Twin martial arts

Chapter 2564 Allure Allure

Thief Emperor, this is a legend.

His legend lies in that even Li Guang, who is a disciple, has never seen his true face.

It is even unknown whether he is a man or a woman.

However, he deterred the world with his own strength, and protected all the thugs and criminals in the robbery state, so that the world of heaven and man would not dare to raise troops to invade.

Because, he is too mysterious.

Although he is worthy of being an emperor, what level is his cultivation?

No one knows.

All I know is that Tongtian's father, Tianshen, had his divine crown stolen for no reason during the day when he inherited the Celestial-human race, and he was once humiliated by that man who had lived his life and stood at the pinnacle of the Celestial-human world.

Moreover, until now, the divine crown is still missing.

And searching all over the world, the only one who can have this ability is the one who steals the state.

Therefore, his open and aboveboard visit to the Celestial Clan will certainly arouse the solemnity of the Celestial Clan, and of course it will cause an uproar in the world.

"Senior went to the Celestial Clan alone?" Lin Fan frowned, suddenly thinking of this.

This is too daring, aren't you afraid that that family will be unreasonable, disregarding morality, and directly capture the bottom?

Lin Fan completely forgot that not long ago, he also broke into the Celestial Clan by himself.

"Don't worry, that old guy has many ways to save his life. It's not an exaggeration to call it a cat with nine lives, or it should be described as a fox with nine lives."

The phoenix master opened his mouth at this time, gnashing his teeth here.

Lin Fan looked at his father-in-law suspiciously. Seeing the bitter and bitter look, could it be that his father-in-law had also suffered under the hands of some legend?

Of course, this kind of matter must not be asked, otherwise Lin Fan felt that he would be very hurt and become a kind of punching bag.

"Everything is waiting for the Thief Emperor's news, and Li Guang will be in charge of it." After thinking for a while, Lin Fan said this.

He only heard about the whole matter of Thief Emperor's entry into the Celestial-Human Clan now, and it should be the result of discussions among various talents after he entered the Celestial-Human Clan. Therefore, Lin Fan didn't think much about it, and Li Guang was in charge of this matter. It can gain the trust of those who steal the state to the greatest extent.

What Lin Fan is eager to do now is to go to the Lower Realm and announce this success to Qingcheng, so that the Lower Realm she worries about can rest easy for a long, long time.

The lower realm was actually not peaceful, and since Lin Fan sent the news to Wu Qingcheng that day, she had been worrying all the time, and the entire Divine Court was running at high speed, making all preparations.

And the entire lower realm's creatures share the same hatred. Anyone who can lift a weapon is ready to throw their lives and fight against the demons in the lower realm.

Of course, I was also praying that that person could continue to write the legend.

When Lin Fan appeared in the divine court, Qing Cheng, who was standing proudly in front of the endless army with a sword in his hand, showed a smile, and murmured: "My lord."

Behind her, there are boundless creatures!

The Shenting war department is at the front, while the creatures from the lower world are at the end.

"It's all right." Lin Fan felt extremely distressed, and stepped forward to embrace Qingcheng in his arms.

The boundless army dispersed, in the courtyard, on the floating island, on the red bed.

"I have been waiting for us to officially counterattack. So much blood and debts always need someone to pay back."

Qingcheng opened her mouth like a charging female general, her eyes were full of coldness.

This is an evildoer who once made Lin Fan's scalp tingle, at least for a long time, he can crush Lin Fan in terms of realm.

But now, even Xiaoxi, even the most lazy Nightmare who doesn't want to cultivate, has become an emperor, but she is still in the realm of a king.

The root cause of all this is that this woman has guarded Lin Fan's biggest weakness in his heart, his concern.

"Go with me today." Lin Fan stroked the black hair that was stuck to Qingcheng's smooth forehead with pity.

Qingcheng's cheeks were flushed, and she smiled: "I didn't go before because I thought that if you were defeated, injured, or retreated in the upper realm, at least there would be a retreat in the lower realm where I was stationed, but now of course I want to go with you." Go up, and I want that family to be buried in my hands."

"Well, we'll go up tomorrow, and it's time for us to officially counterattack." Lin Fan said.

"Why do you have to wait until tomorrow? Let's go now, I really can't wait, I really want to see the sky outside, I want to see the upper realm where you have fought and fought for a hundred years."

"What do you think?" Lin Fan's eyes narrowed.

The Thief Emperor went to the Celestial Clan, and the Robber State has since surrendered to the Celestial Clan.

This news was so horrifying that it made the entire Celestial Realm tremble!

What are the people who steal the state going to do?

Do you want to wash away the sins of the past and live in the sun with integrity from now on?

How can this be?

If this is the case, will those souls in the hands of those who died in the Pirate State agree?

However, Tongtian replaced the gods, announced to the world, and directly acquitted the crimes of the robbers in the state, and the [-] robbers in the robbery state, no matter who they were, their crimes will be retried and sentenced.

Using various methods, either trying to cover up, or being unreasonable, etc., to clear the [-] robbers.

At least, the whole world seems to have accepted these people, most of them were wronged. Of course, there were hundreds of people who were directly sentenced by Tongtian for felony and killed on the spot.

"Sister Le Yao is incredible, this move is wonderful."

At this time, Wu Qingcheng has come to the Phoenix Clan.

On the first day, when the girls got together, they were naturally very drunk.

But from the second day onwards, Wu Qingcheng quickly regained her former composure, like a female general planning a strategy, she looked at Le Yao with admiration.

Le Yao smiled reservedly.

Qingcheng said: "I have a plan, but it may wrong the people who steal the state, but this is to discuss with Brother Li Guang to see if it is feasible."

Li Guang frowned: "Sister-in-law just speak up."

"The thieves in the Pirate State, no matter whether they were forced to go that way, or they were evil in nature, they all made big mistakes, with a mountain of bones in their hands, and the reason why they flowed into the Pirate State Condemned by the Celestials."

There was a brilliance of wisdom in Wu Qingcheng's eyes: "And now, just because the Thief Emperor went to the Celestial Clan and plotted something, this clan has personally exonerated these people, disregarding the souls of those who were tortured, and is despised by the world."

Lin Fan frowned: "Qingcheng, are you planning to use this as an excuse to declare war on the Celestials?"

"Why not?" Wu Qingcheng frowned: "If that's the case, we can declare war on the Bandit State on the face of righteousness, but the front of the soldiers is directed at the Celestial Clan, and there must be heroes to vote."

"The problem is," Li Guang sighed: "The people who steal the state are mostly used, framed, or persecuted by the Celestials and Humans. Although they made big mistakes, they are so innocent."

With Wu Qingcheng's wisdom in his hands, he said: "We don't target those who steal the state, but we need to rely on this righteousness, and if we can win in the end, the so-called crimes and the so-called robbery of the state will naturally be cleansed by then. Of course, those who really The great evil must be eliminated, otherwise what is the difference between us and the Celestial Race?"

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