"You really can't do it. You actually tried to defeat this seat in the same way. You are dreaming. You couldn't do it when you were not the Emperor of Heaven, let alone now?"

Lin Fan shouted angrily, and, he really didn't make a move, and participated in this battle that he thought was just a weapon.

But because of this, the Desolate Lord was even more murderous.

He cannot accept this result.

How can this be so?

Not long ago, the ants who could only resist with all their strength under a single shot and almost died in the end, now, they were able to block the shot he threw with all his strength!

Moreover, the deity has not moved, standing proudly on the divine rainbow that traverses the world, just controlling the bell, and it is inseparable from his weapon!

"Huang Gun, kill!"

The Lord of Desolation stands proudly on the barren land, his voice tears through the sky, reaching directly above the nine heavens, the huge killing character is in the sky, the boundless murderous aura is like mist, like thunder rumbling.


The barren gun buzzed, as if responding to its master, and burst out with extreme power.

Huang Qiang is really too powerful, he can definitely strike many emperors horizontally, even the emperors may die tragically under this spear, but at this time, he is too passive, and he can't do anything about the chaos-suppressing god bell at all.

The main reason is that this clock was made by Lin Fan with great painstaking efforts. It contains all his skills and methods, as well as his transformed soul clothes and blood, which is equivalent to his alternative clone.


Zhenshen Zhong killed him, and behind him, a golden figure appeared, just like Lin Fan. No need to guess, everyone knows that this is Zhong Binghun.

"Is this gun afraid of you?"

Huang Qiang also roared, and his majestic figure manifested.

Of course, he also has a soldier's soul. He has been in the hands of the Desolate Lord for tens of thousands of years, and he has drunk a lot of emperor's blood. He has long been psychic.

A different kind of fight started, and the battle reached this level, it was no longer like a fight between two soldiers who could be handed down from generation to generation, but more like a different kind of fight between Lin Fan and the Desolate Lord.

Of course, it's just talking like this. The real emperor battle is very different. After all, these are just two man-made creatures, and they can't perform some of the taboo moves of their masters, but they are also earth-shattering enough to be seen in detail. The description is in the history of practice on the other side.

The bell waves are faint, and the bell waves spread like ripples, and there is a death knell, and the hearts of all souls seem to be covered with clouds of sorrow, as if a loved one has left, and they can't help but feel sad.

The barren guns were fighting, and the shadows of the guns were heavy like rain. The decisive battle between the two killed everything in Fang Tianyu.

"Hehe, it seems that your barren spear is not good, it will be folded under the divine bell." Lin Fan spoke, and he was satisfied enough to fight to this scene.

I feel that all the hard work of refining the town god bell is too worthwhile. Of course, it is also reasonable. After all, this is just the emperor's weapon, not the real emperor's battle.

"It's too early for you to be happy." Desolate Lord said.

In fact, he really suffered from Lin Fan's dumbness.

Because he accidentally fell into a small hole that Lin Fan dug for him.

At least, when the winner and loser were determined between the two weapons, he would not be able to attack Lin Fan, otherwise he would be ridiculed and despised by the world.

Lin Fan got a rare respite. After all, he had just survived the calamity of heaven and earth, and he wasted a lot, and he needed time to make up for it. Of course, he also needed a short time to integrate the power of this realm.

The final battle between the two weapons began, and the two clashed fiercely together, and there was a heart-shattering sound, in the chaos of the collision.

The involuntary regret and sorrow in everyone's heart.

Is the soldier damaged?

What a pity.

Whether it is Lin Fan's divine clock or the desolate spear of the Desolate Lord, if any one is broken, it will be a big loss, and the history of cultivation will be dimmed a lot because of it.


The Desolate Lord suddenly spurted blood, his face turned pale for an instant, and he staggered back many steps.

This scene made the world horrified and screamed.

This is too obvious, the wild gun is broken!

You must know that the wild spear is a sharp weapon that accompanies the deserted master's life, and there is a trace of this spear in every legend about the deserted master.

But today, it was half destroyed like this.

It seems that this indicates something, just like today's Desolate Lord, half of his prestige has been lost.


The desolate lord howled.

He could no longer maintain his composure, and could no longer stand on the barren land and look up at the starry sky with a proud expression.

With just one step, the galaxy hangs upside down, the world turns upside down, and he arrives in the sea of ​​stars.

The chaos disappeared, and it could be seen that a big bell was resting on the two broken spears. On the body of the bell, the golden figure was slightly fainter, looking sideways at the Lord of the Desolate.

The desolate master was filled with a cold and murderous look, and the majestic eyes made the golden figure on the town god's bell shake.

Lin Fan moved sideways, blocking the front of Huangzhu's line of sight, with a smile: "I said you can't do it."

"I will kill you."

The desolate owner was out of anger, and when Lin Fan moved sideways, he sold it directly, stretched out a big hand, with overwhelming pressure, shocking all spirits in the world.

It's just a big hand, bringing up the cosmic wind and forming a terrifying thundercloud storm. Accompanied by the rumbling of the Tao, there is a destructive luster and a chaotic atmosphere.

This is the prestige of the Desolate Lord, worthy of the name.

Lin Fan frowned.

Even if he becomes the Emperor of Heaven, he still dare not underestimate this Desolate Lord.

The so-called Emperor of Heaven pushes everything in the Emperor Realm, but that is just a legend. Only after you have really reached this realm, you will know that there is still a long way to go. At least if you want to be truly invincible, you need to go through one or two major hurdles.

Of course, he has no fear at this time. When he was not a heavenly emperor, he felt the unbearable murderous intent and the majesty of the emperor. , only the starting ladder is different.


Lin Fan grabbed the Zhenshen Zhong with one hand and killed him horizontally, blocking the big hand that covered Tianyu and smashed at him, and at this time, Zhu Tian was held in his hand and stabbed upwards.

Holding a bell in his left hand and a halberd in his right, Lin Fan's aura climbed to a terrifying level, reaching the peak of his life.

Of course, he has a kind of self-confidence at this time, if the shroud obeys his orders, he will definitely be able to kill the desolate lord in front of him, of course, it's just a thought.

Even if Shroud was willing to suppress and kill the Desolate Lord, he would not.

In his heart, he always felt that the Desolate Lord was an excellent whetstone, like a mountain that he had to climb, which would bring him pressure and urge him to move forward.

The big hand was pierced through, and Lin Fan rushed up from the big Chaos hand. With a bang, the entire star universe was turned into dust, and everything became empty under that big hand.


The Lord of Desolation snorted coldly, he didn't kill Lin Fan with a single palm, and the big hand that shattered the entire sea of ​​stars raised his eyes again, and grabbed Lin Fan.

The entire star sea, which had become a vacuum, was being squeezed and condensed by the ruthless giant hands. The boundless pressure pressed on Lin Fan, which made Lin Fan feel a sense of suffocation, and his whole body tensed up uncontrollably.

"A short distance away!"

Lin Fan screamed furiously. After he, who was now the Emperor of Heaven, shouted, a real sky was summoned by him, isolated around him, and he was in another star universe, freed from the suppression of the desolate lord. .

"I'm leaving first, you just wait, and I will settle the matter slowly in the future."

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