Twin martial arts

Chapter 2082 Battle Fairy

Lin Fan roared furiously, and the power of his soul turned into all kinds of monstrous attacks, he didn't dare to hold back at all, and just tilted down like this.

But it was useless, a crescent moon was lying between the two of them, and Lin Fan's many attacks and kills were all swallowed by it, without causing any waves.

To make matters worse, at this time Fairy Qingyue opened her eyes with a swipe and looked at Lin Fan. At the same time, a terrifying fluctuation of divine power came from the body subdued by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan felt that he was about to be unable to suppress this stunning figure. In the seemingly weak body, there was a wave of divine power like a vast ocean. It seemed that there were three thousand ways hidden in the body, trying to blow him away.

"call out!"

The crescent moon suddenly cut out a small silver dagger, only the length and thickness of the little finger, but the lethality was too terrifying, making the whole Admiral's city chilly, under the pressure of a peerless murder.

Lin Fan sensed that this little Ge was completely evolved from the power of the soul.

"Heh, do you think I'm afraid of fighting you in close quarters?" Fairy Qingyue said coldly, "Although it's not a great holy body, it's not far behind."

Lin Fan was anxious in his heart, he could only watch helplessly as the little silver spear stabbed towards his brow slowly and quickly, but his soul body was temporarily suppressed by the crescent moon.

It made him terrified!

You know, since he started cultivating Taoism, his soul has far surpassed his peers.

At this time, he was in the Great Sacred Realm, so the power of his soul could at least resist an ordinary emperor, but at this time, he was completely suppressed by this beautiful woman.

"You..." Lin Fan was angry!

He was fooled.

"Just thinking about it?" Fairy Qingyue sneered, "I was just waiting for your soul to fight? Well, I can suppress your soul at this time, and I can have one more servant."

Lin Fan was horrified.

This woman's scheming is too deep, so he has been tricked into it.

It turned out that he guessed his various scruples and the most real purpose, so he set up such a trap on the spot, just waiting for him to fall into it.


Lin Fan roared, and his soul broke free from the pressure of the crescent moon in an instant, making Fairy Qingyue frown.

The golden soul body was no bigger than a fist, holding a small golden cauldron, with a light tap, it smashed the little Ge into pieces.

"Tiantian Ding?" Fairy Qingyue exclaimed.

"Still saying that you have nothing to do with Oneiroi?" Lin Fan roared.

Fairy Qingyue shut up and said nothing, and the crescent moon was ups and downs, washing out more warriors, there were small spears, chopping knives, spears, bells and tripods.

Lin Fan was startled and terrified!

To resist a small dagger, let him do his best. If these silver warriors kill together, God will cry.

He gritted his teeth, and slammed his forehead hard, with a crisp cracking sound.


Fairy Qingyue shed tears non-stop; nosebleeds flowed, but her stunning face was not affected at all, and there was a kind of bewitching beauty.

Lin Fan ruthlessly knocked her upturned nose with his forehead, causing her to burst into tears like rain.

At the same time, those fighters who had already condensed and formed also dispersed.

"Go to hell!"

Fairy Qingyue was furious, the originally silver crescent moon turned into blood-colored slowly, there were no less than a thousand sharp arrows, and the tips of the arrows all pointed at Lin Fan's face, making his hair stand on end.

"Oh shit!"

Lin Fan scolded angrily.

This girl is too difficult to deal with, and has a deep mind, she is a very difficult character to mess with.

He was really fooled, he was at an absolute disadvantage, and life and death were about to happen at any time.

However, he also found the weakness or disadvantage of Fairy Qingyue. Whenever her emotions fluctuate, these soldiers will collapse, and it will take time to condense next time.

A malicious smile appeared in the eyes, which made Fairy Qingyue, who was close at hand, tremble: "What are you going to do?"

Before she could finish her words, Lin Fan gagged her mouth severely.

The thousand sharp arrows really scattered.

But suddenly, Lin Fan screamed. He covered his mouth and quickly stood up. Blood flowed from his fingers: "What the hell, you bit my mouth open."

The most important thing is that Lin Fan also shed tears, and felt that his lips were split into many petals.

Fairy Qingyue was ashamed and angry, her eyebrows rippling for a while, the silver crescent moon turned completely blood red, and it was the blood moon facing the sky at this time.

"Go to hell!"

Fairy Qingyue's voice was incomparably sharp, that round of blood moon was coming towards Lin Fan, and Fairy Qingyue ignored her gender temporarily, like an octopus, imprisoning Lin Fan with her limbs, imprisoning him , and his head was raised high, and he pressed Lin Fan's chin fiercely, causing Lin Fan's head to lean back fiercely, facing the blood moon that was crashing down.

Lin Fan screamed strangely.

In his perception, this blood moon is no weaker than Xu Yang or the forbidden area. If he is hit, even if he is a great saint, his head will be exploded into blood mist.

The arms that were firmly clamped by the two long legs shook, and there was room for movement temporarily, and they went down regardless.


Fairy Qingyue's face was suddenly blood red, many times redder than that bloody crescent moon.

The movement of imprisoning Lin Fan slowed down, and Lin Fan was able to avoid the blow.


That round of blood moon sliced ​​and slashed away like a plow sweeping a hole, half of the admiral's mansion disappeared, disappearing under the bloody moonlight.

"Dengtuzi!!" Fairy Qingyue screamed.

Lin Fan took advantage of the situation and flew up.

But Fairy Qingyue screamed, and the moon of the nine heavens slanted down, turning into a gorgeous silver battle armor and draping it on her slender figure. It was very tight, and her wrist, which was as white as jade, beheaded half of the admiral's mansion. The bloody moon that had disappeared without a trace turned into a big bloody bow as tall as a man and stood in front of Fairy Qingyue.

Fairy Qingyue pulled the bowstring with her jade hand, obviously without an arrow, but it caused Lin Fan's eyebrows to tingle as if locked by an invisible murderous intent.


The arrows sounded.

The wind and cloud changed color, and the humming sounded like a ghost howling.

The eyes of the runes opened up in Lin Fan's eyes, and he saw an invisible arrow coming towards him, and Tianzhu suddenly fell from the sky, killing the arrow and bursting it into pieces.

But Qingyue Fairy was indifferent, and the jade hand pulled the arrow string again.

This big blood-colored bow is much taller than hers. Right now, Fairy Qingyue looks like a female God of War, with gorgeous silver battle armor on her body, like stars in this dark night.

"I will subdue you today!"

Lin Fan roared wildly. Of course, he was too well prepared. He used the golden sea of ​​thunder to form a small shield between his eyebrows, to prevent the Qingyue Fairy from suddenly violently attacking her with the power of her soul.

Other than that, he felt fearless at all, attacking and killing with his hand in hand.

It would be unbelievable if this scene was seen.

Just because.

Lin Fan seemed to be fighting against the air.

Hacked and killed invisible arrows one after another.

"Lin Fan, you underestimated me." Fairy Qingyue spun around, as if dancing under the moon, in just a split second, she pulled the string of the previous bow and released a thousand killing arrows.

Moreover, Fairy Qingyue opened her red lips slightly, as if she was reciting a mantra, and the thousand arrows that shot out were formless and tangible, forming a huge long arrow.

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