Twin martial arts

Chapter 2077 Are you sure you don't want to fight?


A deep howl came from the head under Lin Fan's feet, like a tiger howling in a mountain forest, like a python howling, its voice was sad and angry.

"Kneel or not!" Lin Fan shouted again.

"Kneel your mother!"

It has to be said that this long snake man has really hard bones and is completely fearless. He really would rather die than surrender.


Lin Fan stepped on it hard, trampled the snake man's whole head into the rock, and crushed it hard, as if he wanted to crush a cigarette end.

"Lin Fan, you are presumptuous!"

A woman with a crescent moon between her eyebrows yelled angrily: "How dare you humiliate the Tuntian clan like this!"

Lin Fan glanced at him contemptuously, and said with a sneer, "I'm just asking for gambling debts."

"Lin Fan, you passed." Xi Yin's face was cold.

"Ever?" Lin Fan sneered, "What if I lose?"

Xi Yin and the others all sneered.

If Lin Fan lost, he would naturally kneel down.

But they lost, of course they shouldn't kneel.


At this moment, Chu Feng, who had been holding his corpse for a long time, suddenly became violent, holding a three-foot Qingfeng sword, and slashed out from the slanting stab, half of his body was still hidden in the void, only two hands and half of his body held the sword to slash Come, I want to nail Lin Fan to death.


Lin Fan didn't turn his head, but Zhu Tian, ​​who was pointing at the long snake man's vest obliquely, swept away.

With a bang, Chu Feng snorted and disappeared into the void again.

Lin Fan sneered.

Even in this world, there are surrogate runes, surrogate puppets and other surrogate things, let alone this group of descendants of the forbidden zone with extraordinary backgrounds?

You know, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and he has been on guard for a long time.

There was no trace of the long sword, but it would come from every possible corner, trying to take Lin Fan's life away.

"Do you like to walk in the void? Do you think you are a god of death?" Lin Fan sneered. He crushed the snake man's head to pieces with one foot, and then kicked the man's chest and abdomen, crushing his body. Explode in two.

With a whooping sound, Lin Fan disappeared and entered the void.

This is an invisible fight and battle. Chu Feng is good at the power of space, and can use the rules of space to hide in nothingness. It just so happens that Lin Fan is also proficient in this way.

Outsiders don't know how the battle is going to be, but they can guess the intensity of the battle from the void that disappears from time to time. Of course, the occasional roar of thunder and the battle of swords proves that the battle is dangerous.

After a while, the space was torn apart from the inside.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Who is this coming out of the void?

Lin Fan supported the void with one hand, as if he had pushed the door out of the room. His right hand grabbed Chu Feng's neck like dragging a dead dog.

"How dare a three-legged cat attack and kill this deity?" Lin Fan sneered, and smashed Chu Feng to the ground, causing a big hole to appear on the floating island.

"The governor is really powerful and invincible." Xi Yin's words were cold, the space around him was unstable, every inch of it collapsed and healed, as if it was repeating the opening of the sky and the ground.

Lin Fan didn't speak, Xi Yin said suddenly: "But the governor doesn't know, does the strong have the strong?"

This sentence made Lin Fan answer solemnly, and said: "The green hills outside the mountains, the buildings outside the buildings, this deity has known since childhood."

Xi Yin's eyes were cold: "The governor is so arrogant and presumptuous, isn't he afraid of being robbed?"

"Have been robbed?" Lin Fan chuckled lightly, "I have known since I was a child that there are towers and towers outside the mountains, that the strong have their own strong hands, but here, at this time, are there such people?"

Lin Fan glanced at Xi Yin strangely: "Could it be that you are the so-called strong player? Then do you want to fight?"

Xi Yin narrowed his eyes suddenly.

His fighting spirit is boiling, his fighting blood is roaring, and he is going to fight.

But reason is telling him, don't act rashly.

Without the certainty of victory, if you go to a battle, you will be famous all over the world if you win, but if you lose, you will be completely defeated and there will be no future.

"Xi Yin, let's fight!"

"Xi Yin, go kill him and let him know that we cannot be bullied!"

"Brother Xiyin"

Many people in the restricted area are furious.

Lin Fan swept across the two of them, ruined them, and made them all lose face. At this time, he desperately hoped that Xi Yin would fight to clear their names.

Xi Yin's face was gloomy, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

"Xi Yin!" The woman with the crescent moon between her eyebrows said, her voice was stern: "Aren't you going to fight? Is that invincible Xi Yin who has been rampant for many times buried because of the years?"

Doubts also appeared in the eyes of others, and afterward, Qiu Xiyin went to fight neatly.

"Forcing him for what? If you want to fight, just come." Lin Fan said calmly, and he walked to his seat. On the way, the man with a long snake like rotten meat was an eyesore. The snake man was instantly sent back ten feet.

Sitting down, he smiled indifferently: "I'm waiting for you, do you want to fight?"

"My brother is bullying people again." Princess Jue smiled. She came, and of course there were all the older people who were separated and feasted behind her.

And behind Princess Jue was Uncle Guo with a frosty face, he shouted, "Xi Yin, what's going on?"

Xi Yin's complexion changed slightly: "Father, this Lin Fan is arrogant, he is acting recklessly and fiercely here, and now he is even more aggressive against the child."

Uncle Guo narrowed his eyes slightly, and Princess Jue smiled and said, "Uncle Guo has long anticipated the fight here, and he was worried that my interest would be disturbed by the fight between you and others. You don't have to worry about your adoptive father blaming you."

Xi Yin's face turned pale for an instant.

The banquet was separated and arranged by him. If Lin Fan died, at least he would be embarrassed and vent his anger for coming to the uncle's mansion during this period of time.

But in the end, it turned out to be so unbearable. On the contrary, Lin Fan's prestige was fulfilled again, and even the uncle Guo was ashamed!

When Lin Fan was drinking, he looked at Uncle Guo, and said with a smile, "Uncle Guo is really good at it. There are so many leftovers from the forbidden area, and they are all in the bag. Everyone is a hero and dragon and phoenix, with outstanding heads. Silver gun candle ends, but not too many, the Bendu admires."

This sentence is too embarrassing.


At this moment, a blood-stained figure rushed out of the huge hole that was knocked out by Chu Feng, leaping like a dragon into the sky, turning itself into a sharp sword, and slashed towards Lin Fan.

"Chu Feng!" Xi Yin yelled, her face anxious.

Everything can be justified if we do it before the princess comes.

But now, the princess is here, and it is obvious that when Lin Fan has shown mercy, if Chu Feng still makes a move, Lin Fan beheading him is asking for his own death!

"Kill!" Chu Feng roared.

Today, he lost to Xu Yang first, and then lost to Lin Fan. It seemed that the glory of the past was gone overnight. At this moment, he only wanted to kill Lin Fan!


Lin Fan didn't move, and the Zhutian Zhengming lying on his knee turned into a golden light and charged away, nailing Chu Feng into the void!

"Lin Fan show mercy." Xi Yin shouted anxiously.

This Chu Feng, he must keep.

Lin Fan glanced at him contemptuously, and Xi Yin sternly said, "Don't force me to fight with you."

"Waiting for you to fight."

Lin Fan icy counterattacked, the heavens contended, thousands of rules erupted, and Chu Feng, who was nailed in the void, was killed into powder. Lin Fan shot at the right time and grabbed a piece of mysterious rune in the blood mist.

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