Lin Fan raised his head and looked at the condescending doorman with disdain.

This Ye family is really arrogant to the end, even the mere door boy is so presumptuous and arrogant, squinting at the visitors.

No answer, keep moving forward.

"Did Ma De ask you something, didn't you hear me?" The doorman's face turned cold, and he appeared a little majestic in the narrow Yintang.

"That kid, stop quickly, this is the Ye family, how could a cat or a dog be able to enter?"

Another doorman also yelled angrily, and he walked down, dragging the killing stick in his hand on the bluestone steps, making a dull sound.

"Kneel down!"

The door boy suddenly made a move, and the killing stick danced high from the steps, and smashed towards Lin Fan.

In fact, this doorman is very impressive, at least in the ranks of doormen, he is the king, with a sinister smile and so on.

The other doorman clasped his hands and sneered. His cultivation level was higher than the other doorman's, and he was close to reaching the sub-sage's level, so he thought that Lin Fan was really just a cat or a dog.

It was because he had never sensed any aura in Lin Fan.


There was a cold light in Lin Fan's eyes, which smashed a space into pieces and collapsed in pieces. The head of the doorman who did it was shattered, turned into powder, and buried in the collapsed space.


Another doorman screamed, but his fate was even worse. Two golden beams shot out like sharp knives. In an instant, he was cut into pieces, and he died.

The screams outside the door startled the people in the mansion, some people yelled, bluntly saying who would dare to come to Ye's house to make trouble.

Lin Fan turned his head to kill the sky, stepped over the bluestone steps, and entered Ye's house. What moved with him was a golden light curtain. When he completely approached Ye's house, the golden light curtain enveloped the entire Ye family mansion.

"who are you?"

This is a statue of Lindi, very serious and solemn, with cold sweat on the hands holding the saber tightly.

Who is this ruthless person?

He didn't show the slightest aura, just standing quietly in the courtyard like this gave him a sense of terror as if seeing a god, as if as long as the person in front of him overflowed with a little bit of killing intent, he would turn into a piece of earth.

"Haven't you been waiting for me to come? Here I am."

Lin Fan smiled.

Emperor Lin stepped back, his face pale in an instant: "Lin Fan!"

"Exactly." Lin Fan nodded, and walked forward, his spirit swept across the entire Ye family: "It's a big battle, three emperors and one emperor."

Without saying anything, Lin Fan started killing people, where is there any right or wrong and mercy at this time?

None of that matters.

It is necessary to make an example and let those who are watching know that what he said is not a joke. Only in this way can the danger to the people he cares about be minimized.

For example, Xiao Wu and Li Guang, who had never heard a single bit of news after entering the other side of the world, and Wu Jian and Xing'er, who were thrown into the void by him that day.

"Long waiting!"

An emperor leaped out from the depths of the mansion, like a Kunpeng flying in the sky. To the naked eye, he was only in human form, but if one swept it away with the soul or the martial arts eye, there was a huge Kunpeng on his back, with wings fluttering. Zhan can definitely hit the Nine Heavens.

The pitch-black waves were billowing, and the jet-black feathers on it were like swords. He came to kill like this. His hands stretched out like claws and smashed down. Everything collapsed under these two big hands.

"The head of the Ye family?"

Lin Fan took a step back, it was so clever that he was just outside of this attack.

"It's the old man! Why don't you hurry up and die?" The emperor roared, and at this moment, he transformed into the true form of Kunpeng, soaring up to three thousand feet.

"When we meet for the first time, I will give you a generous gift first." With a smile, Lin Fan threw the black cloth bag at the head of the Ye family.

"Tian'er!" The old man screamed, he was about to burst into tears, he didn't need to open the black cloth bag, he just glanced at it, and he knew that it was the head of his own son, which was taken off and wrapped in a black rag .


Lin Fan made a move, without holding back the slightest hand, stepped up to the sky, and with a bang, Lin Fan killed the sky, and thousands of Taos surged like a sea, turning into a monstrous killing light and blasting at the old patriarch of the Ye family. If Lin Fan hadn't been prepared to seal this place with a sea of ​​thunder, it would have shaken hundreds of millions of miles of land.


At this time, jet-black feathers shot out from the body of the mountain-like Kunpeng, turning into jet-black killing swords, each of which was like the ultimate evolution of Tao, densely packed, and the sword forest was as cold as rain.

It has to be said that even at the level of the emperor, the head of the Ye family is considered a top figure, really strong.

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Lin Fan yelled coldly, that Tianzhu Sweep who slashed out seemed to have cut off the connection between the Great Realm and himself, and isolated himself from the Great Realm, those jet-black killing swords that rained down from him just like that Fighting out from the dreamlike figure, but it couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

"God hide!"

Lin Fan fought fiercely, shaking his hands and punching the emperor who came from behind and smashed into pieces. His body was covered by a bright golden ring. Inside, the golden magic soldiers were floating up and down, each of which was orderly. All tangible objects are the materialization of rules.

Yu Wan, the golden divine soldier, just killed and went away. The so-called time and space are like paper, and nothing can resist it even for a moment.

The Kunpeng, which was as huge as a mountain, was robbed, and countless blood holes were killed all over its body, making the trillions of pitch-black sea water below it scarlet.

The old patriarch of the Ye family screamed, he felt that he was about to be dismembered, and his soul was slaughtered like a red-hot blade: "Hurry up and shoot!"

He screamed in panic, because Lin Fan was riding the golden rainbow bridge and came across it. His movement was faster than lightning, and the terrifying heavy halberd was raised high, intending to chop off his head.

"Have a frenzy!"

"This emperor is here to kill you!"

Two roars sounded, it was the roar of the emperor and the emperor, shaking the sky and the earth, turning everything in the sealed space into powder, the emperor's might was like flames.

There was a loud bang, and the red fist imprinted, and a big hole appeared in the sky that had already turned into a vacuum. , to run and sink down,.

This is the emperor's punch, Lin Fan smashed away with the town god bell, and with the help of the aftermath of the bombardment, he spanned ten miles across the land, and punched as far as the sky, cutting off the terrifying aftermath.

"The sin of this emperor is that he is too conceited and proud. He only sits in Ye's house and let Zhetian die tragically."

The emperor was cold, no matter where he spoke, his eyes were too gloomy, staring at Lin Fan, his murderous aura could burn the heavens.

"It's nothing to say, for picking off his head today, the Desolate Lord will definitely reward us with a big reward, enough for us to climb a small step again."

The emperor smiled grimly, and pointed at Lin Fan's eyebrows: "Remember, the one who killed you today is named Honghu."

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