Twin martial arts

Chapter 2558 Hu Lie's Backer

This is a complex and well-thought-out plan.

At first, Chen Xuandong's inspiration burst out, and after Lin Fan thought about it carefully, he felt that it was feasible, so after discussing with everyone, he thoroughly perfected it to every specific step.

Of course, in the end, it was Lin Fan's idea at the last moment to take this heavenly relative to visit the lower realms and let him 'witness' the tragedy in the world with his own eyes.

It's really hard to do all of this.

The difficulty is that you have to deceive many people and dozens of eyes.

But fortunately there is the Oneiroi Mansion.

Xiaoxi has been in charge of the Oneiroi Mansion for many years, and over time, she is able to use a little bit of the power of this unself-proclaimed ultimate tool, for example to create the most realistic dreams.

In fact, the mountains, rivers and myriad spirits below are all illusions, but Lin Fan is real, Lin Long is real, and the surging spring water and the poisonous smoke covering the sky are all real.

Of course, the death of hundreds of thousands of people from the two divisions of heaven and man is also true.

If there is no ultimate weapon, this arrangement will definitely be full of flaws. Even if the court of God is in charge of the world and is honored as a holy place, all spirits in the lower world will not resist the order of the court of God.

But how difficult is it to hide all spirits?

Just after the gathering of all spirits, it is impossible to completely erase the blood and vigorous vitality gathered into the sea.

"It's risky, but the rewards are too great."

Lin Fan and Tongtian were secretly happy. What Tongtian thought was that even if it was a heavy loss this time, it was nothing, and the merit outweighed the fault.

Lin Fan was thinking that Tongtian would definitely spread the news of the destruction of the lower realm; then, he could openly bring the little monster with extraordinary aptitude from the lower realm to the upper realm for training.

You can also work hard to turn the lower realm into a big rear, a big paradise.

"Your Highness!"

"Is Your Highness well?"

As soon as he flew out of the crack, a series of frightened inquiries came from his ears, which woke Lin Fan from his thoughts, and he squeezed out of the crowd in one step, and went to a distance.

Inadvertently, he saw Hu Lie, who had kowtowed in front of him, whispering in the ear of a lord, and glanced at his real lord with cold eyes from time to time.

It made him frown.


The master snorted heavily, and his eyes were like a blade of light, cutting through at least a hundred feet of space, and slashed straight at Lin Fan in a daze.

This is too rude and arrogant, to strike directly, without any warning at all, the two beams of light turned into heavenly knives and slashed at Lin Fan's face, how domineering?

Chi Chi.

Two golden fireworks flashed in Lin Fan's pupils, and the Heavenly Knife cutting towards his face turned into green smoke and scattered.

"You, want to die?"

Lin Fan scolded lightly.

He didn't want to cause trouble for the human race on this day, but if something really happened, he wouldn't be afraid, at worst, he would leave after a big kill.

"You are begging to die!"

The master yelled loudly, and came striding forward: "Forcing the descendants of this deity to admit their mistakes and bow down, who gave you the courage?"

Lin Fan glanced at Hu Lie who was grinning ferociously.

It turned out to be the case.

Just talk about why this Hu Lie dared to be so arrogant, could invite so many big figures in the dark world, and let so many heroes go to the restaurant where he lived to act as a lobbyist.

It turned out that there was such a towering giant tree in the house.

But if this giant tree is still so angry, with its nostrils facing the sky, this giant tree will collapse today.

"You descendants have no eyes, I'm here to discipline you, so as not to be said that he has no family education." Lin Fan said lightly, and looked directly at the approaching master.

"You have that qualification?"

The confrontation between the two attracted the attention of the heroes, and even the sky frowned: "Uncle, wait a moment."

Tong Tian wanted to call this ruler uncle, which shows his seniority, so he turned his head: "You also know about this?"

"I know." Tongtian frowned, but answered quickly.

The ruler looked up at the sky, lowered his head again, and said indifferently: "You are in charge of the Celestial Race, and you are right no matter how wrong you are, but you don't need to say anything about the matter at this time."

Tong Tian's eyes narrowed, his eyes flashed, and he winked to the left and right. Immediately, the three or five masters around him all sneered and pushed towards Lin Fan at the same time.

This is obviously to bully the few with the more.

"You know, numbers are useless to me." Lin Fan didn't look at the approaching master, but stared straight at Tongtian.

Tong Tian smiled wryly: "Brother Lin was joking, it's just that you humiliated the clansmen like this. These clan elders are angry with my mere juniors. Even if you have the grace to save my life, it is not easy to persuade them."

This sentence is too obvious.

Straightforwardly point out that you, Lin Fan, have saved my life, and I disdain to be an ungrateful person, but it is up to you to choose, or, a total of six masters will attack you at the same time.

Either I yelled at the master who was approaching after this, but you canceled my life-saving grace.

What a deal!

In fact, the most important thing is that Tongtian has too much confidence in this uncle. He once picked up a half-rotten talisman seal in the most secret place of the Celestial-Human Clan, and used it to crush to death the supreme being who had half-stepped to the gods.

Lin Fan will suffer a loss if he is determined, so he came up with such a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

"Hehe." Lin Fan's eyebrows were full of sarcasm, and he said, "It turns out that your family's life-saving grace can be exchanged for conditions."

Tong Tian shrugged and showed no other expressions.

Lin Fan looked at the six masters approaching him indifferently. He had full confidence that if he revealed some hole cards, he could kill at least five of them, and he himself was at most slightly injured.

But after thinking about it, he didn't move rashly, and said with a smile, "As you wish."

Tong Tian also laughed, and the five masters stopped in an instant, no longer approaching Lin Fan, but they still trapped Lin Fan firmly in the corner.

"Go into the bell." Lin Fan looked at Xiao Wu behind him.

Xiao Wu gritted his teeth, but was very obedient, and flew into the big clock. At this time, the big clock flew over and hung above Lin Fan's head. Thousands of mother spirits fell down like a waterfall, protecting Lin Fan extremely tightly.

"There are a few who want to do it, let's all come." Lin Fan smiled.

The face of the master on the opposite side suddenly sank: "To kill you, why do you need to encircle me?"

Lin Fan shook his head and laughed: "The left and right are in your celestial-human territory. After killing you, someone will take revenge. I think I will be exhausted when the time comes, so I might as well come all at once, and have a good fight; kill thoroughly !"

"Jiejie boy, don't rush your ancestors with words! When I was in the world, your father was probably still drinking milk!"

Lin Fan's expression darkened instantly.

His original intention was indeed to provoke the master, but because he was in the territory of the Celestial Race, it would be very troublesome after killing people, and, relatively speaking, he was really not ready for a decisive battle with the Celestial Race.

Therefore, he wants to use this method to force the master to agree to a death fight, no matter who lives or dies, he will not allow the living to take revenge here and now.

But I didn't expect that the dignified ruler would speak in such an unpleasant way, spewing dung from his mouth.

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