Twin martial arts

Chapter 2319 Who is making the move

"Ha ha."

There was a chuckle coming from the shroud, which made people feel dizzy. Lin Fan was so frightened that he fell back and almost fell to the ground.

The shroud became more and more demonic. At first, Lin Fan thought it was a dead thing, even if it was only soaked in the blood of the gods to channel spirits, it should be like a soldier's soul, but now Lin Fan felt that it was a corpse. Alive beings.

"What are you laughing at? I brought you out from under the altar, but what did you do? You invaded my small world like a dead thing, but you never obeyed my orders, besides, you are really weird and terrifying , please leave."

Lin Fan was furious. He had always kept his face before the collapse of Mount Tai, but at this moment he was frightened by this damn piece of rag. He was really angry from embarrassment.

"It's true that you brought me out, but strictly speaking, I've helped you three times, and I just rented you out in a world that's not all broken. You took advantage of it."

The shroud opened its mouth like this, with careful thinking and clear words, no different from a living creature.

"Who are you? What kind of existence do you have? Could it be a fragment of the soul of a god?"

Lin Fan was terrified, even his voice changed. He had tried his best to overestimate the shroud, but he really underestimated it.

"Who am I?" Shroud repeated, and then fell into a long silence, at least half a quarter of an hour later, "I also want to know who I am."

Lin Fan didn't dare to have any distracting thoughts at all, he just wanted the shroud to leave him as soon as possible, the farther the better.

"Then, please leave." Lin Fan emphasized again that Shroud must either leave, or follow his command and help him kill the enemy at critical moments.

"I don't know who I am, and I don't know why I walked with you that day, but I know that I should follow you. There is a voice telling me that if I keep following you, I can find out who I am. So, I won't go."

The shroud opened his mouth and said, "Go away, without my permission, you are not allowed to come to this floor to disturb my tranquility."

Lin Fan laughed back in anger.

Today he has seen what it means to be overbearing and shameless.

This is his small world, this is the world tree he invited from the forbidden area after nine deaths, but at this time, he was expelled by a piece of rag, and it was stated that he was not allowed to step into this layer.

"Are you joking? This is my world." Lin Fan sneered.

"But now I'm entrenched here, so it's my turf."

Unexpectedly, the Shroud was even more domineering than Lin Fan, and even more like the owner of this place.

At this moment, Lin Fan wanted to scold his mother.

If he had the ability to fight against the shroud at this time, he would definitely make a move, and he would burn the rag completely and completely.

The atmosphere is very tense.

But fortunately, the shroud finally spoke again: "But what you said is also reasonable. I live in your small world. If you fall, I will never find such a suitable place to live, and I will not be able to live in the dark world." Tianyin may never find herself again."

Lin Fan's eyes brightened slightly.

"Until I find my true self, I can take one shot a month."

"Once a month? Are you dreaming?"

"Don't push forward, you should know that if I make a move, the world will be turned upside down, the stars will be turned upside down, even the strongest person in this world who argued and communicated with me that day, if I want to, it will not be difficult to kill him with just ten moves."

"Hehe, don't dream, don't you pay the most attention to karma in an existence like yours? You live in my world, the fewer shots you make, the more karma you owe, how will you repay it in the future?"

Lin Fan clearly sensed that after these words, the shroud was lost in thought, and a majestic figure evolved from a hazy blood light, frowning.

"Well, three times in two months, and, I will only release the power below the ultimate combat power in this world, and it is impossible to break the balance of the great world, unless one day, you yourself become the limit of the great world."

"make a deal."

Lin Fan felt relieved, and a big stone fell to the ground suddenly.

The worst didn't happen.

In fact, when Lin Fan came to look for the shroud today, he was really sweating, but he definitely had to come, not allowing such a disturbing bomb to be buried in his own small world.

Of course, he was also prepared for the worst - chicken and egg.

He was sure that the Shroud would not attack him, so the worst plan was for the Shroud to leave.

But this result was really unexpected.

Lin Fan came out of the small world, his eyes opened, and his cheeks split from laughter.

You can shoot three times in two months, this is simply an invincible shield, a gold medal for avoiding death in your hand; you can lie down in this world without fear.

"You're overthinking, and you'll make three shots in two months, but it's impossible for you to seek death by yourself and provoke the enemy, unless someone else comes to your door."

At this moment, indifferent laughter resounded in Lin Fan's soul.

Lin Fan's expression suddenly changed.

At a certain moment just now, he really traveled hundreds of millions of miles directly to the wasteland, fought against the desolate master, and then let the shroud kill him directly.

But these indifferent words broke his dream.

Smacking his lips, he quickly restrained his emotions.

He walked out of the room, wanting to investigate secretly, how strong the Huangzu stationed in this state is, and how to make sure that this state can be completely given to the Yu Lord as Xiao Nuo's betrothal gift.

But when he was walking on the street and only walked 300 meters, Lin Fan's complexion suddenly became dark. If he hadn't suppressed his murderous aura so tightly that he didn't burst out, a large group of people would die in this crowded street in an instant.

It was a blood-stained notice, on which a wisp of Wujian's soul was nailed with a Taoist talisman!

Moreover, there are still pictures playing non-stop.

It was the weeping Xing'er, very miserable, with disheveled hair, blood all over her body, bare feet like jade, running on the sharp broken stones, with harsh laughter behind her.

And the reason why the streets are so crowded is entirely due to the ancient times who read this notice.

No one noticed that Lin Fan, who had just squeezed into the crowd, had disappeared in an instant.

It is Lin Fan's characteristic to be calm when things happen, the more angry he becomes, the calmer he becomes.

It was only one step, Lin Fan had already walked to another state, and saw similar notices posted all over every important city in this state.

Lin Fan's face was gloomy and cold, and there was a beating murderous intent in his eyes.

He returned to Yuhuang State and entered his room.

In this line of business, he was sure of at least one thing. The people who had obviously declared war on him didn't know where he was, and they just used this method to force him out.

But, who is doing it?

Because, in another state's heavy city, he also saw Li Guang, who was even worse, with his limbs cut off and placed in a barrel of black juice, and Xiao Wu's severed arm was also nailed to a certain city. Fragment on the head.

"Whoever you are, you will die a terrible death."

Lin Fan grinned grimly, he hadn't been so furious for a long time.

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