Twin martial arts

Chapter 2333 Wrath of the Lord

"Someone is hiding in the shadow of the void, trailing behind, and has traveled thousands of miles."

Xiao Wu transmitted the sound, and his fingers clasped three thunders that exploded. This was a life-saving tool that Lin Fan gave him and Xiao Nuo at critical moments.

He was very dignified and serious, and he felt the terrifying aura trailing behind him. The emperors had many respects, and the emperors and emperors were involved.

"Sure enough!" Wujian's eyes turned cold.

I have long known that this matter is tricky, but I didn't expect that the other party would be so impatient and undisguised, and dared to follow behind them just because they were far away from Yuzhu's palace for thousands of miles.

"They are looking for opportunities, and they are sure to hit the first blow. This level is very sad." Xiao Wu smiled bitterly, and said: "They are too strong, the emperors have many respects, and they think highly of us, so they can only wander in crowded places. If we dare to go to remote places, we are not opponents, we can only catch them with nothing."

"Ma De, is that old dog of the desolate master lost his mind? Brother Lin, what did he get that the desolate master chased and intercepted him, and he refused to let go even if the envoy came forward to stop him?" Li Guang scolded angrily. .

"Xiao Wu, you go first and head towards the crowded place. You and I, Uncle Li Guang, will lead them away. You are already an emperor, so you have a greater chance of escaping." Wu Jian said urgently, and looked at Xing'er, He said apologetically, "Sorry, I have troubled you again."

Xing'er shook her head and said with a smile: "During this time, I always feel that life is the only thing I've ever experienced. It's very exciting, so I don't need to apologize."

Xiao Wu and the others smiled wryly.

This girl is really stupid and bold, do you know what she will face?

Last time, I have to say that I was really lucky. After Xing'er was arrested, the worst thing didn't happen, but this girl actually spoke up like this.

"Hehe, found out? But what can you do?"

At this time, there was a sinister laughter, reaching Xiao Wu and others' ears, full of ridicule and ridicule.

"We really can't do anything, but what can you do? Do you dare to do anything here?"

Xiao Wu smiled contemptuously: "Besides, mere emperor, if there were no higher-level figures behind you, this emperor could pick and kill you with a single halberd."

"Yo, you are not very big, but you have a very serious tone. What are you? When I proclaimed myself emperor, you were still breastfeeding." The emperor sneered.

"Do you want face? With your words, the rotten aura filled the sky. They are at least [-] to [-] years old, but they are still trapped in the realm of the emperor. Is this your pride?"

Xiao Wu fought back.

The emperor bullied him when he was young, and he mocked that the emperor had no ambition to live a hundred years in vain.

It made the group of Emperor Realm figures who followed him laugh out loud. Of course, the Emperor who was targeted by Xiao Wu was full of murderous aura.

If it weren't for the scruples that he was still in a crowded place at this time, he would have shot to death this embarrassing boy with iron blood.

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, I'd be happy to smash your big teeth for Brother Huang."

Some emperor sneered: "Don't expect too much, your way back has been blocked, and you can never go back."

Xiao Wu's face became more serious.

In fact, from the time they walked out of the courtyard to the time when they walked out of the Yuzhu Palace, Xiao Wu knew that there must be a high-ranking person colluding with the outside world in the Yuzhu Palace without any interrogation or interception. The emperor reminded him that he also knew that there was no way to retreat.

"Is it useful to delay time? Don't dream, Yuzhu will naturally have someone to hold you back, and no one will come to save you. Moreover, this emperor simply believes that stretching your head is a knife and shrinking your head is a knife, and you will die early and rebirth early."

An emperor opened his mouth like this, revealing every bit of the desolate master's plan. He really thought too thoroughly, blocking all possible loopholes.

From noon to dusk, they hovered in the heavy city thousands of miles away from the Yuzhu Palace, and with a grin, Li Guang tasted almost every restaurant in the city, and also wantonly selected all kinds of women's accessories And clothes, etc., wanton purchases.

This is deliberate humiliation.

This made the following emperors grit their teeth and vowed to grab Xiao Wu and wait later, and they would definitely torture Li Guang to death.

"Curfew is about to come." Xiao Wu's words were low, and the three thunderbolts clasped tightly in his hands had never been thrown out. At this time, he had already pulled out the heavy halberd, and the murderous aura gradually accumulated in his chest.

In fact, if he is just a person, he is very confident that he can break through, at least he can cause a considerable amount of movement, and maybe he can attract the attention of the Lord.

But at this moment, he really didn't dare. Whenever he had this thought, he would see a sharp blade that only he could see protruding from the void, pointing at the back of Wu Jian and Li Guang's head.

Obviously, if he really dared to put his thoughts into action, Wu Jian and Li Guang would definitely die tragically in the first place.

At this time, Yuzhu Palace is in the palace.

"Old guy, it's really been a long time, at least ten thousand years, so the emperor thought you had been buried in the years."

Yuzhu is drinking wine with an old man who exudes decay all over his body and has brown spots on his hands like corpse spots.

This old man is really too old. He is wearing clothes from 2 years ago. The clothes that should have been woven with the silk of the sky star are rotten, but they must not be underestimated. The aura is only slightly weaker than that of Yuzhu.

"How is it possible to die." The old man sighed, and said: "This colorful world is so missed and cherished. Only when the good times are gone, can we know the horror and preciousness of time."

Yuzhu chuckled, and smacked his lips after drinking: "It's a very good thing. It's said that the gods are drunk, but this deity has never been drunk."

The old man smiled and said, "Then let's get drunk today."

Master Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and then laughed: "Okay, drink three hundred cups, it can be regarded as repayment for the love of flowers when you were young."

Yuzhu drank very fast, and drank three hundred cups in just a moment.

After the last glass of wine was drunk by him, Yuzhu crushed the Star Cup, which is hard to find for billions of dollars, and said, "The Desolate Lord is really good at inviting you out."

The old man got up tremblingly: "How can a person not owe karma in this world? It's like you knew everything a quarter of an hour ago, but you still sat for a quarter of an hour."

"Yes." Yuzhu nodded, and, at this time, his eyes pierced the sky, looking thousands of miles away, the dazzling thunder that suddenly illuminated the night sky: "So the grace has been repaid, you can die."

Yuzhu made a move, but did not use punches or swords, but smashed the sky with one finger that the old man taught him when he was young.

Point out that Yuzhu flew away.

The old man sighed, his face was bitter, he returned to his seat, but the moment he sat down, his whole body was broken like this, starting from a bright red fingerprint between his eyebrows, it turned into pieces on the ground.

A majestic Great Seal came to suppress all the fragments of the emperor's body and residual blood. Otherwise, the entire Yuzhu Palace might become nothingness.

"Desolate Lord, I am invincible and declare war on you today, and I will never die!"

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