Twin martial arts

Chapter 2357 Point Kill

"Jie Jie"

An emperor laughed strangely. He was scorched black, but now he shed his skin like a snake. Those scorched bones and muscles turned into carbon ash fell off one after another. get out.

"We were almost killed by you."

With his hands behind his back, the emperor walked through the ashes, stepped under the starry sky, and gave birth to a lotus every step of the way.

He approached Lin Long.

He was laughing, but it was cruel and ferocious: "But at this time, you are talking about the winner in front of this emperor."

Lin Long narrowed his eyes: "So?"

"Hehe." The emperor chuckled, "You should offer up the elixir you refined to repay our loss."

"Otherwise?" Lin Long spread his hands, his murderous intent rose a little bit.


Another great being in the emperor's realm spoke, with bloody killing intent: "Then die!"

He is very cruel, a word of death full of murderous intent.

"Okay." Lin Long smiled: "But there is only one pill, who wants it?"

The faces of the emperors changed slightly!

Indeed, there is only one of the seven layers of Pill Cloud Divine Pill.

So, who has it in their hands?

"Want to make us fight among ourselves?" The emperor who spoke first sneered: "You underestimate us too much. We are emperors, how can we not know your vicious thoughts?"

"Emperor Kuang is right." Another emperor echoed, "It's very simple, just capture you alive."

The emperor smiled brightly: "This emperor declares that from now on, you will be our medicine slave, and the only meaning of the rest of your life is to refine treasure pills for us."

Such contemptuous words completely treated Lin Long as a meal on the plate, an ant that could be manipulated at will.

Let a group of people laugh, even Master Zhou frowned.

Of course, Lin Long's eyes were gloomy, and his murderous aura was even more surging.

These people are too shameless.

She actually blamed him for being found by God.

To put it bluntly, it was because of him that he was condemned by God.

But in fact, how innocent is he?

He just wanted to simply fight Yaozun Dan, and never found out who was behind him.

As a result, Sanjiang came out of nowhere, using him as a stepping stone, and wanted to shock him to death on the Dandou first, so as to obtain the qualification to fight Yao Zun.

As a result, in his fight with Sanjiang Dan, these people did not hesitate to insult and ridicule him in order to make friends with Sanjiang.

Moreover, after seeing him refining the seven-layer Danyun pill, he was even deceived by Sanjiang's few words, convinced that he was cheating, and that the pill was not made by him at all.

Therefore, the emperors flocked to Sanjiang, and were unwilling to give up any chance to make friends with Sanjiang. As a result, the scourge of heaven fell sharply, and they were robbed.

This is all because of the other party, but in the end, he opened his mouth like this.

Of course, Lin Long also knew that the so-called "harm" and so on were just excuses, the most fundamental purpose was to capture him alive as a lowly "medicine servant" and become a slave for others to drive.

"A heavenly emperor is a servant, and it's exciting to think about it."

The emperor opened his mouth. In fact, he is far behind Master Zhou and others. In all kinds of words, he has been looking at Master Zhou and others from the corner of his eye, just wanting to see if Master Zhou and others also captured the little dragon king the meaning of.

At this time, he confirmed that Lord Zhou and others were indifferent, so he grinned grinningly.

"Let's fight."

Lin Long didn't want to talk too much, he just wanted to kill people at this moment, and pointed at the emperor's brow.

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly: "War?"

Lin Long nodded: "Yes, I will kill you in the first battle, how dare you?"

The emperor's face turned cold.

How could he fight Lin Long?

Leaving aside the fact that he was injured under the scourge of heaven, he is only at the initial stage of the emperor, and he is not that stupid to fight a heavenly emperor.

"What? Don't you dare to fight in the majestic realm of the emperor?" Lin Long sneered.

"Hehe, why don't you dare? On weekdays, this emperor would be happy to kill you alone, but at this time, even if this emperor wants to capture you alone, other fellow daoists will not agree, for fear that I will eat alone."

The emperor opened his mouth, but his face was slightly red.

"Tsk tsk, good reason." Lin Long laughed extremely harshly.

Even Lord Zhou and the others were snorting coldly, the contemptuous eyes were not concealed at all, and they just swept across indifferently, making the emperor's face even redder.

"Take him together, and only those who contribute will have a share." The Emperor roared, and he was the first to rush forward.

Lin Long's eyes turned cold, and the golden dragon sword slashed out with a clang. The sword glowed like a dragon, and it cut out various avenues and cut across the front.

At this time, Lord Zhou made a move, but it was not aimed at the two warring parties, but with a swipe of his hand, he intercepted several of the emperors and prevented them from participating in the battle.

Lord Hong also sighed, and he also made a move, stopped the emperors in the Hong area, and shook his head, signaling them not to join the battle.

The actions of the two masters made Xiang Linlong's emperor look very different, but soon he laughed grinningly again.

Even if part of them were stopped by the two masters, they still had a huge advantage, the emperor still had two, and the emperor had three!

A total of five great emperors fight together, and it is hard to believe that they cannot win the so-called Little Dragon King.

"More than people?" Lin Long smiled cruelly.

"Hehe, there are more people than you, what can you do?"

The emperor grinned grimly.

Lin Long shrugged, the secret technique appeared, and the three Taoist bodies stepped out, just like him, similar to the one-element heavenly skill of Lin Fan himself.

The emperors change color!

But this is not the end. Lin Fan, who had just finished the final stage of extraction, felt the call from his soul, smiled, and the next moment, his body disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already changed his face and arrived in the starry sky Down, side by side with Lin Long.

"Now, what advantage do you have?" Lin Long looked down at the emperor.

Everyone is discolored!

What kind of law is this?

It's almost catching up with one of Lin Fan's ancient methods that has been talked about for a long time.

"But all dao bodies can't survive for too long, and their combat power must be far inferior to this deity. We must be afraid and kill them directly!"

An emperor roared angrily, his words made everyone around him wake up, Ben stopped and moved again, the emperor was shining brightly, the runes were soaring, and the attack began.

Lin Fan walked forward and calmly held out a sword. He was very calm at first, but as the sword pointed, the entire starry sky began to rotate, and countless large stars were condensed in the sword.


The sound was too crisp, like a sharp knife cutting through a thin tree.

The emperor who had just spoken to boost the morale of the emperors was cut in two.

This is scary!

Didn't you say that the fighting power of the Dao body is far inferior to the deity?

How could he be so strong?

Killed an emperor with one sword?


Lin Long roared at this time, he rushed past, followed by the Dao body behind him, rushed into the group of emperors fiercely and invincibly, and the blood of the emperor immediately splattered.

Lin Fan rolled his eyes.

He was already called, but Lin Long actually planned to solve it all by himself?

What is this?

Moreover, he seemed to see the provocation in Lin Long's eyes, as if he was saying, come on, let's see who kills more.

So, he did it too.

Of course, he didn't use all kinds of methods of his own, let alone use Tianzhu or Zhenshen Zhong.

These are his signatures, and he doesn't want to reveal his identity.

But at his level, at this level of combat power, even a piece of dry grass can smash the galaxy, and he rushed to kill it.

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