Twin martial arts

Chapter 2521 Unstoppable Desire

Time is too tight, there is no extra time to think, to weigh the pros and cons, that is not what everyone is thinking at this time.

The main reason is that they are all worried that if they are one step behind, they will miss the great opportunity, and they will be the first to get there. With this mentality, they all rush forward, no matter whether they ignore it or try their best to fight, they all want to be the first into the black hole that flashed the heart of space-time.

The shouts of killing were deafening, and some people's eyes were red from killing. At this time, whoever dares to block the front is the enemy. Of course, except for the same family or the same force, the rest can be killed.

Of course, there are also calmer ones, such as the Thunder Clan and the Medicine Clan. These groups that once produced gods were very restrained and did not rush to kill them immediately.

"Hehe, that is the ultimate tool of the ancient time and space god. Even after passing through this black hole, it is his dojo. How easy is it to break through?"

Linshen of the Fire Clan sneered with sarcasm; and said: "More than ten thousand people will not die; it is impossible to go deep into it without smoothing out the strange rules of time and space with human blood and souls."

Lin Fan frowned, but then sighed softly.

This is a fact.

Before the big temptation, some people can't restrain their inner greed, and they can't keep themselves. They think that it's enough to take risks;

How many people can rein in the precipice before the fatal temptation?

"Quick! They're going to rush in!" Someone shouted, and the first group of people were already approaching the black hole.

The black hole is dark, but there is a strange blue light blooming at this time—click!

The black hole exploded, and a big crack appeared out of thin air. The group of people who charged at the front were all crazy, roaring and shouting; some even said wildly that they had already seen the heart of time and space, and it was within reach. place.

This kind of words will undoubtedly intensify the blood flow here!

At the same time, there are at least a hundred cultivators rushing into the cracks, all the saints are emperors. In the cracks, the battle situation should be more intense. From time to time, there are various roars, and various runes and orders surge out of the cracks. The heroes rushing towards the crack from behind were so shocked that they coughed up blood and stumbled.

The casualties were horrific. At least 2000 people were killed first, and maybe only a few people went deep into the crack in the end, but there was still an endless stream of latecomers, dancing their soldiers with murderous aura.

"Don't worry, you need to wait." Lin Fan urged, and looked at Xiao Nuo and the others: "Especially the two of you, don't rush forward. You should know that most of the time for similar things, it's not that you are the one who moves forward, or the first one. You can get it if you get close, this is a chance, but it is also a kill."

For five full days, Lin Fan and the others waited at the end without rushing forward.

All are stable.

In fact, almost none of the top ethnic groups moved, just watching from the sidelines. Of course, they also sent out the most powerful people to investigate.

Sixth day——

"It's time." The eyes of the fire clan opened and closed, and various horror scenes appeared in the pupils, such as the ups and downs of the star sea, the burial of all spirits, the explosion of the sun and the moon, etc., and finally two beams of terrifying light flew out, turning into swords and swords. Gunners.

The Fire Clan moved and formed a large formation, which was terrifying, like an arrow headed by Linshen, heading straight for the crack.

This family is too domineering and brutal, pushing all the way, rushing away from the fight of the cultivators, but those who did not evade immediately were all crushed and killed by them mercilessly. Moreover, Lin Fan saw that this fire clan's imminent God is actually collecting blood.

The moment those cultivators who were crushed to death by the Fire Clan fell to the ground, Linshen would raise his hand to capture a cloud of scarlet air from the mouths of the dead.

"He's still so poisonous, and he's going further and further down this road." Master Lei's eyes were cold.

Yao Zu sighed: "Actually, he also has the courage to take this road. As for right and wrong, it's hard to tell. After all, this is the road that a certain god has walked."

"Hmph, taking the blood of all spirits and climbing the realm, isn't this evil?" Lei Zhu angrily scolded.

Yaozu frowned: "Lei, you are paranoid, because you put him on the evil side first in your heart; he practiced this method, but have you ever heard of him killing a person?"

Lord Lei's eyes were sharp, and Lin Fan said: "It is true that good and evil cannot be distinguished, but it is true that this method of cultivation is too vicious and disgusting. Although reincarnation is unclear and the next life is uncertain, his way cut off the most beautiful respect in the world. .”

Yuzhu agrees: "Cultivators have the pursuit of eternal life, while most of the secular people pray for reincarnation and look forward to rebirth. His approach is clearly to make people unable to survive and leave a glimmer of hope after death."

"Stop talking." Yao Zu shook his head.

He really didn't know how to say it. Regarding this method, it was actually a practice method deduced by a certain great god, but no one knew who it was.

It is suspected to be related to several top gods such as Thunder God and Yao Zu.

When it started, Lin Fan and his companions pushed away, but no one dared to stop them, because their team was too powerful and terrifying.

The Yao clan, Lei clan, Luoshen clan, etc. are united, and this kind of strength can definitely reach three thousand realms.

But soon, Lin Fan noticed something terrifying.

It seems that everyone is fighting and fighting here, but in fact, they are separated by more than one space, and after entering a certain range in front of the crack, they are dispersed invisibly.

In the crack, the war started again, Lin Fan caught a glimpse of the Fire Clan lying in front of the crack, and did not rush forward.

Moreover, there was a flaw in their formation, and some people from the Fire Clan died tragically; it was obvious that those who broke into this place first had the power to fear the Fire Clan and dared to kill them.

Looking around, you can see Xiao Wu, Xiao Nuo and others. Of course, this is only seen with the naked eye, but if you look at it with the eyes of runes, they are actually too far apart, and there is a galaxy.

"The master of time and space really defies the sky."

Lin Fan was amazed!

It's just because even Yaozu and Leizhu, who hold the ultimate weapons, didn't realize that they were separated invisibly at the first time, and it took a short time to react.


"Rush in! The Heart of Time and Space is in the crack, I have seen it, he is calling me."


The shouting and killing sounded again.

The fight was about to start again, Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, he mixed into the crowd, and was attacked from time to time, Lin Fan dealt with it carefully.

"It seems that hundreds of thousands of starry sky have been fused in this square inch. Although everyone is scattered, there are still people who are divided into the same space."

Lin Fan whispered, with his ability, even if he didn't take the initiative to attack, he quickly cut through the crowd. When he reached the front, he saw the big crack.

The crack was so big that it seemed to spread to this place from above the nine heavens, and at this time, the Fire Clan Linshen was standing in front of the crack, squinting his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

In the cracks, there are screams, regular surges, and various animal roars.

"Wait, there's danger." Looking back at the Fire Clan, Linshen didn't stop at the clansmen who had been squeezing to rush into the crack, but at the moment they looked back, they inadvertently saw Lin Fan, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth: "Take another person to go!" Test the depth of the crack."

Lin Fan's color changed instantly, and he quickly backed away.

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