Twin martial arts

Chapter 2113 Cruel

"Hahaha Toad yawned so loudly, I'll see this deity kill you!"

Qinglong roared, he charged forward, the pitch-black dagger in his hand cut the void, and unexpectedly appeared blossoming Bianhua flowers, which were glowing red, as if drawn by human blood, very penetrating.

But Xiao Wu's eyes were strange: "Xiao Nuo should kill you."

"Xiao Nuo? Hmph, after killing you, I will kill him myself."

Qinglong opened his mouth, and the scarlet rhizomes of the Bianhua flowers that bloomed all over the world suddenly protruded, pierced the void, and rushed towards Xiaowu, wanting to take him as a nutrient to nourish his body.

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, he swung his halberd across, swinging away many roots, raised one hand high, and pulled it hard, as if changing the sky, summoning thunder all over the sky. The bloody flowers on the other side are withering!

"Nine Heavens Thunder Fall? Who is Lin Fan to you?" Qing Long exclaimed.

It was because Lin Fan was the archenemy of His Highness in what they said, so naturally he knew all kinds of things about Lin Fan too thoroughly, so when Xiao Wu used this technique, he suddenly felt that the two were too similar in appearance.

"Family teacher." Xiao Wu did not hide.

Qinglong's pupils shrank, and he said with a sinister smile, "A big harvest! This news is enough for me to exchange many treasures."

"Don't dream." Xiao Wu said coldly, and rushed forward, holding one hand hard, and all the Thunder Snakes flying all over the sky were caught in his fist!

"The sky thunder is about to explode?" Qinglong exclaimed.



Qinglong roared terribly, he was completely black from the blast, his hair was standing upside down, and electric arcs were jumping all over his body.


Qinglong roared, he took a step forward, as if teleporting, and came to Xiao Wu, the dagger in his hand cut across Xiao Wu's neck, wanting to remove Xiao Wu's head.


Xiao Wu held the halberd horizontally, but the heavy halberd was cut in half, and the cold blade slashed across his Adam's apple, causing his skin to tingle, arousing a layer of coolness and chills.


Qinglong was unforgiving, seeing Xiaowu with a heavy halberd in his arms, approaching with a knife, the sharp edge of the knife, the slashing lights of the knife formed a line, and gradually locked Xiaowu to death in the limited time and space.

"It's a very good dagger, and when you swing it, the other shore flowers are flying, it's very suitable for Xiao Nuo." Xiao Wu said, and sighed: "I didn't want to use that thing at first."

After saying this, Xiao Wu smiled bitterly: "It's just because she said it was too ugly."

"Little bastard, you are dying, still talking nonsense?"

Qinglong roared, he was out of breath, so many moves, but he failed to kill Xiao Wu, which was seriously inconsistent with his judgment.

Xiao Wu ignored Qing Long, just smiled wryly, took out the rotten warrior that seemed to be breaking soon, and murmured: "I haven't used you for a long time."

"Tsk tsk, how dare a rotten soldier dare to fight against my other side?"

Qinglong spoke.

But soon, he knew that Xiao Wu who held this heavy halberd was unbelievably strong, at least his fighting power had risen to two lower ranks.

Eight strokes!

Qinglong died.

With his head separated, Xiao Wu held it in his hand, and looked down with complicated eyes——

Below, Li Guang and others were caught in a bitter battle. They only had 500 people, but the opponent had an army of [-].

And they never divided their troops to chase Xiao Nuo and others. Obviously, they would not let everyone go, and they wanted to kill them all.

Moreover, at this time, no emperor figure made a move. Obviously, the two emperor figures went to chase Xiao Nuo and the others.

Indeed, there were two emperor-level figures who shot, and Xiao Nuo and others had no way of surviving.

One emperor can resist the emperor characters of the Phoenix clan, and the other emperor can kill everyone.

Xiao Wu was in the sky, bowing to Li Guang from a distance, and this was seeing him off.

It's not that Xiao Wu is cruel, nor is Xiao Wu ruthless.

Because, only by restraining these five thousand bandits can Xiao Nuo and the others have a chance of survival.

Of course Li Guang also saw Xiao Wu seeing him off, grinned, and roared, "Say to that guy, kill all the Celestials."

Xiao Wu nodded, his eyes suddenly turned cold, because he saw the man called the third brother suddenly attacking Li Guang's waist from behind.

Disillusioned, he appeared behind Li Guang, thrust out the heavy halberd in his hand, and nailed the man to death: "Uncle Li Guang, take care, I will protect them."

"Okay." Li Guang laughed wildly: "Boys, kill one to earn money, and kill one more to earn another."

His subordinates are all gangsters, and they are all ruthless people with a strong reputation in the past. This kind of people kill people mercilessly, but when they die, they don't hesitate to die.

"Jade pieces!"

Shouting without regret, suddenly, there were only more than [-] personal guards left, a row of five, holding hands and crashing into the gangsters, just like that exploded.

Xiao Wu left.

At this moment, Xiaoxi was struggling to hold on, mobilizing the Dream God's mansion to defend against an emperor figure. If it wasn't for her presence, this group of people would definitely be dead.

But even so, Xiaoxi may die at any time, because although the Dream God's Mansion is strong, in the final analysis, she is just visiting the Holy Spirit, and she can't last long at all.

Dijun's face is lunar.

It's a joke that he was blocked by a woman who is a majestic emperor.

Every time he sent out a blow, Xiaoxi would cough up a big mouthful of blood.

"Old thief!"

Xiao Wu came, Jai Zi was about to burst, and the blood-dripping head in his hand smashed at the emperor, but it exploded into blood mist in front of the emperor.

"Come here to die? I will help you." The emperor sneered, he stretched out a finger, and touched the void; Xiao Wu's chest exploded.


At this moment, the huge Bianhua transformed into Xiaonuo suddenly and temporarily broke free from the emperor's shackles, and he crushed a piece of jade.

seventh world.

Lin Fan stood up suddenly: "Xiao Nuo has an accident!"

He is furious!

Xiao Nuo would never ask him for help, and if it was not in danger of life and death, she would not crush that piece of jade.


Lin Fan roared.

His parents and children were robbed, but at this time, he was in the seventh realm.

In the Demon Palace.

"Huh? My soul is in grief, and my blood is boiling and roaring. What's wrong? Is something wrong with my son?"

Mozun's eyes suddenly stood up, and two beams of light crossed the entire seventh session, just like the two sword lights that could cut through heaven and earth, spanning countless millions of miles. He saw Lin Fan's madness, and heard Lin Fan's madness. Fan raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

"It's my grandson"

The Mozun murmured, and then laughed loudly: "In this world, who dares to touch my grandson?"

He took a step forward, and he was already in front of the passage between the two worlds.

Under his invincible fist, the so-called passage that does not allow him to pass through at this level, the originally closed passage was forcibly torn apart!

The alarm bells of Zhentianguan are loud, and the emperor-level figures are horrified. They feel that the end is coming, as if there is a huge creature that can absolutely dominate the life and death of the emperors, and it will be killed from which passage!

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