That's how it happened.

However, Lin Fan always thought about it. In fact, Qingyue forced her way into the 'Golden Luan Palace', which was also a solution to the potential danger of He Cangtian's refusal to accept the Demon Lord.

Of course, Xu Yang also taught He Cangtian a harsh lesson afterward, making this fool tremble.

I don't know how Xuyang told this He Cangtian, anyway, in the end, He Cangtian ran to Lin Fan and kowtowed a few times before taking office.

At this time, the Princess Mansion.

"Brother, are you sure she is Fairy Qingyue? Did you make a mistake?" Princess Jue's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Qingyue sticking to Lin Fan's body in disbelief.

It was hard to imagine that Fairy Qingyue, who was as cold as the moon and as proud as a phoenix, would be so cuddly at this time.

Lin Fan smiled bitterly: "How could it be possible to make a mistake?"

But at this time, Fairy Qingyue frowned, her nose was raised high, she put her hands on her hips, and looked at Princess Jue in a demonstrative way: "Who are you? Why do you call him brother?"

Princess Jue couldn't laugh or cry.

This is obviously the appearance of a little girl jealous.

However, Fairy Qingyue is a peerless beauty, showing such a cute appearance, it is indeed a special taste.

Princess Jue was like teasing a child, and soon Qingyue was smiling. Of course, it was unanimously emphasized that Princess Jue must call her sister.

Princess Jue was noncommittal, but when she looked at Lin Fan, she smiled and said, "Could it be that I will call her sister-in-law in the future?"

Lin Fan's face collapsed: "Don't be joking, your life will be shortened, this girl, she will kill someone if she disagrees with her."

"Sister-in-law?" Fairy Qingyue grasped the point and blinked her big eyes: "Little sister, what is sister-in-law?"

Princess Jue said with a funny smile, "Sister-in-law is brother's wife."

"Wife?" Fairy Qingyue obviously didn't understand.

Princess Jue said: "A wife is a woman who will accompany my brother all his life."

Qingyue tilted her head, thinking carefully: "After becoming big brother's wife, will he only treat me well?"

"Yes." Princess Jue smirked.

"Okay, then I will be the wife of big brother." Fairy Qingyue solemnly announced.

Regardless of Lin Fan's frightened appearance.

After staying in the Princess Mansion for two days, Lin Fan re-entered the Sutra Pavilion of Mozun Palace, and gained a lot.

On the third day, when Xu Yang came, he followed He Cangtian to Ducheng, and after arranging some things, he returned to the princess mansion.

But on this day, Fairy Qingyue kept pestering Lin Fan to go fishing.

Lin Fan has one head and two big ones.

This girl has a really good memory, she actually remembered what she promised just to coax her to sleep.

I really can't bear Fairy Qingyue's softness and stubbornness, and the three of them just want to travel, so let's go.

Broken Soul River.

The source of the largest river in the Seventh Realm is unknown. It is said that even His Majesty Mozun has not reached the end.

The upper reaches are dangerous and unpredictable, and there are many ferocious water monsters in the river.

In the middle reaches, the river is swift, densely covered with dark rocks and deep pools.

Downstream is the entire seventh world of Fuze, and also the mother river of the entire seventh world.

With Lin Fan and his cultivation base, of course they would not go fishing for ordinary fish, but for river jellyfish.

Jiangjiao is also a species unique to Duanhun River.

It looks like a dragon, with a snake body and a dragon head, but without scales. It is a delicacy in the world and is of great benefit to practice.

This is the most famous delicacy in the seventh session. Even before Lin Fan broke through to the Great Sage, Mozun Palace put a lot of effort into buying this Jiangjiao.

They had already arrived, and the water in the river was as yellow as a yellow dragon flowing out of the chaos, spreading out for thousands of miles.

The fishing rod was extraordinary. It was brought out from the Demon Lord's palace. It was made of extraordinary materials. It was said that it could lift a mountain range.

"Is it easy to catch? Why are there so many people?" Lin Fan frowned.

Xu Yang said with a smile: "The most important thing about fishing this jellyfish is chance. If you don't have the chance, it's impossible to get the hook, but if you have enough chance, you can go crazy with the hook."


Lin Fan smiled. In his previous life, he liked to spend his life fishing with his friends, looking for clear water and blue sky, finding a pool of water.

After choosing a relatively wide fishing spot, the servants brought by Princess Jue have already arranged everything, cut the bait, and everything is ready, just waiting for the caster to come off the line.

The bait was also against the sky, it was meat from the fallen dragons, which made Lin Fan amazed.

Soon, the fishing began. It was very pleasant to listen to the river lapping on the shore, and the green moon and silver bells laughing endlessly.

It's just that soon, mosquitoes like flies came, and they were a few well-dressed men, who could tell at a glance that they were of extraordinary background.

Also, they are polite.

"Dare to ask Miss's name." A handsome man asked Qingyue.

The green moon is beautiful, and her IQ is only a few years old at this time, and she is even more lively and ethereal.

But the man's question made Qingyue shrink behind Lin Fan in an instant, only showing her small head, and looked at the man fearfully, Lin Fan couldn't laugh or cry, looked at the man, and said: "This is sister sister."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly.

But at this time, Qingyue God assisted: "He is talking nonsense, I am his wife."

Lin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But he caught an extremely subtle movement of this elegant man.

When he introduced Qingyue as his sister, the corners of the man's eyes were raised, and there was kindness in his brows and eyes.

But when Qingyue claimed to be his Lin Fan's wife, there was a strong jealousy in the man's eyes, as well as a hidden killing intent.

Confidence is a disaster.

Lin Fan sighed in his heart.

Of course, I was also angry with Xu Yang for his meddling; he had to hide his true identity, otherwise how would these cats and dogs dare to be so presumptuous?

"Beauty, are you here to catch river jacquards too? It's hard to catch." A silver-haired man with fish fins on both cheeks was chattering, right in front of Princess Jue.

Princess Jue's eyes were slightly cold.

The refined man laughed and said: "Jiangjiao is a heavenly thing, and those who have a great chance can get it. It's better to drive a few times. Together with us, we happened to catch two. They can be slaughtered for you to taste."

There was a smug look in the man's eyes.

One must know that there are more than ten thousand people who come to fish for jiao jiao every day, it may be very good for one person to catch jiao jiao, but he has caught two jiao jiao in a row, which is enough to prove his extraordinaryness.

Of course, the two women refused decisively and simply.

The refined man smiled reservedly: "Let me introduce myself, I am Jiang Zhonglang."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly: "It turns out that he is the son of Admiral Jiangshan, and I have admired him for a long time."

"Hmph, you know our identity, why don't you hurry up and greet me?"

Among the men accompanying Jiang Zhonglang, someone spoke proudly, and said, "Miss, I suggest that it's better to show respect, otherwise"

There was a trace of murderous look in Princess Jue's eyes, Jiang Zhonglang said angrily: "Jiao Meng, don't be rude, my lady."

The man who spoke proudly was called Jiao Meng, he turned his head away when he heard the reprimand, Jiang Zhonglang said with a smile: "Since you don't want to, I won't force you."

After speaking, he actually left like this.

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