Twin martial arts

Chapter 2551 Babel's Temptation

Lin Fan went straight all the way, unimpeded, of course, there was a cultivator from the Celestial Race to lead the way.

This is a battlefield, and there is a high general platform. When Lin Fan arrived, Tongtian was talking loudly on the general platform. Lin Fan was not interested in listening, and most of them were words to boost morale.

He found a place to sit down at random, and looked around, only to realize that there were quite a few people invited by Tongtian this time, almost all of the top families in the human world, or famous casual cultivators, etc. are here.

"I wish you all a triumphant return. This deity is here waiting for you to kill the lower realms."

General Tongtian raised his long soldier's saber high, and in the afterglow, it shone like blood, which was breathtaking.

"Your Highness, please prepare the celebration banquet. This time, the lower realm will be slaughtered, and the lower realm will be completely wiped out. It can only be reduced to our back garden!"

Someone yelled, he is a general, very brave, with a beard like a steel needle, and a face full of flesh.

"Okay!" Tongtian replied extremely happily.

It has to be said that this time in the conquest of the lower realms, the strength is more than one grade stronger than the last time. A full 10 people participated in this battle, and the emperors have more than ten respects, and even the masters accompanied the army.

Lin Fan watched silently, looking at the big crack in the rear through the endless soldiers, his eyes narrowed, it must be that Tongtian used some means to forcibly open the passage to the lower realm.

I just don't know if Lin Long is fully prepared.

"Brother Lin, long time no see." Tong Tian smiled, he had already walked from the general stage and arrived in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan also smiled, and said: "It's been decades since I left, I didn't expect Brother Tongtian to be the same as yesterday, and he still has the same demeanor."

Tong Tian's face turned cold!

Is this ridiculing his low level, only in the emperor's level?

Sighing, Tong Tian said: "There are too many worries on the left and right, so I can't concentrate on cultivation like Brother Lin."

Lin Fan smiled noncommittally.

Tong Tian said: "But I think I will be able to concentrate on cultivation soon. After all the untouchables in the world are wiped out, I will be able to meditate on a major event."

Lin Fan chuckled: "According to gossip, the Celestial-human race has conquered the lower realms more than once since ancient times, but they have never succeeded, and each time they returned with heavy losses and embarrassment. How did Brother Tongtian have such a big attack this time?" confidence?"

"Hmph!" Tong Tian snorted coldly: "There is a reason for the failure, but this time it is different, the deity supervised the battle with his own hands, and dispatched the ruler of the living beings. It is not a problem to destroy the criminal area, so let's not talk about it."

Suddenly, Tongtian's pupils shrank, and he stared at Lin Fan closely: "I hear what you say, are you complaining about the lower realm?"

Lin Fan glanced over his head, hid the murderous intent in his eyes, and said lightly, "Where did you get the injustice? I just feel that Brother Tongtian, you have too much confidence. I'm afraid that when the time comes, you will lose your troops and generals, and you will lose your face."

"Tsk tsk" Tongtian laughed, bloody and ferocious: "Don't worry, I have put an end to all possible accidents. Of course, after I tell you all, Brother Lin can give me some advice and point out the shortcomings."

Afterwards, Tongtian began to explain in detail all his arrangements for this conquest of the lower realms, ranging from tedious to tedious.

Lin Fan felt chills in his heart!

Too cruel and poisonous!

Although the main force of the Poison Sect was wiped out by him, there are still too many highly poisonous things left behind, and the primary goal of this army is to spread the highly poisonous substances refined by the Poison Sect all over the lower world every inch of land.

Thousands of miles wolf smoke!

This is the most terrifying poison of the Poison Sect. A poison of [-] miles is nothing but nothing, and it can make no grass grow within a radius of [-] miles.

This is not the end, Tongtian actually sent people to bring trillions of yellow spring water, put it in dozens of space containers, and it will be tilted in the next session.

There is no need to doubt that if this yellow spring water really flows on the surface of the lower realm and pollutes the water source, all creatures in the whole world will die.

But in fact, Tongtian's ruthless moves are far more than the two mentioned above, there are too many, one is more ruthless than the other, and the other is more poisonous than the other.

Even those cultivators who were close to Lin Fan couldn't help sweating and felt chills all over their bodies after hearing about it.

This is terrible, is this still a conquest?

If all kinds of methods are successfully used, the lower realm will be completely reduced to a purgatory existence, and it is impossible for there to be any living creatures.

Lin Fan firmly suppressed his murderous intentions.

What he was thinking about was whether Lin Long alone could really withstand such a great pressure, and whether he could break through so many terrifying and vicious methods of Tongtian.

In many moments, Lin Fan almost shot directly, pinching Tongtian and stopping this massacre that might destroy the world.

But when he saw the cold eyes, he came back to his senses in an instant!

This look came from Chen Xuandong.

After waking up, Lin Fan was covered in cold sweat!

Because, just after realizing that this was Tongtian's temptation, Lin Fan at least sensed dozens of powerful murderous intentions locked on him!

Maybe just when he showed his flaws, or when he was about to attack Tongtian, he would violently attack him.

Good trick!

So insidious Tongtian.

Deliberately explaining those vicious methods in detail to Lin Fan, the purpose is to disturb Lin Fan's mind, which has already caused that scene.

Fortunately, there was Chen Xuandong's icy cold gaze.

"Brother Lin, why did you lose your mind just now?" Tong Tian narrowed his eyes, and from the cracks in his eyes, he released wisps of killing light undisguisedly.

"I was just thinking, what kind of vicious person does it take to come up with such a vicious method." Lin Fan glanced at Tong Tian.

"I have admired the name of Emperor Lin Tiandi for a long time, but I never thought of seeing him today, but the name is not worthy of the name. She is a benevolent woman, but it is boring." Chen Xuandong smiled and walked slowly from a high place, approaching Lin Fan.

"You are?" Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

Tong Tian chuckled: "This is my friend, the vicious person you mentioned is him."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank.

But then, the heart is determined.

Since Chen Xuandong came up with these methods, it can only prove that there is a way to deal with it, and the most terrifying situation cannot happen.

"The lower realm is called the realm of crime, and the people in the lower realm are called prisoners. Then death is only the end. There is no need to ask about the process, whether it is ruthless or cruel. These are not important, and the left and right are the same word death." Chen Xuandong said.

He seems to have completely merged into the disguised identity.

If it weren't for Lin Fan's firm belief that his brothers would not betray, he would really think that Chen Xuandong was working wholeheartedly for Tongtian.

"Who in the world can survive?" Lin Fan whispered, "It's just that your Excellency has come up with so many vicious methods, which are enough to destroy hundreds of millions of living beings in a world. Are you not afraid of the retribution of the natural law?"

"The law of heaven?" Tongtian showed a strange smile: "Under this sky, my celestial race is the sky!"

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