Twin martial arts

Chapter 2524 Profound Power

This is hopeless!

What kind of state is this at the peak of Linshen?

Strictly speaking, even the secretly recognized No. 1 of the Three Thousand Realms—Thunder Lord, should not have reached this level.

But at this time, this kind of supreme power is blocking the way ahead, holding a big white stick blocking the way, who can walk over?

If the ancient ape killed him, everyone would be ashes under the big stick in its hands.

"It's not the old ape, I can't express it completely." The giant ape glanced at it: "Don't worry, I will keep my hands and only use the strength corresponding to the passer."

These words made the thoughts of Zhuxiu who had just been desperate come alive again, at least no longer desperate, and to break into this crack, none of them were ordinary, and all of them were extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible to live until now.

"Who's coming now?"

The giant ape spoke again, and at the same time waved the big stick, humming, causing time and space to become chaotic.

"I come."

This is a holy emperor, very powerful, if it is in the outer world; it is enough to rule the roost in a domain, but in this crack, it is nothing at all.

His eyes were red, filled with evil spirit, full of pessimism and unwillingness.

He was pushed out to test whether the so-called keeping hands of the ancient apes, the so-called only using the corresponding combat power is true or not.

Behind the holy emperor, there is an emperor who is sneering, and his eyes are shining brightly, condensing into beams of light, protruding forward, locking up every move that the giant ape might exist.

"How similar is his fate to yours, so he feels sorry for each other? You are angry in your heart. Seeing the rhythm of your hand holding the heavy halberd, do you want to make a move?"

Linshen of the Fire Clan spoke with a faint smile.

"You talk too much." Lin Fan said coldly, "Aren't you afraid to enter? All the crises should have been eliminated, so you're not afraid that we will go down that road first?"

"Hehe, my divine sense is attached to you, and all your gains can only be mine in the end." Linshen sneered.

It is clear that he still does not want to enter it in person, and will make a decision after seeing the reality of this ancient ape; and he will treat Lin Fan as a victim, and ask Lin Fan to make a wedding dress for him.

This was so hateful, it made Lin Fan's eyes completely gloomy, and the impulse in his heart became stronger; he wished he could sacrifice the shroud at this time and kill him completely.


The Holy Monarch was lucky enough to survive the giant ape's blow, but there were still splashes of bright red blood. The lower body of the Holy Monarch disappeared completely, sticking to the mud layer, only the upper body fled away screaming and screaming.

However, before he set foot on that road, he was captured by the giant creature that drove him forward: "How do you feel? Is it beyond your limit?"

The eyes of this giant in the imperial realm are even more terrifying, like two golden lamps burning in the dark night.

"It's hard to explain. It's equivalent to my strongest blow, but it finally affects me."

The holy king opened his mouth to explain, of course, within this short period of time, his body was recovering, and a small path rose up vaguely, spreading autonomously under his feet.

"It's time for you to get on the road." The ancient ape opened his mouth, flicked his fingers, and the sage stepped forward, disappeared into the mist in an instant.

However, the eyes of everyone here showed a dignified color.

It is equivalent to acting on oneself with a full blow, this is the limit.

Lin Fan was also frowning. Strictly speaking, his realm has not yet reached the realm of dominance, but in terms of combat power, he should be the best in the realm of dominance.

If he moved forward, would this ancient ape throw a big stick at him with his realm or combat power?

For a short moment, no one moved forward, they were all very dignified, thinking how to get through this level?

Of course, they were all anxious. At this time, there were countless roads looming in the mist, but it could already be seen that more than one person had stepped on the road before them. Although no living things were seen walking on it, But shallow footprints appeared on the road ahead.

To be caught first, this is the root cause of anxiety in everyone's heart.

"Dare to ask senior, if I move forward, what will senior do?" Lin Fan clasped his fists and looked at the ancient ape.

"Hey, you're quite different, and you've stepped onto the path that the gods have deduced." The giant ape was startled: "Suppress it with the power of the initial stage of the gods."

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly sank!

He wants to swear.

If it is just to test his limits, he has no fear at all.

But at this moment, in the eyes of the ancient ape, he was indeed so different that it was worth the ancient ape's power to suppress him with the power of the initial state of the gods.

"Don't look at me with that look. Your talent surpasses everyone who entered the tomb of the gods, and it should be used on you as a special case." The ancient ape said: "Of course, it's up to you whether to move forward."


Someone laughed, it was a master, the laughter was heart-pounding and deafening, his fingers were trembling with laughter, he pointed at Lin Fan, and complimented the giant ape: "Senior's method is very good, this person is super, and he should use super methods to suppress it." kill it."

In fact, not only this master, everyone was laughing and grinning. Originally, they had been worried that Lin Fan would become one of the strongest opponents for the Heart of Time and Space.

As a result, at this time, he was robbed, and he only dominated the internal combat power in the realm, and he wanted to recruit the suppressing power of the initial stage of the gods.

"Hey, let's not be so busy being happy, maybe our Lin Tiandi can set a precedent? Use the power of dominance to counter the prestige of Linshen."

"That's right, Emperor Lin Tiandi is known as the most talented in the past and present, and maybe he can really survive this disaster."

A group of people gloated, even Linshen of the Fire Clan laughed, the soul was on Lin Fan's lapel, and the laughter made Lin Fan's ears ring.

"You are so lucky, you don't need me to take the final shot, you will die miserably." The face of the fire clan sneered, at this moment, he had already left Lin Fan, turned into a phantom, folded his hands and smiled.

Moreover, at this time, there was a loud roar outside the crack, and it could be heard that Linshen was showing off his might and blocking the approacher, and someone from the Fire Clan had already entered it.

For example, Huo Ling was staring at Lin Fan with a playful expression.

"Senior, I'm ready." Lin Fan ignored everyone and stepped forward. He had already adjusted his combat power to the strongest level, such as ten thousand methods not touching the body, returning to the ruins, etc., all turned into tangible rules , condensed into one hundred and eight divine rings to envelop him.

"Okay." The giant ape narrowed its eyes, and with a whimper, the big stick slammed down!

It really was the attacking power of the divine realm, and he didn't hold back at all, shaking the space of this self-contained world, as if it was about to collapse.

"Lin Fan! Let me see how you die!" Huo Ling laughed happily, and the others were not much better.




There is nowhere to escape!

The blow of a stick gave Lin Fan the intuition that there was nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, and it was impossible to survive under this stick.


Lin Fan roared, and the [-] divine rings circling around him suddenly exploded into runes, condensed into a huge shield, rushed across the sky, and slammed into the big stick.

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