Lin Fan flowed like clouds and flowing water, and he didn't procrastinate when he killed the emperor. The so-called destruction is nothing more than that.

This proves that Lin Fan's footprints all over the galaxy are not wasting time, but making real progress.

Traveling in this starry sky, there are too many difficulties and obstacles, and many big stars are extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die. Even Lin Fan has been killed so that the body of the Emperor of Heaven has exploded many times, but there are too many and complicated things. , if the description is too complicated, but it cannot erase Lin Fan's experience.

But today proved the harvest, which made Lin Fan happy.

At this moment, he was sure that if he could kill the Emperor Realm horizontally, he could not be his opponent except for some kind of dominance level like the Desolate Lord, and would not pose any threat to him, so he could push it horizontally.


The eagle screamed and shattered in the sky, and from his beak like a hook, a fierce light like the Milky Way swept across the nine heavens. After gathering in one place, it swept towards Lin Fan like a wave, trying to blow him away, and the wings on his wings Kun Pengyi turned into a hundred thousand heavenly knife and nailed down, intending to nail Lin Fan into a blood sieve.

"I don't know how to live or die." Lin Fan opened his mouth, his eyes were blazing, and thousands of runes condensed into a fairy sword swept across it, annihilating all the waves that swept towards him. The smashing.

"Aren't you still surrendering?" Lin Fan asked.

"Don't think about it!"

How could the emperor agree?

It must be known that he is an ancestor of a clan, and his status is too extraordinary. With his status as an emperor, no matter where he goes, he will become a distinguished guest and be admired by all spirits.

How could it be someone else's mount?

"Beat until you are subdued."

Lin Fan was too domineering, his two soles seemed to be welded to the back of the monster eagle, and his hands were constantly punching out fist marks.

Flesh was torn apart, the monster eagle's broad back like a cloud was destroyed badly, the emperor's blood was poured out, and countless thousands of miles of sky were shattered, and countless stars were disintegrated.

"just kill me."

This demon eagle is very stubborn, he is the emperor, he will not give in easily, at this time he spoke, with a generous intention of going to death, and sneered: "Unless you kill me, don't expect me to give in even a word."

Needless to say, Lin Fan cut the demon eagle horizontally and vertically in his hands, and quickly dismembered the demon eagle, but after dismembering the corpse, he immediately stayed away from Baizhang, and watched the dismembered corpse of the demon eagle fly to a place again and be reborn again.

This is the power of the emperor; unless you kill his emperor fruit and emperor soul at the same time, you can't kill him at all.

"Tsk tsk, do you only have this strength?"

The demon eagle grinned, and there was no doubt that after fifteen strokes, he was cut into pieces again. Lin Fan was indifferent, but every time he would rush up after he recovered, and cut him into pieces again with his hands.

After dozens of times like this, the emperor's face turned pale. In fact, after being dismembered nine times, he no longer wanted to resurrect himself, but he couldn't help it at all. The order in his body and the Dao would automatically connect in series.

I wish I could die like this, otherwise it would be too much torture.

"I'm tired, take a rest." Lin Fan said, of course, he cast a splendid golden grid, which trapped the starry sky with a radius of ten thousand zhang, preventing the emperor's most likely escape route.

The emperor's eyes were too gloomy, and the corners of his eyes were twitching non-stop.

He has always been the target of torture and bloody abuse. He has been killed and divided into corpses many times. He is a veritable Ling Chi Wan scratch. As a result, he did not complain or roar, but his tormentor just sat in the starry sky like this. , bluntly said that I was tired and needed a rest.

I really want to scold my mother, especially when Lin Fan took out a good Immortal Drunk to taste in front of him, and smacked his lips, exhaling a strong aroma of wine, he couldn't help it, and after a long roar, Launched a suicide attack, using himself as an arrow, crashing and killing Lin Fan.

Lin Fan himself didn't move, but a figure rushed out from his body. It was the future body. A blow to reincarnation caused the demon eagle to fly miserably, and then he was torn apart again.

Lin Fan was not particular about it. He raised his hand to take a picture of the huge monster eagle's thigh. Using Dao, he refined all the rules of destruction in it, reducing it to the size of a chicken leg. Roasting it with Dao fire, the meat soon overflowed with fragrance.

When Emperor Eagle Hook recovered, he saw the scene that made him want to tear his eyes apart. Lin Fan was biting his golden thigh with a big mouth, dripping oil from his mouth, and was still rapidly refining the meat inside. Essence, qi, etc., are now insane, with white smoke all over the head, and various rays of light gushing from the seven orifices.

"It's delicious." Lin Fan burped.

That is to say, people like him who are physically invincible can taste the flesh and blood of monsters that have reached the emperor's realm, otherwise they will definitely be burst, and the flesh can't bear this kind of terrifying nourishment at all.

Moreover, he is looking at the demon eagle with a very picky look, just like the look we have when we go to the vegetable market to buy meat, as if thinking about which part will be more beautiful and fragrant, and which is the most suitable for cooking.

"It's enough!"

Yaoying has lived a very long time, and always thought that he would do it if he was indifferent to life and death, but now, he has no sense of normalcy, cursing his mother in his heart, and most importantly, he has a deep sense of powerlessness.

This kid in front of him is too hateful and exasperating, he doesn't pay attention at all, he doesn't have the demeanor of the legendary emperor of heaven, etc., just like a glutton.

"Eat and drink enough, I'm killing you thirty times." Lin Fan threw out the remaining thigh bone in his hand, it was too heavy and crushed a void.

"Don't." Yao Ying had time to speak, and was killed again.

Moreover, Lin Fan didn't give him a chance to talk at all, the attack and attack were too close, and the connection was too perfect. The moment the demon eagle recovered, it would directly kill and explode, and he didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Every time you kill him five times, you will pick up a certain part of his body and cook and taste it again.

"I'm done."

The demon eagle was suffering, tears streaming down his face, he looked at Lin Fan viciously, no one could bear this kind of torture, when Lin Fan bit those roasted golden thighs or wings, his heart trembled, The whole body is shaking.

"No, you're not convinced." Lin Fan bit the golden wings and beat him up again.

"I'm really convinced, very convinced." Yaoying said, even the sinisterness in his eyes disappeared, and when he saw Lin Fan, his body was like a sieve.

This is a demon that tortures people too professionally.

"Hehe, didn't you say that you won't be convinced unless you are beaten to death?" Lin Fan squinted.

"What I mean is, if you don't beat me to death, I will obey. How can you be convinced if you beat me to death?"

Yaoying quickly explained that he didn't even want his old face.

"Do you think you are cheap?" Lin Fan asked.

"I'm cheap." Yaoying nodded his head, and he recovered his real body like a mountain, and let Lin Fan go up with a shy face.

"Not bad, kind of honest."

Lin Fan climbed onto the back of the demon eagle, twisted two order reins, and drove the demon eagle across the starry sky.

After Lin Fan left, the crowd on the shuttle boat woke up. The moment they woke up, their eyes were briefly confused.

This is normal and a symptom that occurs after being deprived of a memory segment.

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