Twin martial arts

Chapter 2335 Another level of scenery

This kind of words spit out from Yuzhu's mouth, which really shocked the eyes of the whole place.

All the spirits in the wasteland trembled, feeling that there was an invisible knife hanging on their necks, ready to cut off at any moment.

If the two masters really fight and fight, it will be terrifying, not only involving the two masters, but also their respective ethnic groups and forces; they will all be involved, and then trigger a decisive battle in the entire world.

"Up to you." The Lord of the Desolate actually sneered and said, he was not really fearless of the Master of the Heaven to kill all the members of the Desolate Race.

The main reason is that after reaching this state, each other has great fear in their hearts. If Yuzhu really dares to ruthlessly suppress and kill the people of the Huang tribe today, even if he loses to the enemy, he can choose to run away directly, so as to exterminate the people of the Yu tribe Things.

This is the catastrophe of the whole world. If the characters in the emperor's realm do not restrain each other, the world will definitely be destroyed in endless conquests.

Yuzhu narrowed his eyes: "You are really vicious, it's okay to have bad intentions, but there is no need to provoke the relationship."

The Desolate Master sneered, did not deny it, and of course did not admit it.

But it was this attitude that really angered Yuzhu.

If it weren't for Xiao Wu's extremely keen perception, knowing in advance that someone was following behind, and thus choosing to wander in the heavy city, something big would really happen.

If in his universe, Lin Fan's relatives were killed or captured, and the root cause still came from his palace, no matter what, it would be unexplainable.

As a result, there will be a rift between him and Lin Fan, and then the marriage between Xiao Nuo and the little princess may be in vain.

This desolate owner is more than malicious?

If you want to kill many birds with one stone, count him in.

"Let's fight, let you see the gap. You really went too far on the wrong path. I hope this battle will wake you up." Yuzhu said, and in an instant, he sent Li Guang and others to the extreme distance. place.

"My lord, please keep your hands, I will kill him."

At this time, there was a golden thunder and lightning shining on half of the sky, and Lin Fan awakened, but he didn't know what he had awakened. A bright and regular road spread from the sacred mountain to the wilderness, and Lin Fan stepped forward.

First, he glanced at Li Guang and others in the distance, and after confirming that they were not damaged, his eyes suddenly turned cold: "It seems that you really can't wait and want to die quickly."

The desolate master laughed: "How dare you talk nonsense about the trash who is running away in embarrassment in my hands? Do you think that you can bridge the gap between you and me after a few days of epiphany under the statue?"

Lin Fan strolled under the starry sky, and soon came to the Nine Heavens: "If you really use your real skills at this time, I really can't kill you."

"Hehe, then get out, or hand over that skill, otherwise today's incident will definitely continue." Desolate Master sneered and said, unscrupulous.

It's just because Yuzhu has really gone far away, and many great powers have been born. Frankly speaking, if Huangzhu and Yuzhu fight, they will not care whether they live or die, but if Yuzhu fights against Lin Fan Desolate Lord, they will not sit idly by.

Lin Fan smiled contemptuously: "Believe it or not, but I really never got any Dharma from the cornucopia."

And at this time, Lin Fan came to the shroud with a sword of spiritual sense, and stated his request.

"Are you sure you want to waste an opportunity?" Shroud asked.

"Yes, in order to ensure the safety of my relatives, I must kill him today." Lin Fan replied.

"Okay, but I will only let your energy level be at the same level as his for a short period of time. Whether you can kill him or not depends entirely on your ability." Shroud said.

"Okay." Lin Fan's spiritual consciousness dispersed.

But at the moment when Lin Fan's spiritual consciousness dissipated from the World Tree, he stood in the skeleton under the starry sky, exuding terrifying coercion. Degree.

"Hehe, I know that you have a weird method that can temporarily improve your strength, but even so, you are still far from the emperor, and it is not fun to kill." Desolate Lord smiled contemptuously.

Lin Fan shrugged, in fact, he was really helpless in his heart.

The shroud actually predicted a lot of things, knowing that he still had one yuan of heavenly skill to use, so he raised her to this level, and he needed to use one yuan of heavenly skill to make up for the remaining gap.

With a bang, the long river of time appeared, and the waves rolled in. Every drop of water in it seemed to bury the sorrow and joy of an era.

Lin Fan's aura soared again until he finally equalized with the abbot.

This shocked the world!

Everyone is horrified, what kind of law is this, how can it be so terrifying?

It can make people raise a whole small realm?


Lin Fan twisted his neck and looked at the gloomy Desolate Lord: "Now you and I are at least on one level."

"You're still going to die, crooked ways, you didn't get it through hard work, you native chicken and a dog." Desolate Lord scolded coldly.

Lin Fan shot ruthlessly, without holding back at all, because his time was limited, and he had to suppress and kill the Desolate Lord within the limited time period.

The laws of the realm of the emperor are boiling, the world seems to be collapsed, everything seems to be reshaped in an instant, the universe is overturned, and then it evolves into chaos, the breath of terror flows, and the laws are about to perish.


The god-suppressing clock was held in Lin Fan's hand. At this moment, a real silver dragon flew out from the clock wall. It was huge and ferocious. Compared with that god-like barren spear, the murderous soldiers that traversed the world like the Milky Way were not short. The huge dragon's body coiled around On many big stars, the dragon head is madly rushing towards the majestic and huge Desolate Lord.

In fact, this is just a corner. Lin Fan's god-suppressing bell has to be said to have been greatly affected by the Tongtiandingding, imprinted with all kinds of fairy spirits and dao marks in the thunder calamity. Out, there are billions of fierce lights, and the sea of ​​stars in the universe is crowded, like boiled water.

The face of the deserted master has changed!

He seriously underestimated Lin Fan.

He always thought that the reason why Lin Fan had the same aura as his was because of crooked ways, and it was impossible to display the corresponding combat power at all, but at this moment, he knew that he was wrong, very wrong.

His intuition is that the person opposite him is not weaker than him at all, and is a completely equal existence.


With a roar, fierce soldiers like a galaxy cut down, and the world was divided equally. The silver dragon that was entrenched on many stars was cut off on the spot, and the real dragon blood poured down. But he was still robbed, because these terrifying creatures were far more than just one or two, but squeezed the sky.

The Desolate Lord hummed repeatedly, and there were many terrifying big holes on his body, and he could see the starry sky behind through those holes.

"Is this the power of the Emperor's Peak?"

Lin Fan's eyes were shining brightly, and his clenched fists were trembling.

This sense of power really gave him a sense of heroism that he is invincible in the sky and the earth, and has no rivals in the past, present, and future.

"I want to reach it as soon as possible, on the road to the Emperor of Heaven."

He was whispering, and at the same time, his eyes were blazing: "Desolate Lord, you will die today."

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