Twin martial arts

Chapter 2572 Sudden extra son

"It's not the deity who surprised you, it's really, you are too incompetent."

Lin Fan didn't have any kindness and humility, there was no need for that.

"Jie Jie"

Uncle Guo smiled strangely: "After decades of retreat, I thought that except for a few people in this world, no one could make me afraid, but I didn't expect that even you have grown to this stage; I have to say, you are really An odd number, he is really the most enchanting person I have ever seen in my life, even if it is His Majesty, it is not as good as you."

"What is this?" Lin Fan sneered: "Some people become rulers in less than a hundred years, and some people become enlightened in three hundred years and stand on the top of the world. I can only kill you, which is far behind the ancients."


Uncle Guo roared and made moves.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to talk too much with Lin Fan, it's too hurtful!

What did you hear that kid Lin Fan say?

Just being able to kill him is far from the ancients?

What kind of contempt and humiliation is this?

Who is he?

He once aspired to be the hero of the Demon Lord, and once tried to lead the Seventh Realm to unify the two realms.

But what happened in Lin Fan's mouth?

a waste?

The most important thing is, when he walked out of the closed huts, how majestic was he?

To put it bluntly, even the devil would be afraid.

Even if General Zhantian made a move at this time, he could easily block and fight back.

In just a blink of an eye, he was beheaded by a younger generation who could only compete with his blood in the past.


Unexpectedly, when he growled and uttered the word 'kill', Lin Fan slapped him again, causing him to stagger, bloodstains appeared on his body, and then flew to a distance and exploded.

The battle clothes are moving, peerless elegance!

This kind of toughness, fearlessness and ferocity shocked a group of people from the uncle's mansion, shaking their heads and shaking their heads, trembling everywhere!

They originally thought that after decades of silence, the uncle's mansion was born, and when he ruled the world, he led them to create greater glories again. During these decades, all their grievances, humiliations, etc., will be washed away, and they can stand up straight from now on. Walk the world.

As a result, Lin Fan, who had clearly gone far away from the world of heaven and man, killed them here, and beat the pillar of their hearts - the uncle of the country, powerless to fight back.

"Where are those people who bullied me in the past? Are they all dead? Let's all go together now, I will kill you all alone!"

Lin Fan yelled angrily, he had already charged up, and before the wreckage of the uncle had been reassembled, he had killed him once, and the blood and bones all over the place were scattered all over the sky.

This battle was very bloody and cruel. The most important thing was that Uncle Guo was really powerless to fight back, so he was very aggrieved by Lin Fan's killing.

Obviously there are all kinds of heaven-defying tricks, but it is impossible for him to be Lin Fan's opponent, and he was suppressed to death.

The most important thing is that Uncle Guo took the wrong path and learned all kinds of evil methods in the abyss, but met Lin Fan's way of thunder, and he was as panic-stricken as the sky.

"Fan'er, stop now, if you kill him, you will recite karma."

At this time, the Demon Lord appeared, and behind him was the Demon Queen.

When the two of them appeared, of course it was impossible for outsiders to see them.


Uncle Guo was horrified, staring at Lin Fan in disbelief, and then seemed to suddenly realize it, and burst into tears with a smile: "So that's the case! If that's the case! I should have thought of it a long time ago."

He figured it all out.

Why is it that Lin Fan is clearly a person from another world, but why does the aloof Mozun Palace favor him so much.

Even Her Royal Highness, whose eyes are higher than the top, except for Xu Yang, who does not pretend to speak to any young man, will call this Lin Fan his elder brother.

Suddenly, his eyes became strange: "So it seems that this kid is still my nephew? Hehe, interesting, nephew killed uncle?"

"Uncle? Do you still remember your identity?" The Queen's face was icy cold: "Who is it that forced us to separate our mother and child? Sister-in-law, just for that cold throne?"

"Hey" Uncle Guo sneered: "As the royal family of the seventh realm, how superior are we? What about them? They are just prisoners of the first realm; your union with this trash like Lin Zhen is a mistake and a humiliation to our superior blood." .”


Uncle Guo scolded him in all kinds of ways, but in the end, Lin Fan slapped him to pieces again.

He didn't have any affection for this uncle at all, let alone any feelings. When he made a move, he showed no mercy at all.

"Wait" the uncle Guo's body was reorganized in the distance, and he stared at the demon with a smirk on his face: "So the one you appointed as the sole successor, isn't it the kid's parent and child? Yes, yes, And that's the only explanation that makes sense."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank: "Father, do you want to keep Xiao Nuo in this world?"

"Xiao Nuo? No, no, no, no, his name is Lin Tian!" Uncle Guo smirked: "I understand, Lin Zhen, you are also on guard against the possibility of fratricide, that's why you are so eager to put that kid on the line. For the heir?"

"Lin Tian!"

Lin Fan was shocked, and looked back at his father in an instant, his face full of disbelief.

The queen sighed: "This matter is very complicated."

After finishing speaking, the Queen looked at Uncle Guo and smiled: "You have done a lot of evil in this life, but before you died, you did a good deed, at least this fact, I have been thinking about how to tell Fan Er. "

Lin Fan doesn't know what will happen to the uncle of the country, but since there is such a blood relationship, Lin Zhen and the queen will naturally not let him kill him.

At this time, he was sitting in the conference hall of the uncle's mansion with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Hongmei? Birthed a son for me?" He was horrified: "I thought I had gone completely and simply, and had no debts other than Qingyue, but I didn't expect that I would..."

He couldn't go on.

No need to think about it, that woman was lonely, pregnant in October, and it was hard work for another person to raise Lin Tian.


How did he have another son?

Still such an outstanding little monster.

"She doesn't want to meet with you. My mother has said it more than once, but her attitude is very firm. I even talked to her in detail yesterday." The queen smiled wryly.

"Nonsense!" Lin Fan scolded angrily, "My parent and son, he is not allowed to recognize me? Where did this come from? It's impossible to say it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan raised his eyes: "So, that kid Lin Tian already knew that I was his father?"

The queen nodded.

"He's turned upside down!" Lin Fan was furious.

He finally knew the reason why that boy, who was clearly meeting him for the first time, spoke with a gun in his arms and a stick in his arms, and the reason why he was so sarcastic.

The kid he was talking about was currently sparring with Xiao Nuo. Starting from the state of Body Tempering, he kept controlling his own strength and fought until he reached the Emperor.

As for Princess Jue, she was staring worriedly at the side. Of course, there was Hongmei beside her.

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