Twin martial arts

Chapter 2548 Hu Lie

Everyone felt incredible after hearing Lin Fan's words.

It must be known that this is under the mountain gate of the Celestial Clan, and this Lin Fan actually opened his mouth like this, and bluntly said that if he wanted him to go to the Celestial Clan, he needed a direct descendant of the Celestial Clan to go before him, kowtow and beg for mercy.

is it possible?

It's completely nonsense.

The most important thing is; the Celestials have never begged anyone. On the contrary, there are countless people seeking to see them every day, every night, every moment, and they will be proud of their lives if they just want to set foot in the place where the Celestials live.


Someone laughed, with coldness and ridicule: "I don't know what it means."

"I really don't know what it means. Yelang is arrogant. Maybe he thinks that after a little improvement, he will be great."

Among the long queues, the words of ridicule and sarcasm floated out and echoed here.

Therefore, the Celestials who asked Lin Fan to line up laughed, laughing unscrupulously, leaning back and forth, pointing their fingers at Lin Fan, but they didn't say anything.

Lin Fan turned around; he and Xiao Wu walked back.

He didn't hide his true face, and spent a lot of money to find a restaurant to live temporarily.

"Master, this Tongtian is too despicable, and this method is too low-class." Xiao Wu gritted his teeth: "Why don't you allow me to kill that guy!"

Lin Fan shook his head: "This can't be Tongtian's arrangement. If it really came from his arrangement, it proves that I really think highly of him."

Xiao Wu frowned, but Lin Fan didn't bother to explain.

If this step has been reached, Tongtian will still use such unbearable methods, it can only prove that Tongtian has no qualifications to fight him.

So Lin Fan concluded that what happened today should be just that person's own decision.

Maybe just to save his face.

Or, he simply thought that after doing so, he would gain the favor of Tongtian.

Among the celestial beings.

"Bastard!" Tong Tian scolded angrily, Bing Sen said: "Go and catch that idiot!"

Soon, the Celestial Man who asked Lin Fan to line up was brought in front of Tong Tian.

Until this moment, the man didn't know what was wrong with him.

"Meet Your Highness."

The man spoke.

Tong Tian's eyes were intense: "I heard that you asked Lin Fan to go back the same way?"

The man smiled, and said proudly: "Then where does Lin Fan think this is? Of course, he needs to be humiliated severely to let him know that this is my Celestial Race, not his territory, and it's not his turn to be domineering."

"Bastard!" Tongtian murderously moved!

The passage was about to be forcibly opened, and the army was about to go to the lower realm. At this moment, how could Lin Fan not be in front of his eyes?

"Your Highness"

This person was panicked, because everything in his imagination did not appear, and it was the complete opposite. The beating corners of his brows and the sharp pupils that burst out from time to time all meant that he was wrong.

But how innocent is he?

He just wanted to please his master.

"Hu Lie, I'll give you one day. If Lin Fan hasn't appeared in front of this deity, you can go to death, and your whole family can go to death." , Ask this person to kowtow and beg for mercy, he really wants to kill someone.

This person's name is Hu Lie.

After hearing Tong Tian's words, his whole body trembled.

Did I do something wrong after all?

"Your Highness, Lin Fan, even if he is being tyrannical, is it possible that our Celestial Race is afraid of him?" Hu Lie shouted.

As a result, he was drawn by Tongtian with three big teeth: "I don't care what method you use, but you only have one day. If you can't invite Lin Fan to me before that passage is opened, trust me, your family The child will really die miserably."

Viciousness flashed in Hu Lie's eyes, and he stepped back.


This is the third time Tongtian has said these two words.

Chen Xuandong slowly walked out from behind the curtain: "He just wants to please you."

Tong Tian didn't speak, and after a long silence, he said: "Is it possible that our guess is false? Lin Fan's roots are not a problem at all? Otherwise, how could he come as promised?"

Chen Xuandong said lightly: "Look, no matter right or wrong, the army has already gathered, and there will be no loss for His Highness no matter what."

Tong Tian frowned, then nodded.

indeed so.

The army gathered, regardless of whether Lin Fan's background can be proved in the end, but being able to clear the lower realm is a great achievement for him.

At the same time, in another palace of the Celestial Human Race.

Hu Lie's eyes were gloomy, he thought of the slap that Tongtian gave him, and Lin Fan's words.

If he wants to return to the Celestial Race, he needs Hu Lie to beg and kneel!

Soon, he paid a big price and invited some people in the dark world to attack Lin Fan.

For Hu Lie, as long as Lin Fan appeared in front of Tong Tian, ​​it didn't matter whether he was dead or alive.

As far as Hu Lie's status is concerned, there are naturally many people who work for him. Even if he is unbearable in the Celestial Race, being able to live in these 32 domains and guard a mountain gate already explains a lot of problems.

Deep night.

On the attic where Lin Fan lived, a towering halberd light suddenly rose, and within that halberd light, three figures that were completely hidden in the darkness were melting rapidly.

This night is destined not to be peaceful, from time to time there will be fierce lights rising from the sky, and murderous intent sweeping across the area, which startled everyone.

At dawn, Lin Fan was sitting on the head of the bed. In front of him were densely packed heads, at least thirty or fifty. The owners of these heads were at least in the realm of emperors, and there were even two rulers of the dark world. .

"It's rude to come and not to go." Lin Fan said, he looked at Xiao Wu: "Send these things back."

There was a sinister smile in Xiao Wu's eyes: "I will do well."

Hu Lie returned to his courtyard with gloomy eyes, full of depression. Such a big battle failed to achieve any good results, but the price he paid was destined to be irrecoverable, and it was in vain.

Randomly grabbed a beautiful maid in his own courtyard, and brought him into the room. He wanted to relax, but when the love was strong, the moment when the quilt was suddenly lifted, the hair stood on end!

As for the woman in his arms, she fainted from fright!

Human heads, under the quilt, are all human heads.

And the face is facing upwards, the wide eyes, the open mouth, all of them are telling their horror before death.

"Lin Fan!"

Hu Lie roared, but then, his hair stood on end!

He just felt icy cold all over his body, and the side bone chill started from his tailbone and spread upward until his whole body was frozen!

Being able to cover his head silently under his quilt meant that if Lin Fan wanted his life, it would be within his reach.

Of course, this is not the biggest problem he is facing now. The biggest problem is that the time given to him by Tongtian is running out.

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