Strictly speaking, this is the first time Lin Fan has entered the court by order.

It is also the first time to visit the power center with the highest standard in the seventh world, and it is also the first time to set foot on this magnificent and daunting "Golden Palace". '

There were too many people participating in the court meeting, even General Zhantian stood at the top of the generals on the right with a sword, while Uncle Guo stood at the top of civil servants on the left.

It seems that there is a clear distinction between Wei and Wei.

Lin Fan was embarrassed. He didn't know whether to classify himself as a general or a civil servant.

Fortunately, Xu Yang solved his embarrassment and pulled him behind him. Although everyone was slightly surprised, they didn't dare to say anything more.

After all, everyone in the world knew that he was at odds with Uncle Guo, and it was really difficult for him to stand honestly in the line of civil servants headed by Uncle Guo.

Soon, the demon king came, and as he was walking, nine black dragons followed his footsteps and walked around him. Various auspicious beasts roared, and it seemed that there were auspicious clouds with him, just like a god walking in the world.

All the people saluted, and the Demon Venerable majesticly made them calm down.

After that, there were some trivial things, and of course there were some eye-catching big things happened.

For example, General Zhantian reported that he leveled a restricted area again and beheaded three emperor-level figures who refused to follow the order of the Demon Lord.

Mozun laughed and scolded: "You rascal, do you mean that as long as there is one person in this world who disobeys my orders, you will kill one?"

General Zhan Tian took it for granted: "Your Majesty is the Lord of the world, whoever dares to disobey orders and submit to His Majesty's majesty, I will kill him."

The Demon Venerable joked: "Everyone in the Heavenly Human Realm has never obeyed my orders, so are you going to kill them all?"

General Zhantian opened his mouth, but still muttered: "It's just that I can't kill the entire Heavenly Human Realm."

Mozun cursed with a smile, and told General Zhantian to shut up. When he looked at Lin Fan standing behind Xuyang, everyone knew that today's highlight was coming.

"Lin Fan, you have worked hard to fight the bandits in the territory of Admiral Flying Dragon as your aid," Mozun said indifferently.

Lin Fan turned to the left, bowed and respectfully said, "Serve His Majesty."

Mozun smiled, looked at Xu Yang again, and said with a smile: "I heard that your kid played an extremely important role in it?"

Xu Yang smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't listen to slander. How can a small one have any important role? It's just following Admiral Lin's orders, and at most it's just running errands."

Lin Fan frowned, but Xu Yang warned him not to talk too much.

Of course Lin Fan didn't realize that when Xu Yang spoke like this, Mozun couldn't hide the satisfaction and relief in his eyes.

"Is that so?" Mozun asked.

Xu Yang said seriously: "That's it."

Pausing for a while, Xu Yang said: "Especially that group of gangsters who have taken the courage of bears and leopards, dare to break into the admiral's city, threaten the entire family of the admiral Feilong, and even threaten the admiral to order the whole region."

"Oh? Are these gangsters really so bold?" Mozun's eyes turned cold.

Xu Yang said solemnly: "It's not just so bold, even more bold things are yet to come."

The Mozun narrowed his eyes slightly, and wisps of cold light burst out from it, and there was actually a cold electric light piercing the void.

Xu Yang said: "Finally, when Admiral Feilong disregarded the life and death of his family and his own life, when he forcibly broke into the army and opened the gate of the city, those bandits even claimed to be from the uncle's mansion."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat!

This incident, of course, cannot be hidden from these temple officials, who all know what is going on.

However, what they didn't expect was that these two young people joined hands to ruthlessly cheat the uncle's house, and they didn't give up, and they wanted to slap them in the face at this court meeting!

"Is there such a thing?" Mozun looked at Uncle Guo with cold eyes.

Uncle Guo wished he could violently kill people at this time, but he pretended to be fighting and knelt on the ground tremblingly: "Your Majesty, there is absolutely no such thing."

