The battle was too fierce, the wind was raging, and the fighting spirit split the sky, which shocked the entire uncle's mansion.

There was a big battle here, which shocked a group of people.

This is the feast of the uncle's mansion, who dares to make trouble here?

But they didn't see even the slightest bit of anger from the uncle Guo's face; it was obvious that there would be a dispute today, and the uncle Guo had already known it in his heart, and even many guests felt that maybe the dispute itself was the result of the uncle's permission. , or under arrangement.

"When the younger generation gathers, there will naturally be fights, and they are full of blood; no one will obey the other." Uncle Guo smiled lightly, and said, "Haven't we never been young?"

Everyone had to apologize.

Uncle Guo looked at Princess Jue and asked with a smile, "What does the princess think?"

Princess Jue has bright eyes and bright teeth, like a banished fairy descending into the mortal world, she heard the words and said softly: "What Uncle Guo said is exactly that when so many heroes gather, it is always a matter of winning or losing and competing for strength."

Uncle Guo narrowed his eyes slightly: "There are a lot of princesses, and the old minister is afraid of disturbing the princess's interest because of the fight. Then the old minister will die without redemption."

Princess Jue's melodious voice sounded like golden pearls falling on a jade plate: "As long as the uncle of the country allows it, how can I blame the palace? The younger generation's struggle for supremacy represents the emergence of a large number of talents from the seventh world, each leading the way for 3000 years."

None of the guests dared to speak.

Just a chill down the spine.

Uncle Guo and Princess Jue seem to be in harmony, and they are smiling again and again, which is a great picture of the harmony between the monarch and his ministers.

But in fact, the verbal confrontation between the two is a fight without gunpowder.

The deep meaning of what Uncle Guo said is that the younger generation is fighting for the hegemony, no matter who lives or dies, your highness the princess will not care about it.

As for Princess Jue, she retaliated without showing any traces. This Palace will absolutely not care about it. Anyway, you will end up humiliating yourself in the end.

The confrontation between the two of them made the atmosphere of the audience delicate.

floating island.

Lin Fan drank alcohol on his own, and did not watch the final battle at all.

"Hehe, what a calm and breezy scene."

At this time, someone said that he also came from the restricted area, and he was in human form, but his long hair turned out to be a ferocious little snake.

Lin Fan raised his eyes slightly, glanced at this person, and did not speak.

"Hmph, it's just pretending. In the final analysis, he, Lin Fan, is just making a name for himself. He pushed his brother to die, and he is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai."

Someone spoke again.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, but still didn't respond.

"Hey, the deity is talking to you, didn't you hear me?" The man with hissing snakes all over his head scolded coldly, pointing at Lin Fan.

"I know you?" Lin Fan shot back coldly.

"Good dog, what's your attitude? You know, a long time ago, when we were born, the world will worship you. Your ancestors kowtowed at my knees." There is a crescent moon imprint, from which the water-like moonlight sprinkles, making her look celestial.

"A long time ago?" Lin Fan sneered, "This is no longer your era."

The faces of a group of descendants of the restricted area suddenly became stern.

These words were too direct and ruthless, tearing apart some of the things they tried so hard to pick up.

"What are you? We came from the restricted area, and we have dominated many eras. In front of us, do you have the right to shout?"

Someone spoke again, this is a monkey-like humanoid creature covered in golden hair, but in fact he is Zhu Yan, this family is even more terrible, the population is sparse, but there has been more than one god.

"Then let's fight." Lin Fan said, pointing to a group of people: "Which one of you will come? Or go together?"

He has no fear at all.

These restricted areas are indeed very extraordinary, but Xi Yin is the only one who can catch his fancy, and nothing else.

Xi Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled: "Why should Governor Lin be angry?"

Lin Fan glanced at him.

Seeing Lin Fan's sudden gesture, Xi Yin's heart surged with murderous intent, he asked with a smile, "Could it be that the governor is not worried?"

"What are you worried about?" Lin Fan gave him a strange look: "You think I should be worried that the pickled stuff can make Xu Yang lose?"

"Chu Feng, the eighteenth generation grandson of the God of Chu, is not a pickle. It has suppressed three eras and killed them so that no one dared to be called the arrogance of heaven." Xi Yin said slowly.

"The deity said that the era that belongs to you has passed, and you have survived to this life. If you follow the trend, understand the general situation, and protect yourself wisely, you can live well. Suppress and kill." Lin Fan's words were sonorous.

He doesn't have the slightest liking for these descendants of the restricted area who came from the restricted area and spoke high above others, as if they were born superior.

"Suppress and kill us? If the emperor doesn't come out, who dares to come?"

A group of forbidden children laughed, as if they heard the funniest joke.

The man with long hair full of little snakes was the most joyous, he pointed at Lin Fan: "You are the one who killed us?"

He actually included all the talents of the Seventh Realm here, and pointed them one by one: "Or these waste materials?"

He was so arrogant that even Yingjie, who was close to the uncle's house, had a dark face.

"Okay, I will kill you later." Lin Fan spoke, confident.

Xi Yin's eyes were cold: "I feel that the governor should first think about how to deal with the anger of General Zhantian and how to avenge the Major General."

"Do you think Xu Yang will lose?" Lin Fan stuffed himself into the chair and stretched comfortably.

"Otherwise?" Xi Yin sneered, "Do you think he can win against the descendants of God Chu?"

Lin Fan didn't speak, Xi Yin mocked: "You and I bet for fun?"

"What are you betting on?" Lin Fan asked casually.

Xi Yin smiled grimly: "Just bet on the two of them winning or losing. If Xu Yang loses, you need it."

Before he could finish his sentence, the man who was full of snakes neighing grinned: "If Xuyang dies, you should kneel in front of this deity and admit that you are all ants, and we are the only ones in your generation who can be honored."

"Okay, my deity agrees!" Lin Fan's eyes suddenly darkened!

On the sky, Xu Yang stepped on the sky knife, maintaining order, killing all directions, Lin Fan was speechless, and shouted: "How long do you want to play?"

After saying this, Xi Yin's face suddenly changed!

After fighting for such a long time, could it be that Xu Yang has never had the intention to kill, made a killing intent, and tried his best?

"It's hard to meet such an opponent." Xu Yang's voice came from high above.

"Hurry up, there are more than ten people below, are you still afraid that no one will be a sandbag?" Lin Fan urged.

Such words made the dozen or so survivors of the restricted area wish they could rush up and chop Lin Fan into pieces.

How arrogant is this?

Treat them all like sandbags.

"I really forgot about this." Xu Yang said a little embarrassedly, and then he roared - "I have a knife that can cut the sky!"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He knew that the war was over.

This knife is the emperor-level secret technique of Zhan Tianjiang, which has been invincible for many years.

Sure enough, blood flew up, and the headless torso fell down.

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