Twin martial arts

Chapter 2314 Killing the Enemy

The emperor's eyes were gloomy.

At this moment, he was extremely resentful of why he insisted on his own identity, and didn't throw out these invincible punches the first time he met Lin Fan.

Kill it directly!

It turned out that it was because of his self-reliance that he let an ant kill his friend in front of him.

"Go, pick up his body that has become debris at random, and take it back to the business."

The emperor opened his mouth, and his eyes opened and closed, showing the infinite majesty of the emperor.

"Hey." Emperor Honghu smiled. He actually drove Hongqiao to the chaotic land that was blasted out, and did as he said, going to pick up the fragments of Lin Fan's body.

As he approached, the emperor just glanced at him, and then looked at the head of the Ye family: "From now on, you can rest assured."

The head of the Ye family really breathed a sigh of relief.

That Lin Fan was so strong was indeed beyond his expectation.

Originally, he thought that even if Lin Fan was the emperor of heaven, he was also an emperor and he should not be afraid of him, but after the battle, he was almost beheaded.


A cold and sharp halberd tip suddenly burst out of the chaos, it was too ruthless, and it went straight to the eyebrows of Emperor Honghu.


Honghu Emperor screamed strangely, he tilted his head quickly, but his scalp was still sliced ​​off by the cold halberd tip, and his skull was blown away.


The heavy halberd didn't stop for a moment, like a gangrene attached to the bone, chasing and killing the Honghu emperor who fled like a rolling gourd.

"You are not dead!"

The emperor roared in horror.

It was already a blow with all his strength, but it failed to defeat the enemy, which was indeed beyond his expectations.


The emperor yelled, and even spit out a sea of ​​rules, submerged in Zhutian, wanting to stop Lin Fan's pursuit and save Emperor Honghu.

This was really his big mistake and almost killed his teammates.

But it was useless. In the past, he stepped forward, filled with the breath of time, and entangled with the air of karma. He cut off karma, so that the sea of ​​rules had no target, and could only spin around in place.


It became.

After blocking the terrifying rules in the past, Lin Fan finally thrust the tip of the Tianzhu halberd between the eyebrows of Emperor Honghu, and there was only a soft pop sound, Emperor Honghu died, his soul was strangled into a paste, and he died Dao Xiao, only the immortal emperor's body fell powerlessly into the air, smashing hundreds of half-destroyed luxury houses.


The Emperor roared, out of anger.

He is the master of this place, and he should have dominated the battle situation, but in fact, it seemed that Lin Fan had taken all the initiative and held him by the nose.

This is not the crushing of combat power, it is more like an insult on IQ, which makes him unbearable.


He was completely insane, the so-called self-confidence and arrogance were all thrown into the back of his mind, and he was only full of killing intent.

Moreover, he finally drew out his own Emperor's Armor, which turned out to be a great halberd, extremely mottled, with many hideous deep marks on it, proving that this weapon has gone through countless battles, and in some terrifying battles, It was almost cut off by the terrifying enemy.

When a halberd is killed, it is like the article is flat and straight, without any ups and downs. It can be found, making the opponents feel flustered, as if they have been forgotten by the whole world, everything they used to be familiar with is gone, the world is vast and has no relatives, and the universe is full of stars without old reasons.

The world is silent, everything seems to be swept away by this halberd, even the ten thousand ways are empty, what is there to be eternal.

This is astonishing, and it also makes people speechless. It is just a halberd, and it creates such a scene. Even Lin Fan sighed in his heart, feeling that the road is really only a single walk, and nothing can last forever. Really, everything that is cherished at this time will be empty in the end.

However, this feeling was only for a moment. Lin Fan let out a long roar, and he also flew away with a slap in the face.

The blazing light collided and splashed from the tip of the halberd, and even the golden telescreen under Lin Fan's cloth could no longer cover it. The entire wasteland was shaken, and all spirits crawled in an instant.

Glory to the whole state, but the murderous aura swept across the barren land on the other side, and everyone was alarmed.

This kind of attack power is too terrifying, absolutely has the prestige of being invincible, it is easy to swallow mountains and rivers, and evaporate the water of the four lakes of Kyushu in an instant, it is too easy, it is not a problem at all.

But in fact, except for the empty space from the two halberd tips, not even the hair of the head of the Ye family, who is very close to each other, has not been lifted.

This is the embodiment of the ultimate control of energy, which is even more shocking.

It's normal for the emperor to have such control over his divine power, but how long has Lin Fan been the Emperor of Heaven?Why can it be so?

"Lin Fan"

A roar exploded in the Desolate Race, and the entire world on the other side rumbled and trembled.

That is the deserter.

The entire world on the other side seemed to see the true form of the Desolate Lord floating above the Desolate Clan, looking through the ages, staring at Lin Fan's body.

His expression is gloomy, his face is indifferent, his ruthless eyes open and close, big stars sink and fall, and the sea of ​​stars turns into dust.

Lin Fan's expression changed!

It was unexpected.

With the emperor's halberd, he had to fight with all his strength, so the blessing of the golden telescreen was less, and it was shattered by the aftermath. At this time, the desolate master discovered the authenticity, and it was dangerous.


Lin Fan roared, even if the tiger's mouth was bleeding, and his chest was full of boredom, he didn't care. He had to get rid of the emperor's trap first, behead the head of the Ye family and flee millions of miles away, otherwise he would be stopped by the desolate lord. very bad.

"You want to escape? Want to get rid of this emperor? You are dreaming!"

The emperor roared angrily, he saw Lin Fan's true intention, and waited while roaring with a grin.

Today, he has suffered too much embarrassment. He has been completely defeated in IQ, and has been crushed many times by Lin Fan. If he is allowed to go away, he will really become a joke.

Lin Fan remained silent, buried his head in the fight, and surrounded him with the three main forces, making a show of a death-defying battle with the emperor, causing the emperor to roar again and again.

He is very strong, but Lin Fan is not weak, and he has a Dao body to help him, so he is really too strong, even killing him back every step of the way.


The patriarch of the Ye family slashed the emperor's sword, cutting out a hundred thousand miles of sword light.

He went all out, knowing that the situation was critical at this time, he would not allow Lin Fan to escape at all, at least he had to hold off and wait for the desolate lord to kill him.


Suddenly, the god-suppressing bell flew out, blocked the [-]-mile sword glow that had been cut down by the mighty, and slammed into the head of the Ye family.

The highest esoteric meaning of One Yuan Heavenly Art—Assimilation appeared, and a hazy white light covered Lin Fan. He took the emperor's palm hard and spurted blood, but he took advantage of the momentum to rush forward. , Flying across the sky with Tianzhu, the head of the Ye family confers the head!

"Lin Fan!"

The desolate lord wants to tear his eyes apart!

He was about to arrive, but under his nose, Lin Fan beheaded the head of the Ye family who he famously said was protecting Yongchang during this period.

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