Twin martial arts

Chapter 2377 Starry Quicksand

This big star is golden, every sand and stone, every grass and every tree, all have strong golden rules, which is very strange.

Lin Fan shot out a ray of lightning from his fingertips, and struck a rock ten feet in front of him, making a clanging sound, which confirmed Lin Fan's guess to be true.

It lasted for half a month on this big star. During this process, many tragedies occurred, and hundreds of cultivators died tragically on various weird plants.

Of course, Lin Fan and others also took risks, and they were extremely embarrassed under a red but less than three-inch magic sunflower.

That was when Li Guang accidentally stepped on the magic sunflower. As a result, the sole of his foot was pierced and blood flowed out, and the sunflower seeds in the magic sunflower shot out like a god's light, forcing Lin Fan to die In a hurry.

The most important thing is that there was only one magic sunflower at the beginning, but when it broke out, there were thousands of them, each of which possessed at least the terrifying power of the Holy Emperor.

"This is indeed a place of good fortune, but it is not suitable for me."

At this time, Lin Fan was waiting on a mountain depression. It was Lin Fan who spoke. He stood on the highest point and looked up at the bright starry sky.

Wu Jian frowned: "I want to practice hard here and study the rules of gold, which will be of great use to my swordsmanship."

"What about you?" Lin Fan looked at Li Guang.

"I want to find another place." Li Guang frowned and said, "My fortune should still be ahead."

"Then you and I will go together." Lin Fan said, looking at Wu Jiandao: "You are here alone, you need to be careful."

"Don't worry, none of the fellow cultivators on this star can bring me a crisis." Wu Jian said, very domineering.

Lin Fan showed a smile: "I hope you will become emperor on this planet, and I will wait for you somewhere in this starry sky."

Lin Fan and Li Guang bid farewell to Wu Jian.

In half a month, Lin Fan and others had left footprints all over this big star, so they naturally knew how to leave.

In the center of this star, there is a huge teleportation array, on which there is a shuttle ship of ten thousand realms, which can be used to travel to the sea of ​​stars.

There are many companions with Lin Fan and others, obviously they all want to find a big star that suits them, so as to cultivate hard.

This is a starry sky that has been lost in the long river of time. Every star represents a kind of Tao. If it is known to all the great worlds, there will be great powers who will take risks to pass through the wall of the universe, and use this place as a place for future generations to refine and explore. holy place.

The quiet starry sky seems to be close at hand, but when the Ten Thousand Realms Shuttle Ship is moving, you can know that the starry space that seems to be close at hand is separated by an infinite distance.

The shining silver shuttle boat crossed the endless universe, as if it had traveled through millions of years. The body of the ship was actually full of traces of time, and the rust was mottled, as if it had gone through the baptism of years.

This made Lin Fan frown.

He was sure that the shuttle boat had only been traveling through the starry sky for a short day, but such a scene appeared, the shiny silver hull was dimmed, what happened on the way?

It seems that the ancient stars in the same starry sky are actually divided into different ages.

Moreover, walking in this starry sky gives people a sense of desolation. At a glance, there are all kinds of big stars crossing, which clearly gives people an intuition that they can reach the big stars by stepping out of the shuttle boat, but Lin Fan knows, This is an illusion. If you really leave this shuttle, all kinds of horrible and strange things will definitely appear, tearing the practitioners apart.

Just because he peeped with the eyes of runes and knew that during the shuttle, this large ship of unknown year was blooming with various powerful runes to protect the creatures on it, but even so, the ship was still covered by time and other things. erosion.

"Too bright."

A cultivator admired it. He stood on the boat and looked down. There were hundreds of stars rotating under his feet, and the distance was too close. The distance between the big stars seemed to be only a few feet apart. .

"It is indeed very bright, but it is even more desolate. There are so many big stars spinning, but they are dead silent. It seems that all the sounds have been crushed out. It is so quiet that it makes people panic, like being buried alive underground."

There are also cultivators who speak like this, with complicated expressions.

Lin Fan was deeply moved. In this starry sky, there is a sense of loneliness that is abandoned by the whole world, making people feel that they are so small that they are not as good as a grain of sand.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound, like a group of moths flapping their wings, very subtle, but surprisingly amplified in this dead environment, very real.

"what is that?"

Someone exclaimed, it was a piece of milky white sand flowing, pure white, crystal clear, I don't know where it came from, but it gave people a feeling of being untouched by the dust of the world, just like this flowing through the dead starry sky.

If you glance at it, it is astonishingly beautiful, but Lin Fan clearly perceives an extremely dangerous aura from it.

This piece of sand is not much, but it is about Zhang Xu square, white and shiny, clear and crystal clear, like the most magnificent gemstones, eye-catching.

Greed unconsciously appears in people's hearts and wants to hold it in their hands.

However, in a flash of trance, Lin Fan's pupils shrank sharply: "Quick back!"

He yelled violently, and stretched out his hand to pull Li Guang staggeringly away from the side of the boat.

"What is this?" Li Guang asked.

"Quicksand in the starry sky!" Lin Fan looked dignified and serious. He knew what this thing was. Strictly speaking, this thing is only slightly worse than mother gold, but it must surpass many second-level mother gold, and it is very rare. , It is no easier to find than mother gold.

Many cultivators on the shuttle boat all looked at Lin Fan with expressions of surprise and uncertainty, and all their eyes were fixed on Lin Fan.

"Dare to ask Lin Tiandi, what is that? Is it worth your anxiety?" Someone boldly asked.

"This is quicksand in the starry sky." Lin Fan didn't hide it.

"What? Quicksand in the starry sky?"

Everyone roars!

Afterwards, each one's eyes became more intense!

"Oh my God! This is a natural talent. If you get it and sacrifice it to a weapon, you can sweep away one side, and the combat power of this deity can be multiplied!" An emperor roared, his eyes were too fierce, as if Two rounds of golden lamps burn in the dark night.

"Hahaha great fortune, great fortune, this thing belongs to the deity, who dares to snatch it from the deity?"

This is an emperor, he held the imperial weapon tightly in his hand, but just a trace of murderous aura spilled out, and it smashed through a large rotating star.

"I advise everyone not to act rashly. This quicksand in the starry sky is indeed a treasure, but it is not hard to get it. If you force it, you will have life and death."

Lin Fan warned.

This is not his nonsense, but it is true.

"Are you joking?" An emperor sneered, and his eyes were contemptuous: "The treasure is in front of you, how can you not take it? How is that different from entering the treasure mountain and returning empty-handed?"

"Tsk tsk, as expected of the Emperor of Heaven, this kind of thought is too meticulous, I hope we don't make a move, so you can grab it afterwards?"

Someone else sneered, with ridicule and mockery, and he added: "Want to get this Tianbao alone? Are you dreaming? You deserve to die for thinking like this; don't you think it's ridiculous to use this kind of threat to deceive us?"

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