragon and the phoenix, and everyone is paying attention.

In the end, Tongtian came forward and issued an order directly on behalf of the gods, scolding the cruelty of the Phoenix clan and accusing them of killing thousands of people.

The decree was sent directly to Phoenix Lord, and the words on it were extremely strict. He asked Phoenix Lord if he wanted to exterminate the clan. If you want to hand it over, you have already given him an explanation from the Celestial Race, otherwise you will not hesitate to start a war.


It has been a full five days since the decree was received, but the Phoenix Clan did not reply a single word.

It was just at midnight on the sixth day, after Lin Fan drank heavily in the most luxurious hotel in Qingzhou, he cut the sky with his sword and wrote a big word of war!

And while he was drunk, he said wildly, if you want to fight in the Celestial Human Race, then fight, and rushed to the frontier overnight, and personally sat in the Nirvana Army.

The whole world was in an uproar, and it was impossible to imagine why Lin Fan would be so tough; he bluntly wanted to fight!

Of course, those who are familiar with the relationship between Xiao Nuo and Lin Fan feel that it is normal for Lin Fan to respond.

No father can hand over his son to die.

When Tong Tian knew about this, he just smiled coldly and cruelly three times. In just three hours, Lin Long was summoned to the Celestial Clan.

"Brother-in-law, if you face Lin Fan at this time, how will you win or lose?" Tong Tian leaned slightly and looked straight at Lin Long.

Lin Long frowned, and after a moment of contemplation, he smiled wryly: "It is estimated that the defeat is more than the victory, if you fight with your life, he will be crippled but I will die."

Tong Tian's pupils shrank: "They are all strong people who have taken that road, how can there be such a big gap?"

"He has gone farther than me." Lin Long replied simply.

"Then if you are in charge of the tens of thousands of heavenly gods stationed at the Dragon Clan at this time, can you be sure to wipe out Lin Fan and the Phoenix Clan in one fell swoop?" Tong Tian asked again.

Lin Long shook his head: "I'm just an outsider after all, and I'm not suitable to lead the army of the Celestial Human Race. You need to find another handsome person."

Tong Tian shook his head: "For the Origin of Ten Thousand Monsters, we are only outsiders after all, and it's up to you to take charge. Please don't refuse."

Lin Long smiled wryly and said, "The Celestial Human Race has a lot of talents; if you let me be an outsider in charge, I'm afraid that some people will be dissatisfied if the government order is not implemented."

"Who dares?" Tong Tian raised his eyebrows, and said with a grin: "Since Lin Fan wants to fight, then I will accompany him to fight thoroughly and happily. They must be wiped out in this battle, and the Phoenix Clan will not exist in this world. "

"I will do my best." Lin Long sighed, and said again: "The Phoenix Clan is not that simple, and with Lin Fan's two legions, it is just the Dragon Clan's headquarters and the Ten Thousand Heavenly Divine Army stationed in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters. yes"

"Then I will add 500 million troops to you." Tong Tian waved his big hand, he really was rich and powerful.

Lin Long raised his eyebrows slightly, but finally he could only sigh.

He originally thought that if he asked for 2000 million troops from Tongtian, it would be best to bury all the Celestial Army on the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters, but he also knew that this was unrealistic.

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