Twin martial arts

Chapter 2397 Extortion

Lin Fan looked at the collapsing time and space, thinking about how to cover up this matter.

The most important thing is that he thinks he can still have a good time. Didn't that nobleman want to play games with him?

He will be very cooperative.

In fact, when the emperor's mace, the mace, and the emperor's prestige were used, and the sky was covered by the sun, Tiancheng was shocked. This must have been a big event, otherwise it would be impossible for someone to activate the emperor's weapon for no reason.

Could it be that someone was fighting and fighting outside the city?

Everyone was thinking, and then someone came out of the city.

They saw the pale Lin Fan lying on the ground.

"Hiss, who is doing this?"

Some people trembled, because the aura that made everyone fear and tremble here has not completely disappeared, and the remaining traces of aura make people tremble.

"I don't agree!"

At this moment, Lin Fan jumped up.

I have to say that his acting skills are too brilliant, at least at this moment, people can understand all his thoughts from his angry and wronged face.

"What's going on? Is there a battle here? Why are you alone?"

Someone asked.

Lin Fan is now a celebrity, and everyone in Tiancheng knows it.

"Hey, where's your imperial weapon?"

Someone asked again, and the look in his eyes changed.

Lin Fan was furious, his eyes were very sad, as if he wanted to express his inner grievances, but he was afraid of being held accountable afterwards.

"Who was fighting here just now?" Someone pressed.

"Heavenly Emperor Lin Fan."

He spoke tremblingly: "It's too strong. Several saint-level powerhouses in the uncle's mansion were killed by Lin Fan with a flick of a finger, and even the ashes of the calamity were not left behind."

"What? Lin Fan?"

"Lin Fan actually came here to kill the strong in the holy realm?"

Everyone exclaimed.

No one is surprised by the so-called Flick of the Finger.

After all, that was the Emperor of Heaven, and he might not be able to sweep the Emperor Realm, but the so-called saints were no better than ants in front of a Emperor of Heaven.


Soon, someone frowned, and he squinted at Lin Fan: "Why is the saint from the uncle's mansion here?"


Lin Fan was furious, gnashing his teeth, as if he had made a big decision: "Don't worry about it! This kind of thing must be said, and it can be regarded as a reminder to everyone."

Someone's pupils shrank.

Lin Fan didn't care about it, pointing fingers, pointing fingers at the sky and the earth, swearing poisonous oath here, everything he said about the poisonous poison is true, otherwise the sky will be struck by lightning.

It made a group of people terrified and felt that this poisonous oath was too terrifying.

"Damn it! They handed over the imperial weapon to me in front of fellow Taoists, and as a result, they forced me out of the city. After they were about to kill me, they took the imperial weapon back." Lin Fan spoke with boundless anger.

"What? Are you so shameless?"

"Hmph! All the big families are like this, their reputation is like shit, it's a joke in front of them."

"Fortunately, I thought the Uncle Guo's Mansion was really so rich, and I thought we should form a team to search the starry sky and find Lin Fan's trace for them."

Everyone is outraged and sympathetic.


The emperor of the uncle's mansion came, his eyes were gloomy.

He stared at Lin Fan: "Is there any evidence for everything you said?"

Lin Fan shuddered, and then said discouragedly: "Where's the evidence? They are all stronger than me. If Lin Fan hadn't arrived suddenly, I would have died tragically at their hands. It's a joke if you want evidence."

The Emperor of the Uncle's House had grim eyes: "There is no evidence to accuse the Uncle's House of our country like that? This is even more of a joke."

Lin Fan didn't speak anymore, only a ray of golden light spread from his feet to the distance.

"Everyone, don't believe his one-sided words. This emperor has enough reasons to believe that he and Lin Fan are in the same group, and they are just thieves shouting "stop the thief." The emperor sneered, and said: "Who is Lin Fan? If you know, you are betraying him." How could the person who was missing leave your life?"

Everyone's expressions changed, what the emperor said seemed to make sense.


At this moment, a roar shattered the sky, and a golden light came!

"All the dogs in the uncle's mansion will die for this emperor!"

'Lin Fan' came, and stepped down from the golden road, his golden feet covered a radius of ten feet, and with a bang, he trampled the emperor to death.

Standing proudly in the void, his eyes were cold and gloomy: "Kill him? Dirty hands."

This Lin Fan sneered: "And, if you kill him, will you come out?"

A group of people worshiped, all trembling.

The mythical scene of trampling an emperor to death with one foot appeared in front of them, scaring them out of their wits.

"You should reflect on yourself. The so-called rewards from the uncle's mansion are not so easy to get." This 'Lin Fan' spoke, pointing to Lin Fan himself: "He is a living Liezi. If the emperor did not happen to arrive, he would will die miserably."

At this time, a picture appeared, starting from the city gate, until Lin Fan just flicked his finger to destroy the saint, all the scenes kept changing.

Lin Fan left, disappearing like when he came.

But everyone looked indifferent, no one questioned what 'Lin Fan' said, there was no need for that.

The reputation that the nobleman worked so hard to build, etc., has been hit and is about to collapse.

When everyone returned to the city, Lin Fan returned to his room with a sneer.

He wanted to see what kind of troubles would come out of that so-called nobleman.

Soon, people from the uncle's mansion came to look for him.

Of course, it was also very solemn, and the whole city knew about it.

Moreover, the emperor actually apologized to Lin Fan, saying bluntly that his country's uncle's house was not strict in discipline, and there were some bad apples that almost caused Lin Fan to die.

Of course, at the end, the emperor asked: "Dare to ask my friend; is that emperor weapon still in your hand at this time?"

Lin Fan sneered: "Do you think that with my abilities, I can keep that imperial artifact from the hands of your wolf-like uncle's mansion sage and the Heavenly Emperor Lin Fan?"

The emperor's eyes were slightly cold, how could he not hear the ridicule in Lin Fan's words?

"Hehe, it's very simple. Young Master has already prepared everything before our arrival, and will make up for your loss." The emperor opened his mouth and said, "Of course, Young Master, I invite you to enter the mansion for a briefing."

Lin Fan frowned.

The emperor sneered inwardly, knowing that Lin Fan would not dare to enter the mansion, he said with a smile, "Young master has prepared another imperial weapon for my little friend, please go to the mansion with me to invite you out."

"Okay, I'll go into the mansion with you."

Lin Fan opened his mouth, looking like a money fanatic. Of course, he didn't forget to say: "I don't believe what can happen to your uncle's mansion. Everyone in the city knows that I will follow you into the mansion. If something happens to me in the end, they won't Someone is giving you some news."

The emperor's face suddenly turned cold!

Can't wait to slap to death.

He felt that this kid who was as weak as an ant was too good at taking advantage of the situation, and was very good at raising the banner.

In this way, it is really difficult to deal with him, kill?Stop making trouble, fight?Let alone make trouble?

The emperor's eyes narrowed suddenly.

A strong intuition made his eyes widen.

This fucker is clearly a blatant blackmail!

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