Twin martial arts

Chapter 2098 Siege

The night was deep.

It is indeed a good day to kill people. The so-called night is dark and windy to kill people.

A few night owls were singing on the dead trees, and flocks of crows were hovering over Admiral's City, their songs were mournful like human howling.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

A thousand-foot bonfire suddenly ignited outside the city, causing the God Slayer Army stationed on the city wall to give a stern warning.


The arrow strings sounded, and immediately a dozen or so warning Tushen soldiers were shot and turned into sieves.

Admiral's Mansion.

Xi Yin suddenly trembled, Ji Lingling shuddered, and exclaimed in disbelief: "How is that possible!"

Lin Fan is going to completely rebel?

Or is it that the general's mansion is going to be reversed?

How dare you really attack Admiral City?

"My lord, Lin Fan and Xu Yang led an army to kill." Da Jingang said from outside the room.

"What? Didn't they conceal their identities?" Xi Yin was sensitive to the fact that something was wrong.

Da Jingang said bitterly: "No, Lin Fan holds Feilong's request for help and leads the army to suppress the bandits."

"Suppress bandits? They are clearly bandits!" Xi Yin felt that his brain was not enough.


The door was kicked open by Da Vajra, with a gloomy face: "No, son, at this time, we have become gangsters, we have become daring lunatics who dare to capture the Admiral's City and threaten the Admiral's entire family."

"Fat Dragon!"

Xi Yin came to his senses and screamed: "Does Fat Dragon want to die?"


Suddenly, in the mansion, Feilong's roar and killing sound shook the sky: "Warriors of the admiral's mansion, come with me to kill all these domineering gangsters!"


After all, there was still a small group of people who loyally followed Feilong and were very strong, causing terrifying casualties to the God Slaughter Army in just an instant.

The most important thing is that no one expected that this fat dragon would turn his back on him.

outside the city.

Lin Fan's eyes were dark, staring at the city wall viciously!


This defense formation of Admiralty City is too terrifying, even if it is him, it is impossible to break through it in a short time.

"Brothers upstairs, hurry up and open the formation, and let the governor of my family go in. We are here to help you fight bandits." Anu roared loudly.

Immediately, the soldiers of the Admiral's Mansion, Monk Zhang Er, were puzzled.

You must know that this time the Guojiu's mansion raised troops to suppress the bandits was originally a top secret.

But in this territory, bandits are indeed rampant.

Also, today a group of soldiers who discarded their helmets and armor broke into the admiral's city and committed crimes. So, who is the culprit?

"Are you blind? Didn't you see the governor coming? Why don't you open the door quickly?"

Lin Fan was wearing battle armor, surrounded by golden light.

"Butcher Lin Fan! Yes, I have seen his portrait before."

A soldier from Admiralty City said, "Open the door quickly!"


But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was beheaded to death by a god-slaying army.

"Lin Fan outside is just pretending. They are the bandits. If they rush into the city to burn, kill and loot, can you bear the responsibility?" The God Slaughter Army Yin Li said, and said grimly to the city: "How dare you pretend to be Admiral Lin Fan, pretending to be an admiral, do you want to punish the Nine Clans?"


But at this moment, Feilong rode alone on a luminous lion horse, with a shining silver spear in his hand, pierced through the thick defensive formation, and came to the bottom of the tower.

"The admiral's army listened to the order, opened the city gate, and let the reinforcements from hell enter the city!"

He is also an admiral after all, and he has been in charge of this domain for many years. When he speaks at this time, he naturally has a great majesty; You can't hide it from everyone.

When Feilong opened his mouth, the soldiers who originally belonged to the Admiral's Mansion rioted, raised their butcher's knives, and beheaded the God Slayer Army beside him desperately.

You know, under the propaganda of the Admiral's Mansion in the past, the so-called "bandits" burned, killed, looted, and did everything.

And most of the soldiers on the city wall have parents and children in the city. At this time, they heard that the people standing on the city wall with him are those gangsters who are doing evil.

"Fat Dragon! You are courting death!"

The Great Vajra jumped up high, and behind him sat cross-legged an angry-eyed Vajra, who wanted to slap the fat dragon to death.

"The army of the Admiral's Mansion listens to the order, and the two king kongs of my uncle's mansion are all under the city." The two king kong also rushed to them, shouting angrily.

"Your father is everywhere in the city! Are you the Second Vajra? I still think Nima is the Tathagata Buddha!"

Some soldiers roared and tried their best to attack and kill the God Slayer Army.

"Hahaha" Fat Dragon laughed wildly: "Did you really think that in the past 80 years, I have only grown fat but not cultivated? Let's see if I have a good kill today, so that everyone in the world will remember my name as Flying Dragon General!"

Fat Dragon was really too strong, he pushed all the way across, and then took a blow from Donkey Kong, but the spear in his hand cut off the center of the defensive formation!


At the moment when the white light covering the entire Admiral's City disappeared, Lin Fan slammed into the sky, splitting a huge hole of [-] meters in the city wall, and the hell army rushed in one after another.

"Old boy, just pretending to be the favorite general of the uncle of the country? I'm here to kill you!"

Xu Yang soared high, and cut the sky-chopping knife in his hand, making King Kong scream in fear.

Xu Yang's emperor is extremely inferior, it's not just talking about it casually.

Three knives.

Great King Kong died tragically, his body was in two halves, and his soul was strangled to death by the sword energy.

The second King Kong was even more miserable. He was brutally rushed to death by Lin Fan, and the four hellhounds rushed through his body together with Lin Fan.

It was only after Lin Fan raised his halberd and killed a hundred of the God Slayer Army that he turned into shards of flesh with a bang.

Anu led the army to come, of course not only the remaining hell army, but also another army that has not yet been named.

The God Slayer Army has no leader, this is simply the most cruel lore.

I don't know what method Feilong used. Several powerful clans in the admiral's city actually participated in the siege of the God Slayer Army.

The flames of war raged.

But Lin Fan and the others fought all the way, rushing into the admiral's mansion, intending to kill Xi Yin.

But after killing the entire Admiral's City, they never met the Three King Kongs and Xi Yin. Obviously, when the situation was found to be wrong, the Three King Kongs accompanied Xi Yin to escape, while the Great King Kong and the Second King Kong stayed behind to die. Act as a cover-up and delay.

"Tsk tsk, the gangsters stormed the admiral's mansion, how bold they are."

An emperor slowly flew up from the admiral's mansion, like a scorching sun, illuminating thousands of miles.

Feilong's eyes changed slightly, and he looked at Lin Fan, as if he was questioning and pleading in his eyes.

"The governor came here for help, who are you?" Lin Fan held his halberd and pointed at it.

The emperor grinned grimly, but before he could speak, Lin Fan slashed with his halberd: "It's cut!"

Wang Xiong suddenly appeared behind the emperor, and slashed down with a single palm.

The emperor's expression changed, and he stepped forward to avoid the palm.

But there was a cow mooing, and an emperor riding a bull appeared on his way of retreat, he cut it off with a knife, and the emperor's blood spilled.

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