Twin martial arts

Chapter 2512 Lightning Fist

"Master, let's fight later, please keep your hand and don't kill him."

Lin Fan looked at Xiao Wu, then nodded slightly, naturally knowing what Xiao Wu was going to do.

"Kill me? With him? Match?" Huo Ling sneered, he squinted at Lin Fan and the others, and pointed at Yuzhu's brow: "Except for his qualification to fight with the deity, you are all chickens and dogs. "

He is so egotistical.

He underestimated Lin Fan and others, and didn't take Lin Fan and others seriously at all, and bluntly said that there was nothing but a big step forward. , Half a step away from Yuzhu Linshen, no one is his opponent.

"I really look forward to seeing you again one day in the future." Xiao Wu said, with strands of murderous intent in his eyes.

"He should be able to reproduce again." Lin Fan nodded.

The reason why Dream God put the Three Thousand Realms into a deep sleep should be to protect the Three Thousand Realms. At that time, the big hand was so terrifying that Thor's body exploded.

Therefore, Lin Fan always thought that these three thousand realms should reappear on a certain day.

"That's great." Xiao Wu smiled, showing his white teeth, looking very ferocious: "I'll wait for you in the future."

"What do you know?" Huo Ling narrowed his eyes dangerously: "A group of stowaways?"

No one paid him any attention.

"So that's how it is." Huo Ling said to himself, and he nodded: "It's true that this is the only way to explain it. How can people like you not be famous in the three thousand worlds?"


At this moment, Huo Ling climbed up the stairs, and there was a phantom attacking with fists, very superb, with various animal shapes attached to the fist prints, as if attacking with a wild world, it was so powerful that it frightened people to death.

This is a dangerous journey, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. Every step you take, you will go through life and death, and you will be involved in reincarnation. If you are not careful, you will definitely die.

Even Lin Fan was blood-stained. He was cut by a long knife and cut obliquely from the neck. He was almost chopped off on the right shoulder. Yuzhu was also robbed. Strictly speaking, the crisis he encountered was the worst Horror; the phantoms attacking him are all existences in the same realm as him. Between the fists, there are faint divine patterns flowing on the fingertips, which can tear the sky and earth and shatter the sky.

Everyone is being robbed, everyone is on an adventure, but no one takes even half a step back, because, on this seventh floor, there is a temptation to make them intoxicated, it is a unique aura that makes everyone They didn't dare to take half a step back.

Even if they know that the road ahead is difficult and there are great crises and great terrors, they can't scare them half a step back, just like moths to a flame.

Lin Fan was covered in blood, the fight was too hard, every step was comparable to a desperate and terrifying battle.

"call out!"

A bolt of lightning came rushing from a high place. After looking carefully, I found that it was a fist, but it was bursting with blazing light!

"Is this Lightning Fist?"

Huo Ling screamed: "What's going on? Why did Thor's divine skills appear here?"

"What? Thor's divine skill?"

Yuzhu exclaimed.

This is so scary!

Why is this ladder like this?

It's unimaginable that Thor's invincible skill will appear. Is it the Thor's imprint here?Or someone captured the moment of Thor's shot; so it evolved into Daowen and reappeared today by unpredictable means?


The Lightning Fist boomed, as if the power of heaven and earth had been condensed on this fist, which could suppress and kill anyone who disobeyed his will.


Lin Fan roared, this punch gave him infinite pressure, as if it was going to crush him to death.


The fists of Yu and Zhou blasted out, and the two great worlds became fist seals to attack and attack forward. The fist seals were wiped out, all spirits were buried, and the thunder light exploded, and nothing existed anymore.

However, the fight started abruptly again, and the light of the fist that had been shattered by Lin Fan turned into silver lightning, changing various terrifying killing stances, and condensing various complex imprints.

The imprint shows that the void is unstable, time passes, time changes, and the space collapses. It seems that those complicated imprints involve the past, present and future, cutting off the eternal time and space.

"what is this!"

Lin Fan shook his head.

Those complicated imprints are indeed invincible killing power. A total of five divine patterns flew up, involving time and space, and involving eternity, as if explaining a certain past event or an annihilated ancient history.

He was horrified.

Because, under this imprint of infinite lethality, Lin Fan had a terrifying intuition that this was sending a message to their latecomers.

It seems to want to reveal some great ancient history, but the imprint is complicated and profound, and it is completely expressed in divine patterns, which is simply impossible to understand at his current state.

"Reincarnation Broken Heavy Nine"

Yuzhu seems to have lost his mind, staring at these marks, but his eyes are bleeding, and his eyes are almost blind.

Obviously, even if Yuzhu has reached the state of half-step to God, he still doesn't have the ability to read these five imprints.


The imprint shattered, as if it could not last for a long time, and turned into a terrifying killing intent, making everyone feel cold all over, as if they would be sent to die in the next moment.

Lin Fan was immobilized, and lost all resistance in an instant. He could only watch the five marks attacking his eyebrows.

Yazi was about to burst, and roared unwillingly in his heart, but it was useless, as if he could only wait for these marks to attack and kill him.

Fortunately, at a critical moment; the shroud that had been occupying a certain leaf of the World Tree showed its power, and a section of Lin Fan's eyebrows appeared, and rolled towards the five marks.

Within a square inch, it seems that worlds are born and worlds are destroyed. At least in Lin Fan's eyes, there is really a scene where millions of worlds are annihilated into ashes at the same time.

"I'll write down these divine patterns for you, and one day you can find me when you can read them."

The shroud spoke, but Lin Fan was the only one who could hear it.

"it is good."

Lin Fan replied that at this moment, he realized that his clothes were already wet with sweat, and his whole body seemed to have just emerged from the water.

"Wait what's that?"

Lin Fan was startled, he saw a trace of a fist imprint on the staircase where the Lightning Fist came from, shimmering and glowing, and the small part of attraction that attracted him to the seventh floor came from this fist imprint. superior

On the ten-step ladder, Lin Fan stood in front of the fist mark, thinking carefully, with a solemn expression.

What does this mean?

"call out."

From behind, Huo Ling rushed towards him, turned into a ray of light, and laughed loudly: "This is the mark of the Lightning Fist. This is a great opportunity. If you can understand it thoroughly, the God of Thunder's magical skills can be reproduced."

Lin Fan came to his senses in an instant, and kept sweeping away, trying to stop Huo Ling's attack.

This is the danger lying in front of him. If it wasn't for the shroud, Lin Fan even felt that he would be directly killed by this fist mark. Of course, this is the opportunity in front of him, how could he allow the fire spirit to take it away?

"You have no chance, the Lightning Fist belongs to the deity! No one can stop it."

Huo Ling laughed loudly, he clenched his fist, touched the mark of Lightning Fist, and turned his head: "This can only be realized once, and you are destined to miss it."

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