Xu Yang said: "It's definitely not from the uncle's mansion."

A smile appeared in Mozun's eyes.

He is performing with Xu Yang.

Xu Yang laughed at himself and said: "At that time, I really thought it was the God Slayer Army. I almost stopped the fight. It was Admiral Lin who had the discerning eye and saw through the bandit's disguise at a glance. It is impossible to be the God Slayer Army."

Lin Fan blinked his eyes.

Take it.

What can I do.

Only cooperating with Xu Yang to act, said: "In the end we rushed to kill Rucheng. What's even more ridiculous is that there are still people pretending to be one of the three King Kongs, the Great King Kong."

"Great King Kong?" Demon Venerable's eyes narrowed, and he said, "I remember that this man is a fierce general, but it's a pity that he escaped my reward and entered the uncle's residence."

Demon Venerable asked seemingly unintentionally: "Your Majesty, where are the Three King Kongs? These are all heroes. Are the Three King Kongs safe now?"

Uncle Guo's throat was fishy and sweet, it was the blood from anger, he swallowed it hard, and said sadly: "In the restricted area of ​​the battle, the Great King Kong and the Second King Kong died, but I just thought that Your Majesty was worried about the world, so I didn't report it. Well, if the two deceased knew that His Majesty still remembered them, even His Majesty Jiuquan would be able to smile."

Xu Yang answered, and said: "That's right, the little one just grinned grinningly, bluntly saying that the Three King Kongs are heroes, how can a hero be buried? Therefore, the little one flew up and beheaded the bullshit King Kong to death with his own hands. .”

Lin Fan touched his nose and said, "The two King Kongs were smashed to pieces by my four hellhounds."

Xu Yang said angrily: "Admiral, you have to figure it out, it's not a real King Kong, it's just a bandit."

"Okay, Uncle Guo atones for his sins, and the governor made a mistake."

Lin Fan hurriedly apologized to Uncle Guo.

Uncle Guo's eyes were gloomy: "The governor is among the dragons and phoenixes, who stirs the wind with one hand and the rain with the other, how dare you blame him."

Lin Fan sighed: "I didn't want to turn my hands over to cloud and rain, but there are so many desperate people who want to offend."

Uncle Guo's eyes were even colder.

But Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "By the way, where is Brother Xi Yin? This time he is fast, so it's a pity that we didn't meet him."

"It's okay, you will meet soon." Uncle Guo pointed out.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it." Lin Fan smiled, with a cold smile on his lips.


A heavy cold snort made Uncle Guo's face change slightly, and he didn't dare to speak more.

Mozun glanced at him coldly, then looked at Lin Fan and asked, "Did the flying dragon die in battle?"

Lin Fan shook his head: "Never, I saved him."

Mozun said: "If his flying dragon hadn't acted heroically in the end, he will definitely not be spared this time."

Lin Fan frowned and said: "The name of Flying Dragon General is worthy of the name, but he has been under the despicable restraint of villains, and I hope His Majesty will forgive him."

The Mozun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Feilong's incompetence caused the banditry to run rampant, and he was hijacked by the banditry. It would be embarrassing to deprive him of his status as admiral. Since he is in your house at this time, he will belong to your command from now on." Mozun Jinkouyu said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." There was joy in Lin Fan's eyes.

That night, Feilong had a bloody killing, it was really too cruel, he was a tiger general.

Moreover, Xuyang had said in front of him more than once that Feilong was brave and resourceful, but he only polluted himself afterwards, giving people the illusion of being fat.

Even Xu Yang himself, when he mentioned this flying dragon, mostly hated iron and called it fat dragon.

At this time, how could he not be happy to get the fat dragon under his command from the Demon Lord himself?

You must know that the hell army and another unnamed army lack such powerful generals as flying dragons.

"As for the position of Admiral"

Mozun's words made everyone's hearts jump in the entire hall.

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