Twin martial arts

Chapter 2118 Treat people with sincerity

After walking out of the hall, Lin Fan asked Xu Yang about this question, but Xu Yang didn't explain it, so Lin Fan didn't ask further.

Princess House.

Lin Fan expressed his thanks to Princess Jue repeatedly.

He knew that if the princess hadn't come forward this time, this matter would definitely not have ended like this.

Even if he can escape the death calamity, some torture is inevitable, and it is not impossible for him to become a useless person from now on.

Of course, the fundamental reason why he is so calm now and no longer worried about Xiao Nuo and others is that Lin Long has given him the news that Xiao Nuo and others have gone to the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters safely.

As soon as he arrived at the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, Lin Fan was completely at ease. After all, it was the domain of the dragon and phoenix races. Even if the Celestial Human Race wanted to stay in that territory, it would not be easy for them to take action against Xiao Nuo and others.

Of course, he also knew that Qingluan and Xiaoxi went to the Realm, and the reason why there was such a big disturbance was because Li Guang accidentally leaked the news.

This made Lin Fan dumbfounded.

This Li Guang is now the master of the domain, but he is still as unreliable as ever.

Lin Fan bid farewell to Princess Jue and returned to his territory.

Xu Yang was busy changing defenses, because Zhan Tian was about to go to supervise the disarmament of the Tushen Army, and he would definitely be very busy in the next period of time.

On the cross-domain boat, Lin Fan lay flat on the sampan alone, watching the void flickering, sometimes bright and colorful, but most of the time it was dim.

He was thinking about how to break the shackles in front of him.

You know, he, the Great Sage of Broken Mirror, has been able to clearly perceive the existence of that barrier for nearly a year.

This is the bottleneck leading to Hengsheng. He can feel it, but he can't touch it. Every time he just needs to poke it lightly, the barrier will be broken, and he will be able to compete with the emperor. Hengsheng, but every time it proves that it is just his feeling.

In fact, there is still a long way to go from that realm.

With his eyes closed, he lay on the sampan, his mind all entering his inner world.

At this time, his internal world is not much different from the outside world in terms of the environment. Plants are everywhere, green and green, and there are corresponding rules. At least, the river will no longer flow upstream, and at least the swimming fish will no longer be drowned in it. in the river.

Looking far away, the chaos is far away, and it is no longer the fog and mist of the past. And, for Lin Fan, living creatures can be hidden in this inner world at this time, which is a great improvement.

You know, his inner world before, but apart from him, can no longer accommodate any living creatures.

"Hide the world"

Lin Fan murmured.

Lin Fan didn't wake up until the cross-domain ship brought him to his Admiral's City. During this meditation, he figured out a few mysteries, but when it comes to breaking the mirror, Lin Fan feels that if the opportunity is not enough, it may still be far away.

In Admiral's City, everything is still in order. I have to say that Honglian is really amazing. If she was a man, her achievements would not be lower than her father.

After Lin Fan returned to the Admiral's Mansion, Fairy Qingyue was no longer the girl who jumped at him as soon as she saw him. If it is inferred from time, Fairy Qingyue is now in her prime.

Just leaning against the doorway, watching shyly and timidly, raising his eyes to take a peek at Lin Fan from time to time, and then lowering his head in shame.

"Lin Fan." Qingyue whispered.

Lin Fan nodded with a smile, and said in a playful manner, "Why aren't you called Brother Lin Fan?"

Qingyue blushed, but she didn't say a word.

In fact, this girl is muttering in her heart, if she keeps calling you brother, how can she marry you in the future.

Meng Ke came to report the major events of the past few days, while Anu was busy training the legion. The Hell Army has become famous, but the other legion that didn't even have a name is extremely depressed and urgently needs a chance to show off. .

Lin Fan thought for a while, and asked Meng Ke to lead this army directly to Xuyang, and let Xuyang arrange the training of this army.

This made the entire legion gear up.

Dan Tang.

In fact, in Lin Fan's heart, even the Hell Army is not as important as Dantang.

Lin Fan was indeed caring enough about this alchemy hall, and from time to time bestowed some unilateral prescriptions, making all the alchemists feel like treasures.

And under Lin Fan's suggestion, Meng Ke operated specifically. Most of the resident alchemists left in the alchemy hall at this time are some lonely people in the seventh world, and those who don't have a strong sense of belonging to the seventh world kind.

This was Lin Fan's plan.

One day, he will definitely return to the Heaven and Human Realm, and these alchemists who do not have a strong sense of belonging to the Seventh Realm are the objects he strives for.

At this time, he deliberately cultivated it. If he can move this alchemy hall to the Phoenix Clan, it will be a great help. At the very least, the strength of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan can be further improved.

In comparison, the strength of the alchemy realm of the heavenly and human realm is indeed higher than that of the seventh realm.

However, among the dragon and phoenix races on the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters, there are very few master-level figures who are good at alchemy, and most of the pills needed are purchased from outside.

This is a constraint.

Moreover, in Lin Fan's conception, if there is a powerful Dan Tang, it goes without saying that it will help in future battles.

"Chang Ning, you are too deliberate to be perfect when refining, but the more you pursue perfection, the less perfect you will be." Lin Fan frowned, and he looked at the alchemist who was refining the liquid medicine.

There was a momentary brightness in Chang Ning's eyes, and he quickly bowed down and bowed down: "Thank you, teacher."

Lin Fan scolded with a smile: "I told you more than once or twice not to call me teacher."

Chang Ning said earnestly and solemnly: "One word can become a teacher, not to mention that you teach from time to time and give you many heaven-defying pills. At least in my heart, Chang Ning regards you as a master."

"Hmph, is it just you, Chang Ning? In this alchemy hall, who dares not to treat you as a master, I will be the first to break his neck."

As soon as Chang Ning spoke, someone immediately echoed him.

The other alchemists all smiled, and after looking at each other, they all saw the trace of gratitude in each other's eyes.

You know, at the beginning, alchemists from all over the world gathered in the Admiral's Mansion, but after the big waves wash away the sand, there are only a few dozen of them left.

In comparison, their alchemy skills are no better than those eliminated, so why?

There are no fools who can become alchemists, and most of them know the reason.

They were also willing to obey Lin Fan's orders, and they were all lonely.

Dantang is divided into internal and external.

They are the alchemists of the inner alchemy hall; they are the group of people who are really favored by Lin Fan. I don't know how much the alchemists of the outer alchemy hall envy them.

Lin Fan smiled. There are some things that you don’t need to say out loud. That would be too utilitarian, so Lin Fan just came up with another life-prolonging pill and demonstrated it himself. This is the best way to reciprocate.

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