Twin martial arts

Chapter 2501 Dark Night Monarch

"I still need help from my family."

Lin Fan smiled wryly, and said: "In the fruit of the dead, hundreds of millions of souls, resentments and resentments are gathered. In my current state, I am afraid that one person will not be able to suppress it."

"it is good."

Yuzhu didn't have any excuses.

"Xiao Nuo, you are guarding the outdoors, and no one is allowed to enter for at least ten hours." Lin Fan looked at Xiao Nuo and said, "It's very serious. If someone comes to disturb me, at least this alchemy will fail, and at worst it will explode. Hundreds of millions of remnant souls flew out of the furnace, and resentment eroded the sea of ​​souls."

Xiao Nuo and the others all looked solemn in an instant and nodded solemnly.

"Of course, if someone wants to break in, and you can't resist it, you can let them in." Lin Fan smiled: "My Lord only needs to take the last step and has no time to be distracted. The rest of the time only needs soul power to assist me." .”

"Understood father." Xiao Nuo nodded, and flew straight up, sitting cross-legged on the cloud head, with the trident across his knees.

The same is true for Xiao Wu and others, each occupying one side and guarding the entire lake of dead souls.

It was difficult and dangerous for Lin Fan and Yuzhu to enter together, just because the strength of the two of them was too strong, it was many times more difficult than when Xiao Nuo and others entered.

After finally entering the island, Lin Fan condensed the furnace according to the rules, taking ten thousand paths as fire, and warming the furnace.

Yuzhu has been watching quietly from the sidelines, not exclaiming.

He had known for a long time that his in-law's alchemy skills were good, but he really didn't expect that it would be so heaven-defying, is this not just good?When refining alchemy, there is already a Dao rhyme circulating, and the technique is close to Dao.

At this time, there were already newcomers in the tomb of the gods; they were all cursing; they searched every corner, but they didn't find any so-called chances, which made them very angry.

All the way across the star field, after going through all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, and finally entering it, they are full of longing, thinking that they will definitely get a great opportunity, but in the end there is nothing.

The huge contrast made everyone sullen, scolding the predecessors for being too cruel and poisonous and leaving them nothing.

"Made, I finally saw a treasure land!"

Someone spoke, and they reached the fourth floor and found the lake of dead souls.

"My God, is this Lake of Dead Souls?" An emperor exclaimed, his eyes gleaming, staring at the surging Lake of Dead Souls,

"What? Lake of the dead?"

The emperor shouted again.

Obviously, they all know the lake of dead souls; and, at this time, a golden light appeared in the eyes of the emperor: "Is that the tree of dead souls?"

A group of people screamed.

Of course, it is impossible for only Lin Fan to know about the dead soul tree.

"If there is a dead soul tree, there must be a dead soul fruit. If you get it and give it to the medicine clan and ask it to refine great medicine, that is a great opportunity!"

"Hahaha, so the biggest treasure is here!"

Everyone shouted excitedly.

In fact, even the emperor couldn't get a full view of the island, at least he didn't see that the dead soul fruit had been picked. Moreover, when Lin Fan was refining alchemy, he had already set up a formation to cover it up.

"Everyone, this road is not going to work."

Xiao Wu swung his halberd, his eyes flashed fiercely.

It was because several people came to the direction he was guarding, and wanted to pass through the lake of dead souls and reach that island.

"Boy, what did you say?"

A very old emperor opened his mouth, squinted, and looked at Xiao Wu who was sitting cross-legged in the sky.

"This way is dead."

Xiao Wu continued to speak.

"Tsk tsk, you're just a kid, how dare you try to block our way?"

The old emperor smiled, his old face was full of sarcasm and coldness, and he shot suddenly, a big hand suddenly raised, slapped Xiao Wu high in the sky, and said with a grinning smile: "Get down, Gao It's too cold everywhere."


The halberd flashed and disappeared, and the palm of the old emperor's raised palm was chopped off. With a bang, the lake of dead souls below caused waves several feet high.


The old emperor was stunned, and then screamed. He clutched his bare wrist, dripping with blood.

"One more thing, this road is blocked!" Xiao Wu retracted the heavy halberd, still lying across his knees.

"Hehe, why does this deity want to break in?"

Another emperor stepped out, he was very strong, although he only took two steps, but his terrifying prestige was undoubtedly displayed, and a dark night bird loomed behind him.

It's spooky!

Call him by his honorary title—Emperor of the Dark Night!

He is so famous, he is the supreme king who walks in the dark world, and countless dead souls fell under his nine-tooth beheading knife.

Unexpectedly, this terrifying giant also came!

This man is strong, and once killed the Emperor.

A group of people retreated because the evil spirit on his body was too strong, so strangers should not get close to him.

"Then you will die." Xiao Wu's answer was simple.

"Hey, the person who said this in front of me last time has been swallowed by me."

The Emperor Anye grinned grimly, and at this moment, he disappeared as a shadow, and no one knew where he had gone.

Of course, those who were walking with him were all laughing, very happy, and they all stared at Xiao Wu jokingly.

Who is this guy?

He dared to speak out loudly in front of Emperor An Ye, and bluntly said that he wanted to be punished.

Is this looking for death?

It must be known that from the time Emperor Anye was born until now, no one he wanted to kill could survive.


The deity of Xiaowu didn't move, he raised his arms and threw out the heavy halberd, and shot towards the void behind him, where five terrifying claw marks suddenly appeared, separating the void.

A group of people are horrified. Few people can stop this kind of attack, because it is too sudden and it is really difficult to prevent. It will kill you from various unexpected angles and kill your life.

But this kid, who looked less than two hundred years old, was able to block it.

Really shocked a group of people.

"Retreat now, and you can still survive."

Xiao Wu spoke, his purpose was to prevent people from going, not to kill the enemy.

If the Dark Ye Monarch retreats, he won't care.

"This emperor wants you to die!"

The Emperor Anye, who was walking in the void, spoke coldly, like the sound of death urging from Jiuyouxia.

He is very angry.

This kid was not in his eyes at all. He thought he could kill him with one blow, but he was accurately found and blocked his Wuhun's grasp.

"Then you will die."

A ray of frost shot out from Xiao Wu's eyes!

The people below were about to move, and while he was fighting with the Dark Ye Dijun, they strode close to the lake of dead souls.


He swiped his halberd and cut long marks on the hard ground: "Whoever crosses this line will die!"

"Hey, you have three heads and six arms? I just passed over to show you."

An emperor smiled coldly.


He really took a step, but in the void, a figure suddenly punched out, a straight punch hit his brow, making him scream, he was really almost killed by the punch .

This is Xiao Wu's Dao body, standing behind the traces like a door god.

And at this time, there was a rain of blood falling in the air. It was the Emperor An Ye who was being robbed. He was nailed through the chest by Xiao Wu, trampled and killed in the void: "Those who dare to go further in vain are so flirtatious!"

With a bang, he was as strong as the Emperor of the Dark Night, and Xiao Wu raised his arms to dismember him. The body parts were everywhere, and there was no whole body.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!

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