Twin martial arts

Chapter 2338 Miserable Desolate Lord

He fell out of the thunder pool, covered in blood, like exquisite porcelain being thrown to the ground, and the body was covered with horrible cracks, as if it was about to explode.

No one knows what kind of tragic and cruel fights and fierce battles Lin Fan experienced before his fist pierced through the brows of the Desolate Lord, but at this time, his footsteps were sloppy, and his whole figure seemed to have lost a lot of weight. Dark red blood flowed out continuously.

But no one dared to underestimate him, they all looked at Lin Fan with fear and seriousness.

This is a hero who can kill creatures at the dominance level. Even if he walks vainly at this time and his body is cracked, no one dares to underestimate him. Lin Fan read it thoroughly and understood.


Lin Fan snorted coldly, and after stepping out, terrifying real phoenixes and real phoenixes burst out from the cracks on his body. Two beams of aurora pierced to the famous mountains and rivers and forbidden places on the other side.

The Zhutian in his hand was buzzing even more.

No one dared to underestimate him, this is a fact, but at this time he is tired from the battle; and there are too many things exposed, it is hard to guarantee whether someone will take the risk and make a sudden move at this time.

"Who dares to fight?"

Lin Fan yelled violently, hundreds of thousands of big stars were shattered, and he swept the world with his sword, calming down the restlessness of the heroes. Some forbidden places and mountains, there were horrific laughter .

The Thunder Pond was ups and downs, filling the sea of ​​stars, replacing the original night, like surging silver magma, or restless golden juice, at this moment he flew back, and turned around, spitting out black ash.

Seeing the ashes falling from the starry sky like withered leaves, all the heroes sighed, their emotions were too complicated, the annihilation of an overlord, this kind of thing was too horrifying, it hadn't happened in many thousands of years.


At this moment, half of the gun light suddenly appeared in the falling catastrophe ash. The gun light was so cold that it destroyed the entire sea of ​​stars as soon as it appeared, and everything in the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles did not exist Deprived of all glory, etc., it became a vacuum, only this ray of gun light was shining, and the rest ceased to exist.

"You are not dead!"

Lin Fan roared!

This is simply unbelievable, beyond everyone's expectations, even the envoys have already asserted that the desolate Lord fell into the thunder pool, and as a result, at this time, a ruthless killing gun stabbed Xingyu, draining time and space, and directly Lin Fan was crucified under the starry sky!

The main reason is that Lin Fan's state is very bad at this time. He has been seriously injured and needs to rest for a long time. Moreover, he has already hurt the root cause by forcing the essence of the Emperor of Heaven in order to frighten the unruly heroes.

At this time, the shot was so wonderful that it wanted to send Lin Fan on the road completely without giving him any chance of life.

Lin Fan moved [-] zhang across in an instant, and there was a big rumbling star under his feet. With one step, the so-called shifting of the stars was nothing.

But it was useless at all, this shot was too ruthless and poisonous, filled with the killing intent and obsession of Huangzhu, he had to kill Lin Fan, and he would not stop until he was killed.

"Cut cause and effect!"

Lin Fan was about to burst into tears.

It was so unexpected, who would have thought that the desolate master had already been crushed inch by inch in the thunder pool, but he could still launch a fatal blow at the moment when the thunder pool spit out the ashes?

Cause and effect are entangled and intricate, seemingly chaotic, but in fact, they are full of the principles of heaven and earth, and everything in the world seems to be in this cause and effect.

In an instant, Lin Fan found the causal line that bound his soul, and one end was the causal line that penetrated deep into the Nine Nethers. A beam of light flew out from his hand, which seemed to destroy eternity. A fatal robbery.

"You can't avoid it! You will fall under this spear!"

There was a cold and stern voice of the Desolate Lord yelling, and he showed his true form, only a half-lost head, with a broken gun in his mouth, just like this bloody suppression, chasing and killing Lin Fan across many star fields.

Lin Fan successfully cut off the causal line, causing the spear to deflect a little, and the spear light that should have pierced his soul brushed past his ear.


Lin Fan's whole body exploded into blood and broken bones.

The bones are like jade, like the Tao bone inscribed by heaven and earth, and various rule runes are engraved on it.

The remaining blood was like a sea like a vast ocean, and there were many stars dotted in it.

This scene shocked everyone inexplicably. Is this the difference between the Heavenly Emperor and the ordinary emperor?

Is this the basis for the tyrannical and invincible Emperor of Heaven?

It's like wanting to turn my body into a real star universe, and give birth to many great worlds in flesh and bones.

"The Desolate Lord let you die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch!"

The Desolate Lord shouted violently, holding the broken spear in his mouth, and wanted to rush into the residual blood and broken bones, completely chop it into pieces, and ruin all the chances for Lin Fan to be able to live again.

A piece of light rain suddenly fell, and a big bell rushed out from the residual blood and broken bones. The chaotic air was transpiring like a fairy glow, and the space was collapsed. It rushed away and blocked the broken spear. , a heavy halberd whistled through nothingness, and slashed towards the broken spear.

"Your master is about to die, it's just a mere weapon, how long will it be if you don't surrender!"

The Lord of Desolation roared, and at this time, he slapped down with his backhand, and a piece of the universe was suppressed. With a buzzing sound, he turned his palms and covered the entire Xinghai, and covered the two heavy weapons, as if he wanted to directly suppress and surrender.

call out.

Those residual blood and broken bones all rushed into the distance, and the divine chain of order was extended during the period, linking and constructing them, Lin Fan reorganized, and the moment he reorganized, he almost fell to the void.

It was too abrupt, and he never expected that he would suffer even more serious injuries after undergoing this catastrophe.

However, at this time, his fighting spirit is boundless. He has killed the Desolate Lord many times, and tore him thousands of times in the sea of ​​thunder. Until now, the Desolate Lord has only appeared with a mutilated head, proving that Its injury will not be lighter than him at all.

"What kind of atmosphere is blowing, since you are still alive, I will send you on your way."

Lin Fan's eyes became blazing, like a sky knife slashing through, and at this moment, his real body flew up, and he stepped on the god-suppressing bell, making his chaotic energy even more terrifying. Thousands of strands swept towards the nine heavens, preventing Hold the big hand that was under the cover, and flicked his fingers on Zhutian, causing him to let out a dragon chant, turning into a heavenly dragon coiled on his body, the dragon's mouth opened wide, biting off half of the sky with one bite, almost killing the desolate lord The mutilated head was swallowed.

"You can't do it. If you don't believe me, you can still borrow that kind of power. I will kill you a hundred thousand times today!"

The desolate lord roared.

He almost fell completely. If he hadn't obtained some kind of method from a certain prehistoric tomb and preserved a few inches of his remnant soul, he would really have died.

The corners of Yuzhu's brows raised slightly, Yuzhu's great sword leaped into the sea of ​​stars with a clanging sound, intending to kill Huangzhu.

Mainly, he knew that Lin Fan was in a very bad situation and he was not allowed to take any risks.

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