Twin martial arts

Chapter 2317 Shroud

But these divine sounds that sound like Sanskrit to cleanse the soul in the ears of all souls are constantly evolving layers of shackles, falling into the black sea of ​​blood, and an illusory divine figure appears, ruthlessly smashing And go, to seal this piece of magic skin forever.


On the devil's skin, those thick black hairs all rushed out after this cold snort, like a hundred thousand devil soldiers smashing the sky and the earth, just like this, chopping towards the shroud.

This is just a piece of cloth and the fur left by some kind of creature; but the battle at this time makes all spirits howl and the heroes bow their heads.

It also makes those who are determined to climb the pinnacle of cultivation despair, feeling that they will never be able to reach this point.

This is not a matter of age, but a kind of intuition, even if they are allowed to live the same life as this world, and practice hard for millions of years, they will not be able to reach this state.

Lin Fan was terrified!

It's not that he doesn't know that the shroud is very strange, and it must have great power, but he never thought it would be so powerful.

Even, he was thinking, even if it was his own father—Mozun, who was invincible in nine heavens and ten places, and climbed to the highest peak of Taoism in the world—Linshen.

But is there such power!

The Desolate Lord was also terrified. He seemed to have made a big mistake. He took out forbidden items that were forbidden by the envoy of the gods. The fierce battle and fighting, the upper reaches of the nine worlds and the town of Jiuyou, this world seems to be collapsing; in the desolate no-man's land, there have been countless millions of miles, and it has become history, turning into pieces and rushing into the depths of the universe go.

"The gods are merciful to the world, how could they bring down the catastrophe to destroy the world."

At this time, there was a voice, it was an envoy of God, he was compassionate, and he had one hundred and eight divine rings all over his body, and at this moment, he was kneeling on the ground, reciting some mantras, as if communicating inexplicable existence in.

The movement of the shroud sweeping across the world stopped, and it actually stopped like a human being, examining the envoy.

There was a strange and unknown fluctuation, and the whole world could perceive that mysterious divine sound, but no one could understand it, of course, except for the envoy, who was arguing, as if he was talking about something.


In the end, the shroud let out a cold snort, and shook out a ray of scarlet light, illuminating the land of more than ten domains in a boundless red.


The desolate master roared in distress, because he sensed that this scarlet light was aimed at him.


However, the worst thing never happened, and he was not punished. When this ray of scarlet light reached him, it turned into a blood-red palm and slapped his face fiercely, and half of his face disappeared instantly. More than ten petals of teeth flew far away along with the blood.

"Eternal seal!"

The envoy roared, this was the first time Lin Fan felt what it means to be in the presence of God, it was really terrifying, although he was still in the Emperor Realm, but in fact he already possessed some charm, he received the brilliance on the mountain of God, became The beam of light that reaches the sky shoots at the restless and humming demon skin.

The shroud also showed its power, unexpectedly, a piece of flesh the size of a little fingernail radiated a monstrous aura, and shot at the demon skin.

Mopi was suppressed, and was dragged into the mountain by the beam of light reaching the sky.

All the horrific campaigns and all the spirits that made the spirits bow down were gone, and the shroud was declared to be gone.

But Lin Fan narrowed his eyes suddenly. He sensed that the shroud had entered his small world, still occupying a branch of the World Tree, and dormant again.

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