Twin martial arts

Chapter 2121 I'm beheading a child


Tianwaitian yelled bitterly, and roared: "Lin Fan, the revenge of killing your son, we will not share the sky!"

"Who wants to 'Dai Tian' with you?"

This sentence made Xu Yang secretly laugh.

Most importantly, coupled with Lin Fan's surprised and innocent eyes, it made people laugh.

Of course, he couldn't help laughing, referring to others, excluding Tianwaitian, he was almost out of breath.

He was burning with anger here, but the enemy he was going to kill was so casual and contemptuous, he didn't take him seriously at all.

Moreover, the constant slapping left and right made him look ashamed.

"court death!"

He roared, and raised his palm.

"Tianwaitian, you are presumptuous, don't forget, this is the residence of the Marquis."

Marquis Wu grinned grimly.

It really annoyed him that Tianwaitian dared to be so presumptuous in his mansion.

"Hmph, you can talk to my in-laws if you have something to do." Tianwaitian said coldly, the in-laws he was talking about were of course Uncle Guo.

"Yongguo oppresses me?" Marquis Wu narrowed his eyes.

Xu Zhuguo got up slowly: "I don't care about other things, but it's not okay to do it in front of me."

"Hmph, don't worry, the mere holy land is worthy of my hand?" Tianwaitian grinned.

"Lin Fan is to die!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and at the moment Tianwaitian waved his hand, someone rushed out from the black crack that disappeared in a flash.

This man was holding a long spear, pitch black, and when the sound sounded, it seemed that he was still thousands of miles away, but just as the sound stopped, the pitch black long spear had already reached the tip of Lin Fan's nose!

Lin Fan's pupils shrank suddenly, he let out an angry roar, and stomped the soles of his feet fiercely on the ground, and the bluestone exploded immediately. He was sitting on the carved wooden chair, but he just drew ten feet diagonally like this, and the spear held the tail. After killing him, the gun light hovered three inches from the tip of Lin Fan's nose.

"Three-eyed people, do you want to die?"

Xu Yang suddenly yelled, he stood up against the table, the saber in his hand was shining brightly, and wanted to kill the madman who appeared suddenly with one blow.

"Major General, this is a personal grudge."

Tianwaitian chuckled, he raised his hand, imprisoning the space, making every movement of Xu Yang seem to be in slow motion, extremely slow, even a single raising of his hand could make him drenched in cold sweat.

"Well, it's better for the two of you not to move. Don't you think that this Hou's mansion is too quiet? Think about it, if the two of you move, everyone in the Hou's mansion will be quiet today."

Tianwaitian spoke coldly.

"Are you threatening Benhou?" Marquis Wu narrowed his eyes, and strands of light burst out from the slits of his eyes like fireworks.

"You can think so." Tianwaitian went crazy and didn't care about anything.


At this moment, Lin Fan roared and fought with others, he had never been so passive before.

The main reason is that this person's appearance was too abrupt, Tianwaitian was actually an emperor, and directly split the void in an instant, allowing the enemy thousands of miles away to kill him in an instant, and he lost the initiative.

He clenched his fist and blasted forward, his fist marks rumbled, making the whole Hou Mansion shake and tremble.

With a bang, Lin Fan's fist was shining like gold, and he smashed it on the tip of the spear, causing it to deflect.

But this shot was too fierce, even if he changed the way the gun moved, he was still knocked back by the force of the counter-shock. Even though Emperor Zu Lin's mouth and nose were congested by Lin Fan's punch, he didn't take a step back and continued to attack.

There is no limit to the murderous intent in Lin Fan's heart, and he was forced to such an extent.

But there was nothing he could do, the tip of the spear was too close to him, and he couldn't use any spells or skills for a short time, so he continued to retreat, and behind him was a green brick wall!

Lin Fan had already figured out a countermeasure. The corner of the blue brick wall could be used to make him fly into the air. As long as he got rid of this passive situation, he could kill the Emperor Lin in front of him with three punches.


Lin Fan roared, and when he came to the corner, he slapped back fiercely with one hand, trying to use his strength to leap into the sky.


But the wall where his palm landed was suddenly pierced by a sharp sword. His fleshy palm slapped on the sharp sword, and his palm was immediately pierced, bloody, and, with a clang, another bloody long sword appeared like Cutting tofu is like cutting through a green brick wall, the angle is too tricky and ruthless, pointing directly at his back.

"Lin Fan!"

Everyone screamed.

If Lin Fan died here, it would be a big deal.

But Tianwaitian, the preparations were too thorough and the thinking was too perfect. Since he waved his hand to summon the Three-Eyed Clan, it has been his painstakingly planned killing move.

Lin Fan is in danger!

"You want to kill me like this? You can't!"

Lin Fan was furious, and the bloody palm was full of golden light, like a god holding the sun. He abruptly broke the sharp sword that pierced his palm, and twisted his body fiercely, avoiding the vital points, so that The sharp sword passed through his body, causing him to cough up blood, but he was not fatally wounded.

He got out, at great cost, but at least out of mortal danger.

Lin Fan flew up, the golden light was tens of thousands of feet long, and the endless thunder clouds condensed. He pulled out a scepter from the thunder clouds, walked in the black thunder clouds, and stepped on many thunder dragons.

"Three-eyed clan should be exterminated."

Lin Fan opened his mouth coldly, and two thunder dragons flew over to act as legs, and he attacked and killed the three-eyed tribe Lindi who attacked him first.

This is a saint near the emperor, who should not be too far away from the emperor's level, and is too old, very old. When he saw Lin Fan killing him, the vertical eyes between his brows suddenly opened, tearing the sky, he To hide into the void.

"Want to hide? Can you hide?"

Lin Fan grinned fiercely, stabbing down with the scepter in his hand. It was clearly not as long as the arm's length, but when he stabbed down, it seemed to be able to penetrate the heavens and the earth and Jiuyou. called out.


Lin Fan shouted sharply, the scepter in his hand shook, with a bang, somewhere the void exploded, and the scepter was nailed between Lindi's eyebrows, piercing it.


The sword sounded, and the blood-colored long sword that was hiding behind the blue brick wall and killed Lin Fan shot out, passing through the thick thundercloud abruptly, pointing directly at Lin Fan's heavenly cap, intending to empower it and nail Lin Fan in mid-air.


Lin Fan roared, like an invincible God of War, he swung the scepter in his hand, and smashed the crucified remains of the Three-Eyed Clan Emperor Lindi to the bloody long sword that came to kill him.

Keng Keng.

The bloody long sword was so terrifying and sharp that it cut Lindi's body in just an instant, and pieces of flesh flew everywhere.

Lin Fan disappeared. He carried the scepter and walked in the void, entering the thunder cloud to intercept and kill the scarlet sword master.

Everyone can't see what's going on inside, they can only see big cracks tearing through the sky appearing from time to time, roaring and roaring trembling the sky.


The thunder rolled, and seven or eight huge thunder dragons chased and killed the blood-colored sword master who was blasted to Gao Tian by Lin Fan's punch.

At the far end of the sky, he was dismembered by a thunder dragon!

"And you! Do you want to escape?" Lin Fan shouted, he chased outside Marquis Wu's mansion, where was the last person who attacked and killed him.

"Lin Fan stop!" Tianwaitian's expression changed drastically.

It's just because at this time he has the intuition that disaster is imminent, as if his own relatives are about to die tragically.

This made his face change wildly, pale as paper.


A bloodied, headless corpse was thrown at his feet.

"Native chicken and dog, do you think you can kill this deity?" Lin Fan's icy words sounded, his body was covered in blood, and his hair was piled up in piles.

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