The Desolate Lord was so excited that he even temporarily forgot about the important thing - Lin Fan hadn't been killed yet.

The ancestor nodded: "Yes, and there is more than one. It is a vast world. It is suspected that a complete world will be torn into three different heavens during the war of gods. Of course, the lower realm is barren and not worth mentioning. But the seventh realm and In the world of heaven and man, there are Linshen sitting in town, and each is the master of a domain."


The desolate master was terrified, he stood up suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he paced around the room.

It should be noted that even if it is as old as the other side, there is only one Linshen, and it is high above, and it has become the common belief in this world. Big things must obey their orders.

But at this moment, he has been questioning, examining, and contemptuously at the end of the starry sky on the other side, there are actually two such ultimate powerhouses.

"Isn't it easier for people to become enlightened on the other side of the starry sky?"

He was whispering, and his eyes revealed a bright brilliance.

At this time, the ancestor emperor is no longer an ant in his eyes, but a stepping stone, which is very likely to be his guiding stone to the other side of the starry sky.

"If the invincible desolate lord is willing, I will naturally be willing to lead the way." The ancestor emperor smiled brilliantly, and at the same time a certain boulder fell from his heart.

He knew that from this moment on, he got rid of the situation of being like a mouse crossing the street and being beaten by guests from outside the territory, and stood firm, taking shelter under the big tree of the desolate owner.

"You are very knowledgeable." Desolate Master smiled: "Don't worry, under the starry sky on the other side, when the glory of God can still shine in this world, you will be safe and be protected by me."

It's an easy transaction.

The ancestor emperor bowed to the end: "Thank you, the invincible Desolate Lord."

After getting up, his eyes were stern: "So, should we talk about Lin Fan at this time?"

"Lin Fan!" A few feet of terrifying killing light shot out from Huangzhu's eyes, the majesty and majesty made the ancestor's face turn pale, and he couldn't bear such terrifying pressure.

Fortunately, the terrifying murderous aura, the peak emperor who was enough to tear apart the sky, dissipated in an instant, and the desolate master's eyes were gloomy: "Just say it."

The ancestor emperor smiled grimly: "I have a piece of his clothes in my hand. I think with the power of the Lord of Desolation, I should be able to kill him with this piece of clothes."


The desolate master actually let out a laugh that made people laugh.

This is the hem of a piece of black shirt, which is extremely small, no bigger than a thumb, but when it was held by the Desolate Lord, there was a strong aura, and the two fingers grabbed the aura that should have been nothingness, and actually photographed a real forest. Where come.

This Lin Fan was dull, his eyes were lifeless, the desolate master smiled, and his laughter was like a night owl: "Very well, he is dead, no one can save him, even if he is in the world on the other side at this time, it is impossible Live till the sun goes down."

At the same time, Lin Fan, who had just walked out of the torn space, suddenly frowned, because at this moment, he always felt a little palpitating, and it seemed that someone had caught a certain causal line and wanted to attack him.

"What's wrong?" Wu Jian asked.

The past few days have been very restless, even if you hide your true face, you can't help being nervous, because the whole world is looking for their heroes and treating them as treasures.

"Palpitations." Lin Fan spoke succinctly, and added: "The corners of my eyes are throbbing, and my soul is restless."

"Maybe it's because the nerves are too tense during this period, don't think too much, after so many days, don't we still live well?" Wu Jian comforted and comforted.

Lin Fan frowned.

I knew it couldn't be that simple, something big was going to happen, but I didn't say it, I didn't want Wu Jian and Xing'er who were traveling with me to worry.

He was thinking about what else could be used to deceive the secrets. He only needed to survive for a while, and he felt that the bottleneck of the emperor's realm was about to be pierced by him.

Of course, even if he really becomes the Emperor of Heaven, it is impossible for him to reach the sky in one step and directly kill the overlords like the Desolate Lord. That is unrealistic, but at least he will not be as passive as he is now and can resist, at least if he is chased by the Desolate Lord , You can walk calmly, and there is no possibility of life-threatening.

"Wait." Lin Fan called Wu Jian and Xing'er, and water-like golden light flowed from his brows, turning into thin golden threads, and penetrated into their bodies: "I hope it works."

But it was useless at all, Lin Fan had tried all the available means, and the palpitations did not weaken, but became more and more serious.

Lin Fan's expression changed.

He set off a gust of golden wind, wrapped Wujian and Xing'er, and left at an unimaginable speed.


This was his heartbeat, as if it was about to jump out of his chest, and his whole body tensed up uncontrollably.

At his level, this kind of thing shouldn't have happened.

At this time, among the Desolate Race in the Desolate Territory.

The desolate master held a jet-black long spear in his hand. This was the sharp weapon he used to fight wildly in the world in the past. He did not know how many enemies died on this jet-black spear. Moreover, most of the credit for the desolate world is due to this long spear. Stand up and fight with him for tens of thousands of years.

This spear is at least one foot long, and the whole body is pitch-black, but the ancestor screamed out, because it is an innate thing-the Killing Heaven Bamboo only grows in the chaotic world. .

The Desolate Lord really has a great opportunity to find such a heavenly object and sacrifice it to make it into a weapon.

On the long spear, there are dense patterns of chaos, without the slightest edge showing, as if the sword has not yet been sharpened, but even the ancestors feel shuddering, and the soul is screaming and trembling. Once this spear is released, it seems that it needs the blood sacrifice of all spirits, and it needs to be harvested. Millions of souls can be appeased.

"Old man, go, crucify him with a single shot, swallow his soul, and let him fall into the boundless purgatory forever." Desolate Lord said with a smile, his hand gently brushed Too long gun.


The spear roared, and when the Desolate Lord poured the Lin Fan Qi machine captured from the corner of his clothes into it, the spear flew away with a whoosh.

This spear is full of domineering power, it is just a soldier, but like the overlord of heaven and earth, all spirits need to worship.

Wherever he walked, all the vegetation and the creatures under the saint withered, and all life was swallowed up, which caused boundless panic.

"Desolate gun!"

"My God, the Desolate Lord actually threw out the spear himself!"

Once the barren gun is released, it is destined to shock the whole world.

"not good!"

Lin Fan, who was still running in the void, roared suddenly. At this moment, his hair was terrified, and he felt that he was locked by a certain giant, which was coming to kill his soul at this time.

He has heard the screams and fearful roars of all spirits beyond the void.

He knew that this was the killing gun thrown by the Desolate Lord from a hundred thousand miles away, locking his life energy mechanism. Killing him doesn't stop at all.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is the one blow to defeat the Desolate Lord.

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