Twin martial arts

Chapter 2079 Taking Fairies as Servants

Everyone is paying attention to the battlefield on the sky, and the sky is falling apart.

Xi Yin's strikes are fierce and ruthless, and one big seal seems to be engraved with three thousand lines, which can command the world and sway all things.

The great seal is majestic, shining thousands of lights, and under the protection of the seal, he travels like an emperor, with his gestures and gestures, showing a majestic atmosphere.

But Xu Yang is not weak at all, he cuts everything with a big knife in his hand, his eyes are bright, as if the first ray of light from the opening of the sky is captured and applied to his pupils, all those who are swept by the dazzling golden light, even the emperor, feel that they are be seen through.

"When did Xu Yang cultivate such a terrifying third eye?"

A group of people are suspicious.

In the Seventh Realm, Xu Yang is definitely the focus of attention, but he has never been told that he has such a godly eye that can laugh at the world.

Lin Fan slanted in the green shade, and he was also watching the battle. From this kind of battle, he could see through the strength of Xi Yin's combat power. It would be even better if he could force out some of Xi Yin's trump cards.

In fact, not only is Xi Yin wary of fighting him, he is also dignified about Xi Yin's battle. Xi Yin's background is extraordinary, and the family that has produced gods in the family should not be underestimated.

He was afraid that some god would leave behind a good opponent to help his descendants kill the enemy.

"Brother." Princess Jue's beautiful eyes were full of worry.

Lin Fan smiled: "Nothing, Xuyang can win."

The war continues.

Xi Yin roared - "Xi opens the world!"

That big seal suddenly lifted into the sky, and finally attacked Xu Yang like a round of scorching sun, but Xu Yang couldn't dodge it, smashed it with the light of the knife in his hand, and was opening up, trying to pull him into the chaotic world.

It was too tragic. At the end of the fight, Xu Yang lost an arm and a half of his calf, but Xi Yin definitely didn't take advantage of it. He was slashed by Zhan Tian on the back, and the scars from the armpit to the lower abdomen almost cut him in half. .

When Xi Yin roared, blood splashed from the wound, and the dragon's spine was slashed in half by the knife, almost breaking.

"Xuyang!" Xi Yinli screamed, his blood was like a dragon's roar, the flying blood turned back and merged into his body, and healed the injury in the blink of an eye.

Lin Fan looked solemn.

He saw extraordinary, this should be one of Xi Yin's hidden methods.

This is similar to the Phoenix Sutra of Immortality, but of course it is definitely not comparable to this heaven-defying skill. It seems that the blood-stained blood stimulates the unknown heavenly skill to make him heal quickly.

"I want to see how much blood you have to burn."

Xu Yang grinned grimly, and the severed limb was still alive, so he raised the knife and went up.

Xu Yang slashed with a knife, Xi Yin held a big seal to kill, the two collided, and seeing this floating island, many talents in the seventh world were sad.

How dare they call themselves the pride of heaven?

Not to mention Xu Yang and Xi Yin, even Chu Feng who was killed by Lin Fanzhen can't compare.

What's more, there is Lin Fan who has not yet forced out his maximum combat power until now?

It's sad to live with these people in an era.

It's just that they feel gloating about their misfortune. In other years, as long as there is one of the similar Tianjiao, they can dominate the world.

But in this world, there are so many things happening, many people are destined to die, and only one person can climb to the top by stepping on the bone of heaven.

"Xi Yin, admit defeat." Uncle Guo said, he already knew that the biggest variable in this battle was the pair of golden eyes that Xu Yang cultivated at some time.

Be able to see the flaws and look for opportunities.

He had seen this pair of eyes before at Lin Fan's place.

The lunar calendar stared at Lin Fan, but he didn't say anything, otherwise, wouldn't it be giving Lin Fan eyes?

Could it be that he, the adopted son, was defeated because of Lin Fan?

Xi Yin's expression was indifferent, he stared at Xu Yang, and shouted: "Father, I can kill him."

"Kill me? Are you worthy?" Xu Yang grinned, and stood on the sky with his sword.

"Admit defeat." Uncle Guo yelled angrily, and said: "The visitor is a guest. As the host, how can you be so dignified to go to war with a distinguished guest? Even if you win, it is not worthy of praise."

Everyone looked at Uncle Guo curiously.

This is interesting.

At the beginning of the first battle, it was not stopped.

Fighting to the middle, then give up.

Xi Yinli screamed, full of aggrieved and angry, he jumped down into the sky.

Very annoyed.

If it wasn't because he couldn't kill Xu Yang, he felt that there were many opportunities, and he could almost cause Xu Yang to be seriously injured, although when Xu Yang was seriously injured, he would not please him.

But the two golden eyes made him restrain his hands and feet, those fighters always slipped away, and Xu Yang's shots were perfectly timed, they could kill him where he was most uncomfortable.

Lin Fan sighed secretly.

This country uncle is really treacherous and cunning, so he stopped the loss in time.

Thinking about it, he also knew that even if Xi Yin really defeated Xu Yang, it would be extremely difficult when it comes to beheading, the princess here is present.

Moreover, he must have seen something from those eyes, so he used a high-sounding reason to stop the battle.

This is because he is afraid that he will know Xi Yin's hole cards and tricks.

"Who is that, come here." Lin Fan looked at the woman with the crescent moon between her eyebrows, and slightly hooked her fingers.

The woman's face turned cold.

Lin Fan asked with a smile: "Why, the dignified figure in the forbidden area, want to play tricks?"

The woman scolded angrily: "The defeat of this battle is unknown, I did not lose."

"The victory or defeat is unknown?" Lin Fan looked at the woman suspiciously, and said, "Didn't you hear what Uncle Guo said? Xi Yin has already surrendered."

"Can that be the same?" The woman was furious, her beautiful face was flushed with excitement, and there was a kind of strange beauty, the crescent moon between her eyebrows was like a real moon, when she was irritated, it shone silver , Yuehua falls like water.

"Uncle Guo, this is very difficult." Lin Fan frowned, and he looked at Uncle Guo: "You disrupted the governor's plan of hunting for beauty."

Uncle Guo smiled but didn't smile: "What does the governor want?"

Lin Fan said: "It's very simple, brother Xu Yang and Xi Yin go up to fight, fight thoroughly, win or lose the battle, or this woman will accept the governor as her servant."

Princess Jue looked at Lin Fan with a strange expression.

Could it be because of sex?

The rest of Tianjiao and the older generation's characters all showed envious expressions, and their expressions were wretched, showing eyes that men could understand.

Lin Fan pretended not to see, where did he get such dirty thoughts.

Right and left, he felt a sense of familiarity from the crescent moon mark between the woman's eyebrows; after careful reflection for a while, he was sure that this breath came from the Dream God's mansion.

It was a treasure, the ultimate artifact, and it was chosen as the owner of his daughter——Xiaoxi.

Uncle Guo said coldly, "Dudu Lin has a good eye."

"It's easy to say, it's so stunning, even if it's just by your side, it's still pleasing to the eye, it depends on how you choose, Uncle Guo." Lin Fan said slowly.

Uncle Guo chuckled: "How could this emperor do such a thing as persecuting a woman? But Xiyin definitely confirmed the defeat, of course; it was not a crime of war."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

this old guy.

Is this mocking him for embarrassing a woman?

Looking back at the woman: "Have you heard Uncle Guo's words? Come here quickly. Of course, if you are honest and dishonest, I don't mind destroying flowers with your hands."

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