Twin martial arts

Chapter 2340 Celestial Realm

When the last crumb of Huangzhu was crushed into powder by Lin Fan with the god-suppressing bell, he took a step forward and arrived in front of Yuzhu, and smiled weakly: "It's troublesome."

Yuzhu nodded, and the long sword rolled in the void, and Li Guang and others were all rolled in, and he took a step forward and reached the Yuyu.

Lin Fan has been in a deep sleep since he arrived at Yuzhu's palace. Undead people and many famous doctors were invited by Xiao Nuo and the little princess.

Everyone has the same opinion, Lin Fan is fine, and some kind of metamorphosis is taking place, he just needs to sleep for a while.

But no one knew that Lin Fan's deep sleep would be so long that he hadn't woken up for three full years.

In the past three years, there have been constant disputes and fighting on the other side.

The Desolate Lord was beheaded to death by Lin Fan, and the Desolate Race would naturally be wiped out.

There is no need to doubt this at all. It is impossible to predict how much blood feud a dominant group like the Huangzu will have.

When the desolate lord dominated the world, the so-called enmity and hatred were naturally wiped out under his wings, but when he died, everything surfaced.

Those groups who were attached to the Desolate Race in the past, separated the relationship immediately, and in the liquidation of the Desolate Race, they became more cruel and cruel.

Of course, all the treasure houses of the Desolate race were moved to Yu Yu by Xiao Nuo's army. This made all the powerful people in the world criticize, but they didn't say much.

This is what Lin Fan deserves.

And under Xiao Nuo's proposal, Yu Yu just took the opportunity to completely acquire Yu Huangzhou, and did not have any involvement in the vacated Nuo Da territory after the Desolate Clan was exterminated.

That's how Yuyu got rid of the endless scramble.

The land of the barren land has become a blood-stained scorched earth, everyone can be king, and all heroes compete for the throne.

In three years, at least hundreds of millions of people were buried in the wasteland.

Of course, many outstanding people have also emerged, and many heroes who have crossed the sea of ​​suffering with Lin Fan and the others have achieved great fame. Returning to the world of heaven and man, I am willing to make a home here.

Xiaonuo and Xiaowu have never gone out to fight and fight, but have been concentrating on hard training. Of course, they also learn from each other from time to time, and with Yuzhu's guidance, they have made rapid progress.

But Wu Jian and Li Guang changed their names and changed their surnames, and went directly into the wilderness to participate in that endless fight, and they wanted to sharpen themselves in the most cruel and dangerous places.

It's just because their nephews and nephews have already proclaimed themselves emperors, and as uncles, they are still wandering in the holy land, which makes them feel embarrassed.

The world on the other side is in constant turmoil, but the world of heaven and humans is also not stable.

The sea of ​​bitterness shows that the heavenly and human world is full of outstanding people who are determined to climb the highest peak of cultivation. It has indeed made the heavenly and human world a lot quieter in a short period of time, and the fighting has been reduced a lot.

But the tranquility didn't last long.

A group of little fellows appeared abruptly. Everyone was a newborn calf not afraid of tigers. They carried a murderous aura while walking, and they were full of ranks. It was obvious at a glance that they should all come from a well-disciplined army. He has been rigorously trained since childhood.

There are 36 in total.

Within five years, a group of these little guys had died, and there were only 12 left, but these 12 people really pushed all the way, as if they were invincible.

The lowest level of cultivation starts from Ningyuan, and after five years, it has climbed to the ancestral realm.

There are also people who fight from the King Realm to the Saint Realm.

The whole world was investigating where these people came from, but a big event soon attracted all eyes.

The Celestial Human Race openly sent troops into the Field of Ten Thousand Monsters!

This is a big no-no!

Everyone in the world knows that although the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters recognizes the dominant position of the Celestials and Humans, in fact, it seems to be an area independent of this starry sky. It abides by its own rules and does not allow other races to intervene.

But at this time, the Celestial Human Race sent millions of troops to the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters.

What is surprising is that one of the overlords of the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Dragon Clan, actually welcomes the army of the Celestial Human Race to enter, and all military resources are provided by the Dragon Clan.

Soon, the root cause was exposed.

It is said that the third princess of the Celestial Clan and the Concubine Long at this time, Tian Xin'er, was attacked by bandits pretending to be from the Phoenix Clan when she was visiting the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters one day.

During the two-year war, the Phoenix Clan was said to have suffered heavy casualties. The Celestial-human Clan really deserved the title of overlord. The Phoenix Clan’s army retreated steadily in front of it. Moreover, the Celestial-human Clan was assisted by the Dragon Clan, and the Phoenix Clan was driven out of the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters. , Huddled in Qingzhou.

Moreover, at this time, many important cities in Qingzhou have fallen, and the rest is still under the control of the Phoenix Clan, which is less than ten thousand miles away.

At the moment when the Phoenix Clan was about to be completely wiped out, Ao Qin, the current Dragon King of the Dragon Clan, broke through the Heavenly Emperor Realm and became the only living legend who walked the path of the Great Sage for hundreds of millions of years in the Celestial Realm.

Ao Qin went to the Phoenix Clan alone, and the two clans made peace, but it is said that the Phoenix Clan paid a hefty price to settle the matter.

The war seemed to be on hold for a while.

But the million-strong army of the Celestial-Human Clan is all about this, so they are permanently stationed in the Dragon Clan, worthy of the name, and the world is at their feet.

Among the dragons.

"Brother-in-law is against the sky, the Emperor of Heaven is so enviable." Tong Tian smiled wryly.

Lin Long glanced at him: "Your Dao heart is not firm, and you have too many selfish distractions, otherwise you would have taken this step long ago."

Tong Tian chuckled: "Father God let me take charge of the world of heaven and man, how can I not work hard."

Lin Long nodded slightly: "But you are not wrong. You have already become emperors. Although it is not a great sage who is called emperor, but the combat power is also very good."

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, showing fear.

The fact that he proclaimed himself emperor was a top secret, but it was discovered in an instant.

"I want to go to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness." Lin Long didn't have any scruples.

Tong Tian was stunned: "You have already become the Emperor of Heaven, why are you taking risks?"

Lin Long didn't say anything: "I've made up my mind."

"Okay, then I wish you a smooth journey." Tong Tian said, and then left.

"You have to stop your brother." Lin Long looked at Tian Xin'er, and there were extremely complicated colors in the invisible corners of his eyes.

Tian Xin'er frowned, showing puzzlement.

Lin Long sighed: "His desire for power is too strong and strong. If he destroys the Phoenix Clan, the next one will be the Dragon Clan. I don't want to embarrass you, and I don't want to be an enemy of the Celestial Clan."

Tian Xin'er smiled wryly.

How could she not see things that her husband could see.

"I promise you, at least the royal family of the Phoenix Clan will be fine." Tian Xin'er said, Lin Long frowned slightly: "It's up to you, but if you think clearly, if the Phoenix Clan can compete with the Dragon Clan, then our Dragon Clan will naturally be safe , when the Phoenix Clan loses its deterrent power, our Dragon Clan will be dispensable."

"Of course, in order to make Tong Tian feel at ease, you can promise him to let him send the army into the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters. Otherwise, maybe he will think that I have selfish intentions." Lin Long said, his eyes flickering fiercely.

Soon, Tongtian personally came forward and said bluntly that at least when Lin Long returned, he would not do anything to the Phoenix Clan, and knowing Lin Long's fear, he promised not to do anything to the Dragon Clan first, but the only condition was that he needed to send another 900 people. The Ten Thousand Heavens Human Race army came to the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters.

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