Twin martial arts

Chapter 2111 The Bottom Line

More than fanfare?

Li Guang brought all the men and horses that could be put on the table, and even brought his car, which is the master of the domain at this time, Liulong Fanjiang.

Haohaotangtang's 10 people, all of them elite soldiers, headed towards Xiaoxi and the others in front of his mansion.

And this time-

"Mother Qingluan, they are called Qingzhou here, and the leader of Qingzhou is actually a bandit leader. I feel that the upper world is really chaotic. If this kind of bandit dared to show up in our lower world?" Xiao Xi frowned. brow.

Qingluan was still calm and indifferent, and said with a smile: "Where do the bandits come from in our lower realm? Those who dare to do evil will be killed by Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo."

"Brother and Xiao Wu, just killed the baby. When my father first entered the realm, there was a slight commotion in the lower realm, and there were signs of movement. One of them killed from south to north, and the other from east to west. When they returned to the court, That shirt can even be wrung out to bleed." Xiaoxi smiled, obviously thinking of the bright red and wet appearance of the two of them.

Suddenly, there was a lot of smoke and dust in the distance, and it was clear that a group of tigers and wolves were running.

"Such a powerful army, I am afraid that only Tiger Ben can match it, but Tiger Ben's cultivation level is lower than this army. This army is more than one or two chips away. It is indeed worthy of being the Heaven of the Upper Realm. I have seen it."

Qingluan spoke solemnly.

"Sister-in-law Qingluan, niece Xiaoxi."

Li Guang burst out laughing, he took the six dragons to drive the car, and when he saw Xiao Xi and Xiao Nuo, he couldn't wait any longer, and flew out directly, just in a flash, he was in front of the two girls.

Xiao Xi's eyes widened: "Uncle Li Guang."

"Oh!" Li Guang laughed heartily.

He has liked Xiaoxi since he was a child, and he has always looked forward to this Xiaoxi becoming his daughter-in-law, but it is a pity that his son is not good enough.

Thinking of this, he wanted to beat the baby in broad daylight.

"I've met uncle." Qingluan saluted slightly.

Li Guang hurriedly looked solemn, clasped his fists and bowed to the end: "Meet my sister-in-law."

The [-] troops brought by Li Guang were all shocked.

Is this still the king who was full of gangster talk when he was in the robbery state, or the king who raised a knife to kill people at every turn?

Why is such a dog-like person at this time, looking gentle and uncomfortable, didn't the king in the past say that when he met such a person, he felt hypocritical, and wanted to cut off the head of such a person?

"Uncle Li Guang, is this your army?" Xiaoxi asked curiously.

A trace of pride appeared in Li Guang's eyes: "Yes."

"Uncle Li Guang is amazing, he managed to gather such a powerful army in such a short period of time." Xiaoxi admired him sincerely, and said, "Then what about my father? And Uncle Wujian? Didn't they come with you?"

Li Guang's expression changed slightly, and he said to him from left to right: "Your uncle without a sword is very powerful, a hundred thousand swordsmen went down the mountain overnight and slaughtered all the sword clan."

Xiaoxi frowned.

But Qingluan's body was shaking, almost falling to the ground.

Obviously, she heard something unusual from what Li Guanggu said about him, and she even thought of the most terrifying consequences.

Li Guang hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law don't need to think too much, this place is not a place to talk."

Soon, in Li Guang's mansion.


Qingluan wept.

I missed it for three thousand days and nights, and I wanted to fall into the arms of that person after ascending to the sky. This time, I will definitely not be reserved, stop pretending, and will ruthlessly tell my lovesickness.

The result was that her husband was abandoned, became an abandoned disciple, and went to another realm.

It turns out that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

"Sister-in-law, there is no need to worry. Elder brother is going to the Seventh Realm. This is a matter agreed by Phoenix Master and Jinlong Dijun. If elder brother is not guaranteed to be safe and sound, the two emperors will definitely not allow this." Li Guang said solemnly, And make sure.

Qingluan wiped away her tears and smiled, "I made my uncle laugh."

"What's your sister-in-law talking about?" Li Guang said, "Stay at my house for a night, so that I can do my best as a landlord, and tomorrow I will escort my sister-in-law to the Phoenix Clan, where Xiao Nuo and Xiao Wu are. "

Afterwards, Li Guang spoke, without being kind and kind, and extremely majestic: "Come here."

A sage near the emperor came.

Li Guang said, "From today onwards, you will be my niece's follower. You will choose another nine saints to form the ten holy guards. They will only protect my niece, and you don't need to obey anyone's orders."

The sage near the emperor glanced at Xiaoxi, nodded, "I obey."

Li Guang blamed himself a bit and said guiltily: "Xie'er, Uncle Li Guang is now fighting endlessly; and he still doesn't have the ability to send emperors to protect you."

The sage of Lindi raised his eyebrows.

I thought to myself, I have never heard that my king has a brother, how can I love this little girl so much?

He backs off.

Qingluan said: "You don't stop fighting, why bother?"

Li Guang said proudly: "Xiaoxi is the only princess in our world, even if she comes to this world, she is still a princess, whoever dares to bully or insult him, even if he is the son of a god, I will kill him."

Day two.

Strictly speaking, it started when Li Guang passed the news to the Phoenix Clan——

Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo insisted on leading [-] phoenix guards, broke through layer after layer of dragon traps, and rushed directly to Qingzhou.

this way.


That is, on this night.

The Eighteen Sword Saints of Juggernaut Mountain came down the mountain and also came to Qingzhou.

They were moved by Wujian to protect Qingluan and Xiaoxi.

Just because, you should never overestimate the enemy's bottom line.

At this time, it is almost torn skins with the Celestials and Humans; at this moment, no matter how careful and cautious, it should be done.

At dawn, Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo were covered in blood.

The two knelt on the ground: "See mother, teacher wife."

"Good boy." Qingluan was gratified in his eyes, stroking the heads of the two: "Very good, he didn't lose face."

"Xiao Nuo, is there an emperor of the Phoenix clan following him? If not, I will not allow you to go this way." Li Guang said.

And he blamed himself.

It's just because Chen Xuandong's secret subpoena yesterday scolded him bloody.

To put it bluntly, in such a situation, Li Guang shouldn't have greeted Qingluan and Xiaoxi with great fanfare. Such a movement shocked the world, and it was obvious that these two people were the weakness of their alliance.

"There is Dijun alone." Xiao Nuo said.

Li Guang frowned.

"I will go with you." Li Guang said, and ordered three thousand personal guards to escort a few people to the sphere of influence of the Phoenix Clan.

Just when Li Guang and the others got up, countless news from Qingzhou broke through the air, converging towards the Celestial Human Race.

Afterwards, a group of bandits suddenly formed an army of Haotang, which slanted in from a certain place, and blocked at the pass between Qingzhou and the Phoenix Clan.

Facts have proved that even though Chen Xuandong and others have underestimated Tongtian's bottom line as much as possible, they still overestimate his character.

This pass is a majestic pass, which was originally guarded by heavy soldiers sent by Li Guang, but at this time, this pass has quietly changed owners.

You know, Li Guang invited an emperor to sit in the town, and there are more than a dozen saints. It is conceivable how tough and powerful this group of "rogue bandits" are.

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