Twin martial arts

Chapter 2137 Dragon Slayer Palace

Lin Fan might also consider, if the Dragon Palace is destroyed, whether the world will turn to him to kill people and seize treasures.

But for Xu Yang, it's not that troublesome.

Not to mention anything else, it's just Princess Jue's simple sentence - kill if you can, then Xu Yang will definitely destroy the Dragon Palace.

At this time, Uncle Guo and the Dragon King are still discussing, talking about some arrangements and so on.

I really don't know when the two colluded together.

At this moment, the cry of killing suddenly resounded, and the Dragon King's expression changed drastically, and he sternly shouted: "Lin Fan, aren't you afraid of God's punishment?"

"Dragon King, don't get me wrong, this deity has never done anything, and none of the people under this deity have ever made a move."

Lin Fan's grinning voice came.

The Dragon King's eyes suddenly changed: "Major General, why? Why is this so?"

"Ingratitude is punished by everyone, where did it come from?"

Xu Yang's killing was too fierce, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the Dragon Palace, as long as they were hit by the Zhantian knife, at least they would end up with broken bones and tendons.

And those two or three emperor-level priests in the Dragon Palace were stopped by the emperors of the Three-Eyed Clan, and they had already jumped out of the sea and leaped to the sky.

"Take care, we don't allow others to know about you and me." Uncle Guo said, and before the Dragon King could react at all, he had already left.

Why doesn't the Dragon King know that he has become an abandoned disciple?

It's like a flag that has no use value.

"Lin Fan!" The Dragon King was about to burst into tears, he could only watch his subordinates die tragically one by one.

"Why do you call me the deity?" Lin Fan pretended to be surprised. Standing behind him were two emperor figures, Wang Xiong and Prison Niu.

"Major General, please keep your hands. This king will give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter."

The Dragon King roared.

"Okay, hand over the great holy blood first."

Xu Yang slashed a holy dragon into two pieces with one knife, and killed a sea mammoth with another knife, and then spoke slowly.

"it is good!"

The Dragon King opened his mouth, but soon, he discovered that the great holy blood book that was placed on the table had long since disappeared.


The dragon king's mournful roar suddenly exploded into the sea area of ​​​​[-] miles.

This yell made Lin Fan's expression suddenly change. He looked behind him: "Trouble me, seniors, go and chase after me. Be sure to take back my holy blood."

Both Wang Xiong and Prison Niu smiled wryly: "Do your best."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank.

Obviously, neither of the two emperor figures dared to say that they could grab something from the uncle of the country.

"I'll go with you." At the critical moment, the shadow uttered a voice, and the three emperor-level figures, divided into three directions, followed the direction of the land.

Lin Fan suddenly felt irritated and anxious.

It was as if that bottle of blood would definitely put him in danger of life and death.

Therefore, the eyes looking at the Dragon King are even more sinister.

"Dragon King, you really colluded with Uncle Guo, damn it!"

Xu Yang roared loudly, and the Sky Zhan Saber in his hand became even more ruthless.

The destruction of the Dragon Palace is already doomed, no matter how much the Dragon King resists, it is useless even if he is willing to give up the treasure that is enough to tempt anyone in exchange for his life, and his head was mercilessly beheaded.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea died, and the Dragon Palace was pacified overnight.

However, Lin Fan couldn't be happy at all, because the three emperor figures, including the shadow, went to pursue him, but they didn't even find the uncle Guo, let alone recover the bottle of great holy blood that belonged to him.

This is why you can only be careful and be on guard against any accidents at any time.

When everyone returned, the Three-Eyed Clan was the big winner this time, because after the destruction of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, it seemed that there would no longer be any force in the entire sea area that could fight against the Three-Eyed Clan, and his clan became a veritable overlord.

However, Lin Fan believes that the dream of the three-eyed people is destined to be shattered. Since Princess Jue has paid attention to the East China Sea and asked him to kill him if he can, then he must be ready to officially include this sea area in the territory. .

Therefore, this place may be the new governor's place, it just depends on who Mozun Palace will send to garrison it.

Of course, in the middle of Lin Fan's return, there was a small episode.

The appointment of Mozun Palace was very strict. First, he strictly condemned Lin Fan for slaughtering Tianwai Island, and bluntly said that he had messed up the three thousand islands that were originally orderly. order.

In the eyes of the world, this is not accountability at all, but a reward.

Three thousand islands, what a huge sea area?

It is much larger than the sum of many admiral's mansions.

At this time, Lin Fan and Xu Yang were sitting opposite each other, and Lin Fan looked very unfriendly: "Did you know the princess's plan a long time ago, kid? That's why you bet against me?"

Xu Yang giggled.

"I admit defeat, but don't count on me." Lin Fan felt a headache.

Let Princess Jue tolerate one more woman to share her man?

With such words, he felt that even if he was Princess Jue's own brother, he would probably be chased and killed by Princess Jue for hundreds of thousands of miles if he said it.

Xu Yang pouted: "I didn't have any hope for you."

After saying this, he said: "You are very good, you have children, but I am older than you, and now I am still a first-time brother, and I have a beautiful match every day. I can't, it's so annoying."

Lin Fan frowned.

"Since His Majesty Mozun and General Zhantian intend to facilitate your relationship, why not get married directly?"

"You think too simply, at least not at this stage, at least not before Mozun Palace confirms the next successor." Xu Yang pouted.

Lin Fan rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it obvious that the heir to the Demon King's Palace is there? Who else but Princess Jue? Could it be that if this matter drags on, you won't get married for a day?"

"It's obvious?" Xu Yang squinted at Lin Fan, and said coldly: "One day, when that bastard, the successor of Mozun Palace, shows up, I will have to teach him well, and delay me for so many years. But go big."

Lin Fan glanced at Xu Yang inexplicably, instead of entangled in this issue, he said, "Have you asked General Zhantian?"

Xu Yang looked serious, and said: "Father said, since the other party has your blood, he will naturally have endless killing moves against you, and he has no good way to deal with it, but don't worry, someone will help you Get through this calamity."

Lin Fan frowned.

Xu Yang said: "Bloods all have a source, you really don't have to worry about this matter."

Lin Fan frowned even tighter.

It has been five days. If he hadn't been waiting for the strange attack that might come at any time, he would have opened the coffin long ago and explored the mystery of Hengsheng.

Waiting so hard, so tormented.

At this time, the uncle's mansion was heavily guarded, and the entire street outside the mansion was guarded by the god-slaying army disguised as passers-by and street vendors.

The mansion of the uncle of the country is full of ghosts, eight huge soul-calling banners stand tall, and the wind is blowing, but these banners are motionless. On the altar made of various bones.

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