what is that?

So scary and gorgeous!

At the beginning, he was just like a weak candle on the dilapidated land of mountains and rivers irrigated by yellow spring water and shrouded by wolf smoke, but then it was as bright as a great sun, making it unstoppable.

He cut off the underworld, shattered the wolf smoke that covered the world, and broke through the strict formation of the Candle Dragon Division. Tens of thousands of brave men from the Candle Dragon Division died tragically under this knife. Xiang Gaotian wants to jump into reality from the virtual mirror and dye all bystanders red.

"what is this?"

Someone screamed, and the scalp tingled at the same time.

Who made this knife?

It is too sharp and invincible. It is absolutely possible to rule the roost in the realm of dominance. It is no problem to cut the sky and break the earth. Under that ray of sword light, the sky and the earth have to hang upside down, and the avenues have to retreat, not daring to lose their edge.

"Who will take action again? The remote and barbarian are in the lower realm, and there are such terrifying characters?"

Someone was covering his forehead with both hands, and his eyes widened, showing disbelief.

But in fact, the person who is most trembling and terrified at this time should be Tong Tian.

It must be known that in order to open this crack, he paid an unimaginable price for outsiders, even the Celestial Race could not bear it, and it would take countless years to make up for it.

The most important thing is that this time he tried his best to fight against the lower realms, and he had already been criticized. If he couldn't succeed immediately, it would be really bad, and his position might be shaken.

Tong Tian suddenly turned his head, his eyes were too gloomy, like two sharp swords clamped in his sight, wanting to cut human flesh and blood, viciously, he said coldly: "You knew all this a long time ago? So you have no fear? Maybe you have been waiting for it for a long time. In this scene, do you want to see the fear and despair in the eyes of this deity?"

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth curled into a sneer: "What are you talking about, Your Highness? I don't understand."

"Jie Jie maybe, you have arrangements, but so what?" Tong Tian grinned and said, "How strong is the expedition force? How can you fight against it with your own strength?"

When Tong Tian spoke like this, everyone here turned pale.

This kind of words, the meaning is too deep and poisonous, there are no fools here, all of them grasped the most terrifying fact in an instant - Lin Fan was questioned as a person from the lower world!

"Hey" Lin Fan shook his head and smiled noncommittally: "Your Highness is really rich in imagination."

But in fact, no matter what Lin Fan said, at least he couldn't get rid of this suspicion for the time being, at least the people around him were showing covert defenses against him.

This made Lin Fan feel endless sadness in his heart.

If everything he deduced is true, how sad is this world?

The martyrs who threw their heads and blood became criminals, and their heirs were imprisoned in the broken world, like pigs and dogs, like grass, and could only wait for the timely harvest.

But those thugs who made their ancestors shed blood and tears have become the orthodox of the world.

Lin Fan remained silent and stopped talking. In fact, even Tongtian couldn't waste too much time on him at this time, but just like a gambler who lost his fortune and suppressed the last card of all his wealth, With blood red eyes, he stared at the smooth mirror.

This is a one-sided massacre!

No one could see clearly the face of the 'culprit' who was killing the world with 'sorrow and anger', his true face was covered by a cloud of light and mist, but everyone could feel a strong smell of decay, as if he was about to die.

This is not false, but true. This 'murderer' is fighting fiercely, killing the world, but it is clear that his physical body can no longer support such a terrifying and violent fight, so there are pieces of carrion all over his body flying along with his dancing long knife out.

But even so, he is still unstoppable. He can't do anything in front of this person. Even the pieces of rotting meat that fly out can erupt with monstrous power. A brutal method of corroding the bodies of countless soldiers in the lower realm.

"What is he roaring? I seem to see him crying in a trance"

The big thing with the level of domination opened his mouth, and he looked very carefully. At the moment when the light and mist fluctuated, he felt that there were tears flowing from that decayed creature that was about to die.

"The deity also saw that he seemed to be saying, how innocent the lower realm is." Another master frowned, and he ingested these syllables from the opened and closed lips of the 'rotten' creature.

"What I didn't tell him was that he was protected by the God Lord and survived until the present age, but he still didn't protect all the spirits in the world. If he was buried overnight, he would never die!"

There was a master who was about to step into the realm of Linshen with half a foot and screamed sharply!

"What? Lived from the time of the God Lord to the present? How long ago is that?"

Everyone else is horrified and trembling!

I am more in awe of the character in the legend.

But Lin Fan's eyes became strange for an instant. He had seen the so-called god master before, and it was not the god master guessed by the later generations, but it was the god of thunder.

"Seeing that all the spirits in the lower world are really dead, mourning is everywhere, undead are flocking everywhere, the enemy is gloomy, and there is no living thing left."

Sure enough, the mirror changed different angles and orientations, and it did detect a scene like hell, with dead bodies everywhere, floating corpses drifting with the tide on the yellow spring water floating on the surface of the earth, searching all over the earth without any survivors thing.

Of course, in the sky, the battle is still going on.

But Lin Fan was completely relieved, because all the rulers who conquered the lower realms this time were all wiped out by Lin Long, and there was not a single survivor, all of them were chopped into pieces above the sky.

Of course, Lin Long was also severely injured.

After all, he must not be able to use any commonly used skills and methods when he makes a move this time, and he dare not even show his martial spirit, otherwise he will be noticed immediately, and the drama will come to an end.

"You'll kill me once! I'll be slaughtered for nine days with my remnant body!"

Just when Lin Long shattered the last emperor who conquered the lower realm army, he roared up to the sky!

The mirror was supposed to be silent, but everyone seemed to hear the roar, which shook the sky through the crack, and the murderous intent contained in it was too cold, as if it wanted to kill the nine heavens.

"He dares!"

"How dare he!"

Endless people are scolding!

Because, the man really came to kill him, he opened the way with a saber, the light of the saber tore the half-healed crack, and the intent of the saber shocked the world, reaching to the Nine Heavens.

Is this going to overthrow the Nine Heavens Tower?

While still in the lower realms, he split the sky with the light of the sword, and the intent of the sword shook the heavens. If his real body entered this place, what terrible consequences would it cause?

But it is obvious that the Celestial Human Race is not an ordinary place. After sensing the raging sword intent, something big snorted coldly, waved half of the mountain range, and shook towards the big crack, trying to prevent this 'culprit' from breaking into this place.

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